Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The Huntsmans Lodge
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Edit: Guild is not active until Vannas makes his way back to Booty Bay, and talks to a few people. Once it's active, I will announce it here.

A flier is seen on billboards in a few neutral cities.
It reads:

"Ever thought of hunting? Ever wanted to have a bear head mounted on your wall? Or a soft fur rug to go in front of the fireplace? A small country cottage directly west of Southshore is the place to be! The chance to show off your hunting skills is now here!"

Who will be in the guild? A few local people that want to please the masses and help them achieve bragging rights.

Where is it located? A small country house occupied in season for sports such as hunting, fishing, archery and the such, directly west of Southshore.

When can we go? Any time you please!

What do you intend to do? We assign people to accompany you in your hunt, to protect you, to help you track the animals, and to haul it back to camp.

Why do you want to do this? Simple, to take the RP out of BB, and to move it to the wilderness.

How can you join? Contact 'Vannas' IG. Or even contact me via a PM!
Great to see you're doing this. I may or may not have a character to participate...
The name of the guild reminds me of the anime Fairy Tale, it would be nice if we had a guild based on that. I'm totally in.