Conquest of the Horde

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Like I said- I don't think bruisers would do anything at all. As long as they put a tax on the people operating out of the bay and (almost assuredly) outsell the person in the long run, there's no reason to ruin your image by cracking down on a trader in the bay. After all, the last thing you want in a trade port is to deter traders coming in and out.

Kinda like how Bilgewater Port operates on Kezan- They allow other cartels and tradesmen to go about their business, and fine them for use of the area.
I understand and can agree to that point mate. Cause that was how I saw the old Cartel working with it. Sort of like the Goblin towns as a sort of outlet mall and the groups just working within them and giving profits to the Goblins. I do not know how the others work with that though, I think the thing that was/is unsettling me with the logic of saying you are being taxed is that it is an easy cheat/cope-out. Same with the whole bribing thing. There is no economy on CoTH, so they are easy cheap things to use.

But then again, I don't see much trouble coming from it either. So moo to you.

Another question though, since folks were talking so much on it.

I was wondering about this. Say another dude shanked this one person in an alley. You or another gets on to puppet the Gob Guard. Then this player claims to have bribed the guard. What do you suggest to be the appropriate action in general? Say it is the GM call? Or have a unified set up for such a moment?

If you do allow bribing, what do you think are good methods in handling it so that it does not cause to much work/stress onto the players and staff? Or to control it from being abused?
Well, bribery and trade RP are two rather different things.

While merchant RP can be done without an economy (Bearing that people are reasonable- granted, they are not always, but it is has few ramifications to have an average Joe buying a sword), bribing a guard has an affect on other people, since more often than not your bribing to cover up for something your character did to another.

Because of a lack of an economy, bribing is a no. While trading stuff is harmless to others, the ability to pull a sack of gold out due to lack of OOC structure on money and get away from the law is just kinda unfair.

What I personally tend to do with bribing is have the guards milk the guy for all they can get (All the guards, not just one!) and then have them jail him for some extra cash on their paycheck. While other GMs may be more forward, simply throwing someone out or jailing them, none of us will allow bribery.
I understand bribery and trade are two different things. I thought I made my change in topic clearer but I am very sorry if I didn't.

Since you answered those questions and I have little else to say on them since I agree fully to what you stated on bribing I got another. Any GM can answer, or just player. Since this is a group effort I assume. Someone made a lovely post that listed a great variety of ideas but it made me wonder on another.

I do not know if it is still going on, but I remember there being some minor disagreements about mounts in Alliance cities. And I've seen a Gob puppet care about mounts sometimes, and then not care others. Depending on who was around. Should the -type- of mount, no matter how it acts, be something to look at as well? Same with certain pets? I know Goblins are know to sell nearly anything, but how do people suppose they would fell to others bringing them in?
Personally I only see gobbins carrying about big mounts that would impede traffic due to size, such as elekks and kodos. Also ones that might attack people.

That could be an issue too. :>

(I wasn't misunderstanding the seperation on bribery and trade, by the by- I was just trying to show how the situation with IC money differs on each.)

I'd have to say the same about pets- if they're dangerous or too big, they would tell them to take the thing out.

There's also a little spot to park mounts and such outside the bay, so if a concern ever did arise they would probably just direct them there.

Pretty much as long as the animal isn't disruptive to people, I doubt anyone would care. :B
Then I apologize for misunderstanding the wording of your sentence.

But what could qualify as dangerous or attack people? To a Goblin, I am sure a horse would seem large, and what leaves you to rely on the owner that it will not rear up and bonk ya hard on the noggin? Most of the Goblin areas, I am still trying to remember with Ratchet and the few in Outland…, have outposts for pets. But if players still wish to bring theirs in, even if they are not the great Kodo and scary elephant, would there be a sort of idea of how you are working with that idea of dangerous?

Say in Booty Bay, a motorbike or… Horse? I guess anything none Horde besides that cat and Elekk. Rushes through, not impeding traffic but rushes through. While I know few, if any, players will have it happen it does provide a danger of shoving them into the water below the bay doesn't it? I do know the cities are larger than what they are in game, I only wish to ask so that I can know.

I only asked about pets to see if it would follow under the common sense rule of it you had some different or new idea to handle it that might be worth sharing.
Well, I believe both pets and mounts really fall under common sense, personally.

(Then again, sense is not common to everyone in the same way.)

An example: When approaching a horse, at no point does the thought cross your mind, "Wow. This thing could -end- me right here. My neck could be ripped out." Now compare that horse to a raptor or wolf, and that concern is a ton more valid.

And I say it falls under common sense mostly because people can't realistically expect a GM to run over whenever there's a pet or mount coming into the bay, to act out what the guards would do. :x While some may get mentioned by guards, most the time we're not going to be around and puppeting if a guy is just strolling in on his tiger.

Not to sound lazy, but it just isn't possible. We can't be everywhere, seeing everything, heh.

Referring to size, its also a lot different if a horse runs into you than if a kodo were to. A horse would be terribly unpleasant, yes, but an elephant or kodo...

Well, yeah, that might be a few notches past unpleasant.
I don't wish you to think I am calling you or waiting for a chance to call you lazy. And I clearly see how impossible this would likely be.

I just want to see someone else thoughts on things and what someone's points would be who is actually going to be in charge of running a goblin in a way that will make it a smoother job for all involved.
RiffRaff Wrote:I don't wish you to think I am calling you or waiting for a chance to call you lazy. And I clearly see how impossible this would likely be.

I just want to see someone else thoughts on things and what someone's points would be who is actually going to be in charge of running a goblin in a way that will make it a smoother job for all involved.

Not accusing you of such!

And yar, I know. I just thought I would give my opinion as well.
Speaking of opinions, what are yours of one of the original posts? Beltharean's I believe. Seeing how his was the largest and most agreed on so far, at least from what it appears I don't want to speak for all who may more than likely think different. Or, for the sake of generalizing, this whole matter.

You, or any on the staff, will be in charge of puppetting. So no matter what a player says, it will also require thought and opinion on the GM staff in order to form a unionized collection of how to handle and operate the matter in question. How are you thinking things should run or responses / reactions the Guards should have? I know it tends to be different for all and that is why I ask.

I am also very sorry if all this seems jumbled and sloppy. I think I am up past my time to pass out on my pillow.
Thats alright- I passed out first, heh. As far as Beltharean's post, I like it! Though it is worth bearing in mind that not every situation will be able to be handled by the book- either way, I think it's a good guide for most issues.
Handled by the book and most issues. Can you say more on that? More opinion all in all I think is what I am asking. I know that not every situation is exactly the same and so cannot have the same response. But I see the main point of this thread as a way for the staff to get unionized in their handling of the Guard puppets, at least in Goblin areas and for a way so players can actually have a more solid idea of what the boundary line is. Due to the fact that no one is exactly the same, it is simple to say that not every matter will be handled the same when it comes to any Goblin city. So perhaps we can see where you believe the boundary line should be when it comes to such matters, or any others if they care to speak in 'ere.
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