Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: And things go from bad... to worse
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[left]Well this is a story all about how my laptops got %$#ed over upside down...[/left]

Alright, not really a story.

But basicly, my good laptop decided to turn off... and it hasn't turned back on since.

And then I reverted back to the old laptop I use to use, and it had Coth on external hardrive.

[left]When I picked the laptop up, the External hardrive fell...[/left]

I am now without an External Hardrive.

So here I am, on the laptop that I used before the laptop I used before getting the laptop that died...

It has wow... I think... I need to repair it.

[left]I might be gone for awile.[/left]
Son. I am disappoint.

I know the feeling, hope you get it all worked out.
Krilari-san! :O

Sad panda... Rio and Delco will miss the rping.
Use the torrent in the Downloads section to get the patches!
Clovis Wrote:Son. I am disappoint.

Hurry back, Prancingstar. Or else. We'll miss you, Fairy Princess. <3
Who will make our wishes come true now?! D':
Get on AIM so I can harass you about being a noob there.

The laptop I was using was pretty old...

but not horribad...

Or so I thought.

[left]Tonight the laptop's visual drive decided to crash on me.[/left]

I have Sh*t luck...

Absolutely no clue when I'll manage to get back on.

Much love Coth,


EDIT: If you wanna do text RP, you can catch me over skype @ matthew4665.
Well, its a good thing there isn't any event you'll need to get to tomorrow.


DAMMOT, KRILARI. You're getting as much bad technology voodoo as I do!

And that's never a good thing. I'm flying over there to beat your PC with an anti-hex stick and see if that helps.
Good game Kril nub. :P At least I already pester you on occasion. Mwhahaha! *Pester pester*
For some reason I couldn't keep the Prince of Bel-Air theme to synch with the first post... *Analyzes* Welp, anyway. Me hopes everything works out good! Trust me, I know what this is like.
I'm back

Download finished today

Also, look what I got my hands on

Three F@#king Terabyte External Harddrive

So yeah, I'll have a backup this time.
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