Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: I am -not- a traitor!
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...Ok, so the title is a bit of a lie.

Prologue has released, and I'm honestly -addicted-. There are many, many little things that annoyed me about CoTH and all of these seem to be gone on Prologue. I'll likely be logging on -very- rarely if at all again.

If any of my characters actually are missed, here's an explanation as to where they are:

Keak has "rediscovered his faith" and has left the bay. He he last a note detailing this, but leaves out any location he might be. Please note, his padded leather has been left behind and his plate mail is gone...but oddly enough, his Vindictive Light tabard is gone to.

Cameron has left the Catacombs to continue his extensive research, and did not so much as leave a note for Mistal.....the fact that most of the books in his office are gone should be note enough. There is also an open journal in the research area detailing his progress, and his need to leave.

Faeron has traveled out of Silvermoon, looking to better himself as a Blood Knight. No note, whatsoever.

Kerok has returned to Thunderbluff, hoping to live out a peaceful life away from conflict in his homelands.


Well...there it is. See ya, nubs.

TRAITOR! -.-'''''''''''''

Come back soon, Demi still needs people to be a jerk to!
The one downside to Prologue? So many people online at once, I need to wait in a queue before I can get on the server.

And Demi, don't worry...there are plenty other Piratemercenarypaladins in BB for you to be a jerk to.