Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Suggestions for my staff?
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I need YOU people, to suggest some models for a staff I need for roleplaying my character:

I was thinking in one called Abracadaver, but it's too common around the server. I need something original, devilish looking, and not too big so that it looks like i'm holding the World Tree trunk.
In WoW, big = evil. Prime Example, Archimonde.
I know, but it just seems unreal to see a little blood elf holding this huge monster.
I checked wowhead and got three that could do:

Which would you say fits best?
All are personally too shiny for my likes.
I personally suggest that your warlock will not be as flashy as most warlocks are. Makes you easy to identify. And there are people that really don't like warlocks... like... REALLY don't like 'em. So my suggestion is go -simple-.