Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: What crazy outside force brought these two together?
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- Reigen's ex-fiancé's on the guestlist.
Good. The more the merrier. The more violence the better, it's Reigen's wedding, it doesn't have to make sense. XD
I have the most ADORABLE sculpture for you both.

I'll show you on the day...
I don't know if I'll have the wedding gift finished in time, but I did start it.

Kapre will surely attend, though. He may even bring gifts :)
Bezington will probably attend the wedding, and he will officially burn Reigen's matchmaking profile as a gift >:3
What about Krilari? 8D
Aulten will supply the happy couple with approximately one pint of Fel Blood. Krilari will hate him for it.
Richtnel's so there. But what to bring as a gift?

I know! Reigen's tongue!

[Image: 20110128203738!Trollface.png]
Richtnel is KOS <____<
Just a remind the event will be held on this coming dat (June 18th) at 1:00 PM Server time.

A special thanks goes out to;

And anyone else I might've missed for their help in setting up the event.

*Raises glass*
Ooh joy, Prancingstar. I shall be sure to be home in time to deliver the pint of Fel Blood to the happy couple.
Thank you to everyone who came out and made this a great event!

For lolz, a few more facts about the wedding after the fact;

- Naria ws our fourth priest (AKA, our back up of the back up which was orignally going to back up the back up)
- The Event lasted for five and a half hours worth of RP
- 'Thriller' and 'the Pick of Destiny' was played at the wedding.

And a list of gifts:

Reigen got nine cats, one of which is pregnant with five more.
-Smaller white Kitten - Snowy
-American cureal - Mini
-Black and white Kitten - Cookie
-Calico - Meekers
-Tortashell - Splash
-Orange stripped - Orangy
-Black cat - Inky
-Grey - Animal
-Penguin - Chilly
-Rock in shape of cat - Rocky
-Paper cat drawing - Flatty.
-Mechanical Squirrel - Twitchy

Yes, she got a penguin too. Also,

-A torch of holy flame
-Skeleton key-rod-thing
-A wine bottle full of demon blood (Which was promptly thrown away)
-A necklace from Merewen
-A necklce from Len'tor
- A locket
-Litter Boxes
-Potion of Giant's Growth

Krilari was much harder to think of a gift for; He got...

-A mug
-A sword
-An enchanted Blacksmith's hammer which is awfuly similar to Thor's Hammer.
-A book titled '101 ways to stay sane' Inside of it is, of course, porn.
-Viagra (In the form of 'Giant's growth potion')
-A Carving of a bride and groom.
(There might be more, my memory betrays me at the moment)

Together, they both got;

-The Grace of Arianna's pressence
-An All-Expense-Paid Honeymoon to wherever they want
-New bedtime 'clothing'.
-Kapre's bouquet
Real question, though. Was the porn thrown away?
I'll give you two guesses

And it isn't 'yes'.
Burning isn't the same as throwing away.
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