Conquest of the Horde

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'T seems my time is up. School is pushing hard and parents are being annoying. As for my characters:

Andarun Thunderhammer - Westfall Brigade camp in Grizzly Hills, treating his wounds.

Galden Coldfury - In Ironforge, tossin' blessings at people and being an old d0rf fart.

Roddrick Steelsmith - Still cursing Perenolde's name and drinking in the Southshore inn.

Alarios Wildleaf - Wandering around Ashenvale and evading orcish axes.

Hagin Flamegear - Burninatin' yo troggs in Dun Morogh.

And that sums it up, I guess. Hopefully, I'll be back in a month, give or take. I luff j00 gaise. <3

I'll be a forum lurker for this month or so, but don't expect to see me ingame!
Hope your school year ends on good terms!
With the sheer amount of new absences and ragequits, I decided to bring some good (or bad, if you don't like me) news.

My school year has ended much better than I anticipated. In Serbia, we use numbers for grades, and we have 15 subjects. I've got twelve 5s (equivalent to an A), two 4s (B), and a 3 ©, my average grade is 4,73. Which is a lot higher than I expected it to be.

Now, I've made two new characters which I'll mostly RP: Romnar and Azul'won.

See ya in-game. :D.

Lame news! EWWWW!


From now on, I shall call you Cathaniel, simply because I can.

And a hug, because you requested it. <Insert long hug of love here>
Catriel Cattahan.
Catuna Windcatter.
Cathaniel Catwalker.
Catnard Catslicer.
Catexx Bloodcat.

And so forth.