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Demon Hunter.

Ok, ok, before you shoot me down completely, as I'm sure you want to, just hear me out. Then shoot me down as you see fit.

I know the GMs and Grunts at hand have really strong reservations about Demon Hunters, especially coming from newcomers like myself, and that's totally understandable. The class is a powerful one, there is lots of lore to be considered, (though you'll find I am pretty well-versed and fussy over Warcraft lore to begin with. Fussy as in I hate seeing it bastardized.)

There are two principal reasons I want to RP as a demon hunter. One is the obvious, and it applies to most of the people named "Illidann" on retail servers who RP as demon hunters, and that is they look really awesome. The second is because I honestly find the lore interesting and intriguing, and would like to explore the growth and persona of demon hunter more closely.

I know that the process of becoming a demon hunter is long and arduous, and that something like 97% of those training to become a demon hunter go insane. I know they are shunned and cast out by many societies.

My plan isn't to go make a level one night elf and say he is a demon hunter right away, either. I would probably begin with a hot-tempered Night Elf warrior or rogue, who can be over-zealous, loves vengeance, etc., a classic candidate for a demon hunter. I'll make a more in-depth character if this is okay-ed, obviously. I'll also not have an insta-demon hunter, and the majority of his RP will be his training, talking about his training, etc., etc. Basically what I'm trying to say is that this is all tentative, and I'm not asking for a level 70 night elf with warglaives who has the Metamorphosis ability in his spell-book.

Essentially what I am asking is will this be ok in say a few months time, when I've (hopefully) got all my vouches, have been here for awhile, and have a good in-game backstory and history for my night elf warrior.

Oh, and yes, I've done all the reading on prestige classes, why this server doesn't have demon hunters, etc. I'm not even really asking for a prestige class, it's more just wanting to know if I'll get in trouble for RPing as a demon hunter.
The Demon Hunter.

That´s what the last person that played as a demon hunter did, can you provide the same amount with the same quality?

And even if you can there´s one minor thing; the prestige classes are not in place and demon hunter isn´t even one of them anyway.

I personally think that you first should play a more normal character, night elf, human, whatever, and prove yourself for us, show that you have the maturity, skill and knowledge to characterize a demon hunter good. This is absolutely not a guarantee that demon hunter will become allaivable (I doubt they will myself, but I´ll leave it up to the more experienced and knowledgeable GMs to explain their resentment against the class) or that you will be allowed to play one, but maybe when you´ve done that you can apply for one of the other (just as awesome) prestige classes (if they are open that is).
First of all, I would like to say that it will problley not happen.

To get yourself that title would require the gm's to put speicial attention on one person.

If one person gets a title, I assume more people would want one.

I'm completely clueless on what demon hunters do, so i'll try not to shoot it down too much...

Why do you need a title to play your character?

Again, i'm clueless as what demon hunters do, so i'll edit this as I learn, but couldn't you just act evil (If demon hunters are evil), or if they hunt demons for the greater good, couldn't you just say you are willed to hunt down the chaotic?

Applying the title makes it -very- specific on that you want to do. Hunt demons. If your character lacks a title, he could become -anything- he wants to be.

To me, I would prefer not ever having a title. A title makes you stick to that area forever. If you have no title, you can sway back and forth. To me, this would be more interesting. You would be unpredictable, have many identities (In the case of Tobala) and be able to do things that you couldn't do if you had a title.

Short summary...

Titles limit creativity. If you get a title, you'll be black and white, so to speak.

*Was too slow typing this, Nostra beat me to it! Doh!

[[Edit: ::Coughs:: Just got done scrowling through what Nostra had posted...I'll rephrase the 'summary' part.
Scratch the creativity part, you can obviously be that, but if you get a title, you'll be predictable. I s'pose that's fair for some people, but I would hate to be predictable.]]
Yes, and that was essentially what I planned on doing when I said this was all tentative and would take months.

I don't even require a title, and saying that a prestige class limits creativity is like saying all rogues have to be ninjas: It's only true if the people at hand are unoriginal.

And I am not asking for special attention, just merely the ok to create a character who would eventually become a demon hunter initiate. I don't require a title, any custom gear, etc. This post was simply asking for an "Okay."
Feel free to read my whole post, especialy the part about playing a normal character first.
Gaah. Demon Hunter Elves. I do NOT want these to start popping up everywhere like the recent flood of Blood Elves. Chances are that if the GMs let one person be a Demon Hunter, others will want it too- and it being the "Angsty Badass" type of character... Eeeyuch.

Also, I'm pretty sure no one can get prestige titles now, otherwise I'd have Tarius all over the Fel-Sworn title.
Jordoom Wrote:I'm not even really asking for a prestige class, it's more just wanting to know if I'll get in trouble for RPing as a demon hunter.
Yes, I believe so, as it would be title claiming.
You would.