Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Drugs and Drug-use in-game (A question)
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Well, Seeing as smoking and drinking is well in the game, I wanted to see what's all your opinions on drugs in-game, I'll post my ideas

But wait, Aren't most drugs chemicals these days?
Yes they are, But I was thinking more along the line of natural drugs, I won't raise any names but I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about.

How would they play out in-game?
Seeing as every drug has a different effect and a different effect on different people, I would say It's up to the consumer to play it out appropriately.
I doubt they are illegal in the WoW time-set so I would think they can also be made into a profitable business, Seeing how people can get addicted to some drugs easily, It could be of a nice profit.

But we already have drugs in-game!
I am aware that Fel magic and Arcane magic are addictive and have roughly the same effect as most drugs minus the actual "Trip", But my idea was to incorporate actual herbs of hallucination or certain drinks, Just like shamanistic "Vision" potions or herbs, They could be imported to certain places and sold for simple enjoyment.

I'd love to hear your comments about this subject and I think It'll have a great new aspect to role playing... For me, Atleast.

And if this topic is a little out of place, Or doesn't belong at all in the CoTH forums (Being PG-13), Then please remove it or tell me so and I'll remove it on my own
This guide has a list of a lot of ingame herbs and such, and the effects they might have on a person.
I have a gnome (that I used to play..It has been awhile.) that sold drug muffins.

Perdy awesome stuff. :3
Thanks Scout!

I've just wanted to make a drug dealer character lately, Thought it would be fun!
Dust is sort of a drug-dealer. He mostly sticks to medicine and potions, but I've done the drug thing in RP. Sometimes for medicine, sometimes for fun. I enjoy playing up the addiction, too. I think drugs are a natural fit in the world.
Yeah, I plan on making a drug addicted character and a drug dealer one, To experience that part of the role play as well
Sounds alright, I used to have a couple of friends on retail that sold some special herbs. Made them some money and gave us something to role-play about.
GHI is an awesome tool for creating items with neat sound and colour effects to simulate a 'drug'.
If you want some pointers on how to make GHI drugs let me know
Yeah DuskWolf, If you could post some it would be great, Thanks!
I'm still curious as to what was in Jen's "bags" from the ambush the other day. :|
What exactly are in the tauren peace pipes anyway?
Those things are gigantic.
This could post out a very interesting role play aspect, the whole idea of actual drug usage. After all why just limit it to arcane and Fel magic users?