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Easy Combat Roller Beta 0.2

For you people that don't want to read though my long post this is in a nut shell. I made an RP rolling addon, that takes into consideration your class and your opponents class, and rolls accordingly. Download it install it and type in /ecr, you will figure it out.

Easy Combat Roller Beta 0.2

Well I was at an event recently and I got an idea. As many of you know I have been trying to make a roller for a long time, this time I think I finally got it, it is simple and effective. This is only supposed to be a step above the normal d100 rolling that we use now. Helping the RP combat become more varied and easier to work with. This is a addon not a GHI item so it should be easier to distribute it dose use GHI buffs but you do not need GHI for it to be functional. Also, this roller is more made for events and PvE not so much PvP but you could still use it for PvP easaly.

I have made seven rolls Melee Attack, Range Attack, Magic Attack, Melee defend, Range Defend, Magic Defend, Heal. Each class get different values for each roll making them have a grater chance to succeed in there specialties. There is a few more functionalities like HP but you have to have GHI for that to work.

How it works

Here is an example.

First you type
[Image: ECRhpType.png]
to set your HP
[Image: ECRhpBuff.png]

Then TARGET who you would like to do battle with. (It will not work if you have no target)

If you are attacking you start with one of the attack rolls if you are getting attacked you do a defence roll. We are attacking first.
[Image: ECRmelType.png]

Once you enter the text your roll appears in the local defence channel and you emote out the rest of you post like so.
[Image: ECRmelRoll.png]
Now it is the NPC's turn to attack, so you type out a defence like so
[Image: ECRmldType.png]

Like before your roll appears in the local defence and you emote out the rest. But with defence you get an extra bones, our resealing little pigman it able it hit me back for a crit and as you can see I lose 2 HP. If it were a normal hit I would only lose one.
[Image: ECRmldRoll.png]

So it goes back and forth till some one loses all there HP. The NPCs HP will be determined by the GM, DM, your self or whoever is in charge of the battle.


Slash Commands
/ecr to see what slash commands are available to you
/mel <emote> to make a Melee Attack Roll
/rng <emote> to make a Range Attack Roll
/mgk <emote> to make a Magic Attack Roll
/mld <emote> to make a Melee Defence Roll
/rnd <emote> to make a Range Defence Roll
/mgd <emote> to make a Magic Defence Roll
/heal <emote> to make a Healing Roll
/hp to set your hp
/inp to see your opponents Level, Class and Stats

Class Stats

Magic Defence is the same for a Heal roll
[Image: ECRchart.png]

NPC level

A player is at the same level as a Rare. These stats are add to the class stats but never go below 0.

Worldboss = 30
Rareelite = 20
Elite = 10
Rare = 0
Normal = -10

These numbers add to the lower number so if you are a warrior and doing a melee attack roll it would be random from 40 to 100

Crit is when you beat your opponents roll and you are above 90

Heal is above 50 and crit above 90


The rolls go into the Defense Channel, I decided to use this channel because, it changes for every zone, so if two people are battling in separate parts of the world things will not get confusing. Also, we are not using the channel for any thing else. If the GMs or the popular vote do not like this I will figure out something else, but I do think this is the best place for it.

This is an open beta so please try it out and give me your feed back. I need to make sure the classes are balanced. Also if you find any bugs post below. If you have any suggestions, questions or constitutive criticism I would love to hear it. Also if you would like to help me build more please PM me and I will share coding ideas.

To Do list
- Spacial rolls
- PvP auto HP
- Racial Traits
- fix inspect slash comand
- fix warrior stats
- Raid icons into the rolls
That's... great. I'll download it ASAP.
I'll go ahead and suggest you could add minor changes (Like, 5 instead of 30) as racial traits - Elves are faster, orcs are stronger, and so forth.

...I'm trying this addon and so far, I'm in love with it.

EDIT: Idea.
Is it possible to make the rolls get posted in party or raid chat? That would make things easier. Since most events are made in raids, and even PvP fights usually have a party.
That is a great idea about the races. I will have to throw down another chart and see what I can come up with.

Yes I can have the rolls posted in raid or party chance but the reason I didn't do this was because we love to use raid and party chat for OOC chatter and I didn't want the rolls to get lost in it. But that is why there is betas so we can test things out and see what people like.
Well, I am a little confused. I looked at the Classes table and Mages and Warlocks get 0 at Melee attack. I think this is a little unfair, considering many mages and 'locks wield swords and such. Yes, I agree that their attack stats when it comes to melee should be low, compared to the rest of the classes, but definitely not a zero.

And I personally like the idea of the LocalDefense, but if the zone is swarmed with RP, it still might get confusing (imagine 3 battles going on at the same time in STV for example). Maybe we could be given a choice in the settings of the AddOn to choose between Party, Raid and LocalDefense channels?

Anyway, downloading it now. Seems nice! :)

EDIT: I downloaded it and went testing... and every time I try, I get better melee rolls. I am testing it on a mage character, mind you! It needs a bit of work, I suppose...? :|

EDIT 2: Or... could be odd chances. Tried doing 3 MGK and 3 MEL rolls in a row against one NPC... MGK were overall better.
Thou shalt make an evasion roll function. I think that's my only complaint. A lot of defense rolls, especially for rogues, use evasion instead of some kinda parry. I guess one could use the melee defense roll, but I dunno. It does't really feel like the same thing.
This seems interesting, when I can, I will try this out. ^^
Sounds neat. Testing as I type this.
Mayhaps create an event to try this out with many people and classes and see how it shall work.
@ dastmo - I see where you are coming from, if i were to make a mage, I would have him good with a sword. However the way I look at it is, if a mage were to attack a warrior in melee the warrior would have at least a 40% better chance of success being he is one that lives and dies by the sword. A mage's has practiced years and years to master his magic which would leave little room to master melee. I am not saying a mage can't use a sword chances are you will still brake through a warriors defenses some of the time. But like I said before this is why we have betas to smooth things out like this.

As far as your rolls that is just the chances, you will never roll lower than a 50 with magic attack on a mage but that dose not mean you wont roll 90s on a melee

@Roxas65 - I too would love to put tuns of different attack and defenses but it gets very complicated very quickly, an evasion roll would be under melee defense, or any defense for that mater. I am trying to keep the roller as lest as easy as the normal rolling we do with an event. However, I will conceder evasion as a class spacial roll latter on. (If I decide to do that)

@KageAcuma - Yes! I shall make an event any ideas on one? Perhaps with some GM help I could do an arena one?

@Everyone else - Thank you so much for trying it out and your support.
Sorry for the double post but I have been working on the next version and I wanted some opinions.

I fixed the warrior stats and the inspect slash command.

So Bata 0.2 is out

Also I have done a chart with the Races stats I wanted to see if people thought they looked right. The hardest Race I think is human they seem to be average at every thing no real strengths or weakness. Unlike orcs who are strong and physical.

[Image: ECRchart.png]

The next version should be out soon, I should have heal fixed by then and I am working on some more special rolls. And the Race stats will be in by the next version

Last, I have found a way to use GHI to change you class stats so if for some reason you feel that your character deserves different stats PM me and we can work something out. In your PM please include
  • Your Character Name



    Why you want the change of stats

    What you want the stats changed to.