Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Rebuttal to Hawk's Observations
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Since you decided to call me out so publicly, I will call you out publicly. .I take great offense to your comments .. shall we discuss them? I will take each of your comments you made below and respond.

You said:

"Y'know? I might just lock this.

Honestly? All this thread has served to do is insult and offend people, and you (TequilaSun) are actually giving them praise for going against the Respect rule?

You quote me:
Some of the responses articulated exactly what I've been feeling and I really want to thank everyone that felt bold enough to say it even though it goes against the 'let's all keep the peace and not whine' philosophy touted on most forums.

You said: - Next time you can't seem to find good RP, don't assume it's because there's none around you and try to pin the blame on them, along with insults. Firstly, you should look at your own skill before declaring that "everyone sucks", as it sounds unbeliveably condescending and rude. Secondly, you should really question if CotH is even the right server for you. Not that I'm trying to say "Get off our server!", but CotH isn't for everyone, and we accept that. Thirdly, if in the future you're making any post similar to this, you probably shouldn't unless it's done with more tact - and especially don't insult people and then claim "No offense". And finally, if timezones are an issue, then unfortunately we can't cater to everyone's timezones because we have a rather large variety of people from different countries and it'd be rather impossible to do so.

A lot of people have already given some decent suggestions/answers, and this thread no longer has any use except for people to complain in. Locked. "

Going against the respect rule because I thanked people who spoke up in a respectful way and backed up some of my points? How is THAT disrespectful?

My Rebuttal:
Did i say it couldn't find any good rp and suggest there was none around? No i did not! My very first post states that there is AWESOME rp out there but it's getting rarer and rarer. Go back and read it.

Did i say everyone sucks? No I did not! I said the rp I've found lately sucks and went on to elaborate why I thought that. Go back and read it!

Did i comment on people's skillsets? No I did not!! I commented on CONTENT. Go back and read again! Like i said.. skill sets have nothing to do with it. Even a great writer has had a 2nd book fail because of content and they obviously had epic skill sets to write a great book in the first place.

Did i say Highschoolers suck? No i did not! I said the content of a lot of rp is what highschool aged people would relate to. Go back and read it.

You said i should question if Coth is the right server for me. I AM questioning if CotH is the right server for me.. hence all my questions! - which the people that had constructive comments answered. Go back and read that as well!

Condescending and rude to state my opinion? I didn't use names.. I called out no one personally.. I raised an observation of which a few others agreed on. Did I flame anyone who wrote back and flamed me? No I did not.

Please do not use your interpretation of my words and say that's what I said.

All I was asking and agreed I now know I should have stated it more clearly was.. "Where is the rp with content that relates to why this server was started in the first place.? I read that this server was to to rp under the umbrella of WoW lore. I'm finding that harder and harder to find. Is it just me or is there a general shift happening in the content of the rp that is moving away from rping out WoW lore?

I've got my answers.. Thank you.
The thread was locked for a reason. This is obviously not going to go anywhere good.

Forum warning issued. If you post another thread to circumvent a locked topic, there will be consequences.