Conquest of the Horde

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Feedback! I crave the following things:

My RP, how is it? Which characters have you interacted with and have they had a positive influence? The characters that I've played on recently would be...

Reigen, Shiana, Kynara, Emra and Flak. I have others in deep dusty corners so if you've feedback for them, bring them up.

More important to me though is my performance as a forum helper. I have been a FH since May 9th of 2011 and have seen thee generations of them go by. I've been reading and commenting on profiles for close to a year now and would love to know how people think I've been doing. Am i working too slow, have I made the profile process any easier? Please five me feedback on this, even if you've never RPed with me!

Things I want to know:

How am I doing?

How can I improve?

What are my weak points?

What are my strong points?

What would you change about how I do things?

What -wouldn't- you change?


Constructive feedback only please. Anything blatantly rude will be disregarded as you unable to properly convey how awesome I am.
As you said to me, we don't RP all that much. This should be rectified.

REIGEN. Though she and Richt only RP'd once, 'twas a very memorable experience. Why, you may ask? Because I will always remember how you said Richtnel was one of the only people who got on her good side upon meeting her. I shall hold this over your head for the rest of your days.

SHIANA. She scares Safksha, but then most fierce things scare him. She's protective (like he is, though he fails at it) and she DOESN'T fail at it. She's a tad violent, which is a rather refreshing change. I don't see very outwardly violent Kal'dorei often.

OTHERS. They're others. I needz moar RPz with them.
Shiana will destroy you. Fear for your life.
Yeah so...we RP a lot.

/drops book

Reigen: I enjoy the character, I like how she is portrayed and how other characters respond to her. It really solidifies her presence on the server. I enjoy that she has depth. On the surface, or from a third person's perspective she appears an a-typical villainess. But anyone who would call her that hasn't really been around Reigen. She is crazy as f**k without a doubt, but we all are and we try to make the best of it, thats why I love the code of loyalty, her struggle with redemption, ( depicted by her turmoil over wanting to kill Jidaeo for being a giant bastard or helping him because of her promise and the two had become friends. ) and her open minded mentality. I also think that her luck of winning with rolls is awesome making her legit kill count pretty high. Also when you lose you never water it down to make Reigen appear badass if you know she fair and square got her ass whooped, or wounded severely. There was another elf chick pre restart who used to get monster rolls, she too was awesome.

My issues with Reigen however are her personality. Admittedly If you have RP'd with her for 118 days or w/e I'm going off memory. Then I had to of RPed with you maybe a couple of weeks of consecutive play. Maybe more maybe less, my point is before I continue I acknowledge that I though I have seen Reigen a lot in action I haven't been around her hardly as much as everyone else has since of your log time. But I would say I have a decent idea of the character, Her moods seem whimsical to me. Sometimes there is Cool Reigen where she is somewhat modern and upbeat ( perhaps just her in a good mood? ) then her more serious and efficient side, ( shown when she has to handle business, or avenge a friend or herself. I would like to think this to be closer to her core ) Her flat out silly side ( her in a really good mood? ) and her psychotic blood thirsty side ( which could be her in a really bad mood, or the closest to her core ). See I don't really know who she is, and that bothers me. We have discussed, reasons to cover her mood swings which I will not discuss because of meta-gaming people. Even though I know you hold the talent to portray such a complex character I wonder if sometimes you lose track of her in moments.

Alteryia: I like your portrayal of one of the many ( ironically ) Novalight Death Knights. She's morbid yet seems to be attempting to retain herself if not only for those around her. Not sure, obviously I don't see her too often because.. well I don't RP to often anymore.

I commend you for leading one of ( if not ) the largest active guild post restart with an enigmatic character that hate her or love her captivates people. I brought Reigen on up Zariel just because she was the one of his personal instructors and a lot of characters ( not all obviously ) heard of her. I enjoy that you are always up for dropping an idle conversation or stagnant RP to go on an adventure and whoop ass. Because damnit that's why I'm here. Also I commend you for staying through the bullshit people spoke about you. I was warned by multiple people to stay away from you and your RP because they were looking out for -me-. I too had to go through a stint of negativity from my Fellow Cothers, so I understand where your coming from to an extent. I say this all because it's how I feel. I'm not one to ass kiss or bullshit. No point, I don't even know you. But you miss are an excellent RPer, something that needs to be said, and read. Don't ever let anyone tell you other wise.



Carry on.
I enjoy RPing with Reigen, though at times I wonder if Kapre's giving off bad vibes that discourage him from hanging around her more often. Then again, I get OOC talk of how they are surprised a draenei is a part of The Lost Minded, which makes me wonder if my derp mixed with bad company that I don't know about. But RPing with her is fun. Sorry if my derp annoys her too much <:)
After an extended break, I feel like I'm ready to step up again. I don't want feedback for my characters this time around because that's not what matters.

How am I doing as a FH?

Some issues that I already know of: Being too picky. I admit I look too closely into things and I mostly do this when I notice a profile is very short. I am attempting to stop this and only care about what really matters in a profile, which is key lore points and stuff that doesn't make sense in any regard. I have a few main questions I want to ask about it.

How am I doing?

How can I improve?

What are my weak points?

What are my strong points?

What would you change about how I do things?

What -wouldn't- you change?


I once more stress that all I want is constructive things. I do not want things like "lolusuck lrn2play" or "YOU'RE SO AWEOMSE OMG". Neither of those help me improve at all. If I see something as any sort of personal attack, chances are I'll ignore it. If I see something as trying to suck up, chances are I will ignore it. I need things like, "Well, space goat lore you could improve on and here's how!" or "You've gotten this bit of lore wrong and here's why!" or "BISH. CATS ARE CRAP AND THIS IS WHY!" [Course I'll never look at your profile aga- I kid. I kid.].

I need explanation as to how I can approve and what I've done wrong, else I can never learn from past mistakes. This is not a judge of me as a person, it's a judge of how I'm doing on my job.

Edit: FFFFFF-Approve, improve. SAME BLOODY THING. [Thanks muhaha for pointing out my derp.]
How am I doing?
You seem exceedingly adamant about sticking to your guns with this Forum Helper title, which is commendable, as few as we have. What...three? Four? Even with whatever real life troubles there are, you want to help here, which is cool. I don't browse the Profiles section like I used to in my noob days, but you seem the most active. I can't quote you. Maaaay border on too active, but that's just a potential and I have no idea for certain.

How can I approve?
Do you mean improve? *shake fist* Let's see...

What are my strong points?
Lore research is good, despite some interpretation discrepancies.
Tone of posts seems fine.

What are my weak points?
The most glaring one I can spot is sticking just to lore. There is so much more to a profile than dates and lore figures. I would heavily advise looking at the quality of the writing, and how characters react to things and develop.

These things may not be on any character checklist, but as a community of writers, I believe them to be very important points to develop. And what better place to start than a profile?

What would you change about how I do things?
As far as that flaw I mentioned, look closer at how a character's mind works and analyze if it is realistically legitimate or not. Again, this strays from basic lore following and can sway into personal bias and interpretation.

But, it will offer grand food for thought and development. Even if a profile doesn't follow lore to a T, if the character acts and reacts interestingly, deeply, realistically, and true to form...well, to me it shines.

What -wouldn't- you change?
Um...the dedication bit? That can stay.

Hope this helps!
The typo was pointed out to me just a bit ago. I derped hard.

And yes, thank you much for the feedback as it does bring to light things I can start trying to fix!

Edit: Your sig made me giggle so hard that my orange juice came up my nose.
Why can't I hold all these cats?

Aka, OPINIONS. FEED THEM TO ME. I also accept souls, visa or MasterCard.

My first post is updated with what I want to know, mostly about FH stuff!
REIGEN! What can I say? /me shakes his head in disappoint.

I basically learned most everything I know about BElves and BElf lore from you in my tenure as a Forum Helper, and for that I am utmost grateful. You have been easy to work with, easy to approach when I had a question (no matter how stupid I thought it was), and quick to offer reassurance that I was doing it right. So yeah, as a Forum Helper you are boss.

I've also interacted with Reigen a few times. It's interesting just how much natural variety I've seen, from warmth, to anger, to prejudice, to humor, to uncertainty. I feel like I never get the same RP twice, despite it always feeling like the same person.

I still want to RP with your Orc (other than the creepy watching I did on Janx'il), as well as your Demon Hunter. We shall make it happen!
Well, so long as you're following my advice from last time, I think you're doing fine as a Forum Helper. You've been a great guide to us noobs so far, amazed you can remember all that. You'll certainly raise each "generation" well.


The only character I've really RPed with to any extent is Reigen. I am not a fan.

You recall my feedback on Reigen's profile from way back when? That. I just do not understand/get the legitimacy behind all of her issues. It seems...mashed together, put there only for a pitiful victim. I know you can do better, as I've briefly seen and heard of better characters. Alteryia is quite fine, as is your shy undead (I'm suddenly horrible with names). Both seem to have interesting depths.

Not Reigen. Not to me, anyway.

I'm not quite sure what advice to give as you seem intent on playing her in such a manner. She bounces back and forth between giggly childishness and wanting to kill everything, and it's leaves whiplash. I am not inclined to learn more about the character and her idiosyncrisies.

I also don't understand how she can get away with her shenanigans in the Argent Commander's office in Mardenholde. It's fine you want to play adorable family silliness, but that office is not the place to do it.

I understand (to a degree) she has abandonment issues. What I do not understand is the extremes like running away to hide beneath a tree in the dirt in the Plaguelands, thus horribly endangering her child when her Argent Commander husband is busy.

She is over five-hundred years old, and she acts fifteen. I get she may have some developmental issues, but the extreme jealousy she exhibits is...I don't get it. I don't get why Krilari lets her read his diary. She's had centuries to grow, has she not?

I just...don't understand any of it. I don't want to tell you how to RP/insult you/yada yada, but my love of psychology and my learning in the field has me tearing my hair out in confusion and frustration with this character.

Good point(s): I did enjoy the conflict between she and Sanguis, as little as I saw of it. I did get a sense of real--well--conflict from that.

Again, apologies my feedback is...less than stellar. I hope I didn't come across as insulting.
Feedback, right. Rather than following any template, I'll just go good and bad.

The Good: You've done a better job reigning in that temper that I mentioned last time. You seem to be a genuinely up-beat and (for lack of a better word to think of) "bubbly" person when your mood is good. It's these moments that I'm glad we talk on Teamspeak and interact through our League and P&P games.

I had a lot of fun interacting with you when I was on Thragash and Gunnar. The interplay between them and Reigen is always pretty funny. Regardless of what one might say about the character itself, Reigen does manage to draw in RP.

The Neutral: Reigen herself can be hard to understand. She's either just crazy random, or there's logic to her randomness, and it's hard to tell which. While having interacted with her long enough I can see the glimmers of the truth (being the idea of her simply obfuscating insanity for teh lulz,) it can nonetheless be rather confounding and frustrating for others interacting with her for the first time. I can't really call this good or bad, it's simply an observation that I've come to notice.

The Bad: While you've done well on reigning in that temper, you still have a bit of work to do with it. It's easy, for example, to tell when you're upset and you end up taking it out on others. The departure from the P&P games a little while back is a good example. If there's anything that's holding you back, it's how you come off when that happens.

Regarding some recent events, all I can say is that sometimes you have to be able to function despite events or people you may not care for.

There's other stuff I've already talked to you about in the past, so I'll just leave this as it is.
Sure. Template.

How am I doing?
As a Forum Helper? You're doing just fine. Keep it up.
As a roleplayer? There are some flaws. But we'll get into that.
How are you doing? One sec.

How can I improve?
I would suggest trying to play less anti-social characters. This mostly comes up in our pen-and-paper games where you always play characters that are recluses. I find myself challenged to include your Redemptionist in activities in Dark Heresy. And I'm sure Grakor will find it challenging to include your elf in his game.

While most of your characters are fine, the character Reigen has always had some issues with me. It seems like she flip-flops a lot. One day she's just fine. The next she's willing to kill someone by having them watch their blood drain out through a tube. And then the next she's all sweet and bubbly and cuddling something. It's unsettling to me. Maybe that's your intention.

What are my strong points?
Well you're fun when you're in a good mood. And I enjoy playing League with you. And you're a good roleplayer all-around.

What are my weak points?
You when you're angry. There is no middle-ground. It's either not-angry or RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE. When you want something, it doesn't seem like there's much of a compromise.

How can I improve
Work on those two things I brought up. Be willing to discuss things that make you angry without outright ranting to whoever's on the other side. I occasionally have to question whether I should reply to you when you're angry, because I wonder if I'll just make things worse! Especially if I have something that contradicts your point of view!

What -wouldn't- you change?
You're fun when you're in a good mood, Reigen. Just work on controlling the anger.
I was going to make comment on how flip floppy she was too. It was really surprising to see how much she was antagonizing others today at the arena battle when she's normally friendly and bubbly from what I see. Maybe she just doesn't like orcs at all but it is silly to see a character who is following the crusade and generally friendly make belittling and stereotypical racist remarks against a certain race. I think a little racism is fine and some people aren't subtle about it but today's racial tensions were so over the top and it seemed silly for a character coming from a neutral organization so be that overtly racist.

I'm just saying I got that sense of flip-floppy too where she's having some mean streak which didn't really seem to fit in anywhere. I know it's a trope for orcs and elves to pick on one another but it never really let up throughout the rp.
I have a crapton to say since my last post.

The past few months, I was actually worried about you, especially in regards to your health. I know you were upset over a lot of things, and it reflected on your work... and all I had was just sadness because of it. Even though things happened, I still consider you a friend and I admire you a lot for what you've done for me. I still feel like a noob compared to you, and I can't help but blush whenever you're the one correcting a mistake I've made.

To this day, Kapre still looks up to Reigen as his Lady, as I do in the forums.

You've improved a lot, in regards to attitude and how to act around certain individuals. I'm happy to have more RP with you than just Kapre. I look forward to seeing more RP between our druids, Dino seeing Reigen as a patient, and Aereal having a gossip buddy.

And I realized I skipped the template. Screw that! Love you lots.
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