Conquest of the Horde

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So I realize most of my characters have a somewhat similar fate for their parents. I guess I should come up with some new ones, instead of just killing them off :) . What are your characters' parents' stories?

Dad died in a cave in, prompting Ural to work to support his mum.
Mom died years later of old age, and is when Ural left Dun Morogh.
*Impact: Respect for those who defended his idealistic childhood.

Dad died defending Lordaeron.
Mom died by the plague.
*Impact: Led Ron to his faith and his calling.

Either escaped or died, he born in a Hillsbrad intermittent camp.
*Impact: None, yet.

Dad died from invading Murlocs.
Mom still alive.
*Impact: Mom believed in her even before the equality law.

Dad fought alongside the humans in the First War.
Mom fell during the destruction of Silvermoon.
*Impact: Revenge on the Scourge!
Terra's parents died in guard duty and she killed her foster parents. :3
There's no option for "I killed one or both of my parents, and enjoyed it." That happened to one of my characters.
-Dad died in a Centaur Raid
*No real impact

-Dad was a sailor in the Kul Tiras
-Dad died in a Pirate raid
*Influenced him to join the Kul Tiras

I think I may have something against dads....
-Mom ran away
-Dad was killed when Dalaran was destroyed

-Both parents are still alive

-Both parents still alive, I play her dad

-Too old to have living parents. XD
Both her parents got brutally murdered infront of her eyes, leaving a big mental scar whenever she sees orcs.

Mother died giving birth to her with not much of an impact.

Both parents are alive and well, not really changing his story.

Killed both her parents in a fit of rage.
*Impact - Negative. Drove her to the wilds to live in isolation for thirty -two years. Gives her nightmares and causes hallucinations.

Both Parents murdered.
Impact - None really, she was a youngling.

Parents died of old age.
*Impact - None really, just fond memories.

Lost parents in the fall of Silvermoon.
*Impact - She misses her daddy.

Lost parents in the fall of Silvermoon.
*Impact - Loss of faith, twisted personality. Misses her parents.
-Mother died during the Siege of Silvermoon; She had a huge impact on how Arlyn developed. She was a Battlemage.
-Father died of natural causes prior to the Siege. He was responsible for the majority of Arlyn's innate personality. He was a candy-conjurer.

-Both parents lost after/during the Battle of Mount Hyjal. Beyond survival in the wilderness, Sylvandre knows nothing of what they did.
-They're responsible for Sylvandre's racial tolerance - as far as the Alliance is concerned - and for her love of blacksmithing. She lives in her parental home.

-Mother is Serenwylde, possible inventor of alcohol on Azeroth and proud supporter of the Surry-bowl. Lyia is... extremely fond of her mother, as she is her only living relative, and strives for acceptance.
-Father was a Druid that died in his Barrow Den, being killed by demons while he slept after the Legion invaded the world during the Third War. Lyia misses him greatly.

-Parents thought to have originally been wild-elves.
-The mother was a Warrior, and the father a craftsman. Both perished during the War of the Ancients, leading to a great deal of anger and anxiety for centuries for Serenwylde.

-Father was a commoner, mother was a minor noble. Elil is a bastard child.
-Both parents perished during the Fall of Quel'thalas, and Elil couldn't have cared less. Instead, she merely claimed her inheritance.

-Mother a Spell-breaker, father a Magister. Got on like fire and water.
-Father perished during the Fall of Quel'thalas. Mother living in seclusion on Kalimdor, having faked her own death, allowing her daughters the entirety of her inheritance. Eris never come to collect... yet.

Those are the more interesting ones. Might add more later.
Parents died soon before/after he was born. Never met them.

Gabriel Callahan:
He's unaware wether his parents are alive. Being a Death Knight, he seems to hold little desire to meet them.

Nesh Solarbreeze:
His adoptive father perished of old age years ago. He has fond memories of him, and carries on his mottos, ideals and principles to the letter.

Both parents have died years ago. Fond memories. Finds the fact he reached his old age when he used to kid about "never getting as old as his old man" ironic.

Kriel Runewalker:
Having run away from his family, Kriel is unaware of his parent's deaths. He tries not to think of them.

Juna Windcaller:
Both her parents were commoners. They're still alive in Alterac Mountains with the rest of their clan, and trade letters with Juna periodically. They hold pride in their children's position as a a shaman, and took her last name to flaunt it. They are Juna's moral support, and through her life are the ones that taught her to do what she believes to be the right thing - even if it means turning your back some of your allies for the protection of life.

Rexx Bloodfang:
Parents murdered. Their death is what drove Rexx to become a warrior and grunt of the horde to begin with - Simply reminiscing their deaths makes the warrior's blood boil.
Garna Silversledge -
Both parents still living.
Impact: None.

Desdemona Dael -
Father currently undead, still fairly mindless.
Mother is old, still hanging on by a thread in Stormwind, in poverty.
Impact: None, really.

Esthrunil Suntreader -
Father alive, mother missing, after the invasion of the Scourge.
Impact: She keeps contact with her father, but any talking about her mother is very sensitive.

Adalia Brighton -
Father and mother both alive and well.
Impact: She avoids both of them.

Komi Stoneskin -
Mother alive. Father Missing in Action, assumed dead.
Impact: To Komi, her father is a martyr of sorts. A hero who fell in combat - someone she should look up to, and aspire to be like.

Catherine Eldridge -
Mother died of natural causes, father still holdin' on there.
Impact: She keeps contact with her family, keeping up letter correspondence with her father.

Eianna Dawnwatcher -
Mother deceased, father ill.
Impact: She brings her father his medicine, but she has grown comfortable with the eventuality that he will die.

Suura -
Father survived through the years, but her mother died from wounds shortly after they left Draenor.
Impact: When she returns to the Exodar, she first visits her father and they each take a few moments to mourn her mother.

Alida Fairweather -
Both parents, as far as anyone knows, are living out their old days in Kul Tiras.
Impact: None.

Minnalla Grayhoof -
Both parents are long deceased. Her father died from a Centaur raid, and her mother died of old age.
Impact: As an old Tauren, Minnalla has grown comfortable with death as an end, but her father is a subject that she avoids, typically. When brought into a conversation about it, she speaks plainly of the Tauren as her own personal hero, in a way.
- Mother Killed when the Scourge of Loredaeron occurred. Both would never see their father after this, whom...
- Father killed after service in the Scarlet Crusade. How this occurred is unknown.

- Father stayed behind in the Shattrath Massacre. Whilst not dead, his fate is unknown...
- Mother's status is unknown, presumed alive but misplaced.

- Jastilus is Gyven's farther, whom raised him to be as prideful as a Eredar and to act as elegant as possible.
- Mother passed away sometime before Draenor.

- Both parents died during the fall of Quel'thalas.
Rigley Darrson
Father: Died in the Third War; Went to Northrend as a paladin, slain while fighting the Scourge.
Mother: Died of disease. Family left the unstable kingdom of Lordaeron due to her illness and moved to Northshire Abbey, where she died.
Impact: Mother's illness led Rigley out of the Plaguelands. Most likely would have died otherwise in the Scourge invasion.

Jovana Darkbolt
Father: Gnomeregan.
Mother: Gnomeregan.
Impact: Called her back from adventuring- Never got back into her travels with the same excitement.

Father: Slain by bandits for ten silver and his lunch.
Mother: Died during the Scourge invasion.
Impact: None.

Father: Left family for homeland of Gilneas before the Greymane Wall closed off the area. Never heard from again.
Mother: Took her own life.
Impact: Both parents were gone early on during Endling's life. Made her dependent on faith over people for support.

Sergius Beltane
Father: See: Fergal 'Ferry' Halim. Still alive, currently a crazy warlock known for bumbling about with the now deceased Tavren Black. Location is now unknown.
Mother: Died due to extreme alcoholism.
Impact: Basically ended with Sergius' lack of dependence on people- Less importance on others, more on himself.
- Her father's still living as a craftsman and translator in Astranaar. She was pampered by him as a child; especially due to him feeling guilty. She won't admit it, but she's a daddy's girl.
- Mother recently woke up from an (almost) four hundred year nap. Kena inherited her crow-like personality and her way of inhaling large quantities of food. Doesn't know her well.

- Mother's still living in Silvermoon. Thani learned most of her racial intolerance and smartassery from her. In other words, she's an awesome parent.
- Her father's a Forsaken. He was partially responsible for her interest in medicine. Even today, she visits Undercity to pal around with him once in a while.

- Mother was a PC-style adventurer who loved Northrend. She died, supposedly. Taiga got her name and her urges to travel from her.
- Father was killed in the Siege of Silvermoon. He was responsible for the manners and practicalities of noble House life which Taiga learned. She misses them both. In death, they're practically godlike to her.

- Father's an Eredar somewhere. She doesn't remember him.
- Mother was the one who kept her from going nuts from frustration in trying for a priesthood. Died on Outland.

- Mother was a Sentinel who had her carrying glaives around Mount Hyjal as early as she could walk. She was also responsible for getting Hirane a ridiculously tough Sentinel trainer. She was a bawss. Died in the invasion of Ashenvale.
- Father went to Outland with the Cenarion Expedition. He was reported missing, and Hirane followed the traces to Netherstorm, where it ended. Believed dead. She thinks he flew off Netherstorm and became another star in the sky.

- Dear ol' daddy was a Farstrider. To say she was a disappointment to him would be an understatement - she caused his removal from the family will. Believed dead. Sanya tried to hatch a plan to poison them both when she was alive.
- Mom was an herbalist and inscriptionist. Pretty much the venomous snake kind of person towards her offspring. Believed dead.

Mother: Died from lethargy and fatigue in internment camps.
Father: Died during battle for Mount Hyjal.


Father: Murdered by nameless Troll on Darkspear Isles.
Mother: Vanished after father was killed. Quite possibly alive.


Father: Killed and eaten by tigers.
Mother: Killed and eaten by tigers.


Father: Died during the Gnomeregan siege due to old age.
Mother: Died from a heart attack a while before she invasion. She was a lazy slob.
Stepmother: Deceased from old age.


Father: Died at Hyjal.
Mother: Alive! Eirtahl doesn't want to see her, however.

Those are the ones I can be arsed to do, heh.
Tavren Black

Father: Avidius slain by Tavren somewhere around the time of Tavren's thirty-third birthday.

Mother: Carolina gradually lost a fight with an wasting sickness not medicine nor magic seemed to solve shortly after the Second War's resolution.

Impact: Avidius death was cathartic, but otherwise uninfluential with Tavren.

The affect of Carolina's doom proved far-reaching, if indirect.

While the emotional withdrawal of Avidius due to thereof unfolded as a secondary role in his development...

It did in turn, however, probably play a major part in Avidius deigning to leave a young Tavren of seventeen years to the fate of penniless, alone, and unemployed.

This necessitated his prompt decline into illegal activities plied with his only competence, the Dark Arts.

Such criminal behavior, among other things, would come to define Tavren as he was portrayed on CotH, up until demise.
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