Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Daftsmitty`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
I generally like rpgs such as Dragon Age, Diablo ect. But what I fand most compelling in a game is the emersion. To be put into a situation where you have to make a decision or action that you might choose if you were actually faced with that decision. I like to be able to involve myself with the lore and storyline and add to it to further deepin the plot and help build something great.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
United states / English

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Friends told me about it and joined up origionally playing a blizzard server.

What made you seek our server over others? (or How did you find us?):
Only role playing server I could find.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
All kinds from adventuring to conversation, any situation I can involve myself to test me in my ability to contribute to the Role playing, being able to guile my way out of a confrontation, or charm my way into a heart.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
Elf / Rogue

Elven elegance and charm, With dark secretive past

What are your expectations of this server?:
To have fun and immerse myself in the lore and stories.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
Respect and fortitude of the regulations

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
Raiken nerviously glanced at the woman clad in guardsmen armor seated at the corner table of the tavern. he had been on the run, trying to escape the city of Silvermoon without catching the eye of the guard, two months of planing, two months of hiding like a coward for what he has done. "An order of you finest berw for my friend here!" Came a voice that Raiken snapped his view to the direction it came from, the chair on the other side of him, an elvish man clad in robes was smirking at him, "what are the drinks for?" Raiken asked the man, "Celebration!" he replied. "Whats the event?" , "It is the day of my birth!" , "And I've always been told to never drink alone!" , Raiken was confused but slightly satasfied with the fact he was getting a free drink. He glances back at where the woman was sitting only to see she was no longer there, on in the tavern. "Looking for someone?" the man clad in robes asked him, to which he replied "No... Just.... Nevermind." . Raiken and the man both shared several drinks and toasts, "Another round!" Raiken cried out as he bas begining to feel more sure about his chosen hiding place, and became more intoxicated. After several hours, Raiken and the man were so drunk, they could barely stand, as they tried leaving the tavern, "So... wast... mmm... Yer nanm frind." Raiken barely managing to get the words from his lips. "huh? ohn... umm..." The man started laughing, "I guesh I drak sho much I fergot" Raiken burst to laughing as well, "In cash you remem... reme..." Raiken and the man laughed again as that almost fell to the floor, Stumbling out of the tavern the marched down the street cluching eachother in shoulder to help support and balance one another, and as the marched the man in robes began to sing.

"Ore tha Windowsh fog, till morn we never shleep.
till morn she wines and weepsh,
and all the loud she shreeksh,
on tha bed the love it creepsh,
till tha morn it all but sleepsh"

After singing they again laughed, Raiken asked "Wher tha worle you learn that shong?"
he said laughing, To which the man replied "Ahhh... maed it up ash i when allong!"
they both laughed. So tell me friend "where yer home? ill help you there." the man asked Raiken,
Raikens mind was swirling but he knew one thing... Dont go home... They are hoping you do...
"I can't remember" Raiken pushed out a laugh, and the man laughed with him. "Well go to mai plashe then!"
the man smiled brightly as the pointed off into the distance only to almost fall to the ground. "Itch tis wae!"
Raiken almost stumbling and falling with the man trying to keep his balance, "Or maybe.... thet wae?" the man said,
and burst to laughing with Raiken. "I think wer losht." Said Raiken, "And drunk!" added the man,
the pair took a turn down an alley to find a place to rest, till they could regain their bearings.
"Sho... Did yous remem... ber.. yer naem yet?" Raiken asked, "Oh... Yaeh it...." the man turned to the wall and vomited.
Raiken sat with his back to the wall opposite of the man, laughing. That man stumbled over and sat next to Raiken,
"That was a rued Interupshin!" The man laughed, only to almost vomit again. "I couldn't healp but notish you fancyed tha
lass in the chorner of tha tavern, Friend o' Yers?" The man asked, "Naw just..." Raiken tried to think of a reason but was still
to drunk to keep his thoughts straight. "I thought she been tha one followin mea." Raiken finally replied to the mans question.
"So whyed to think shes ben flowin you?" , The only response Raiken could think of, "Not really shure." . "You musto doen...
shumthin... if you think yer being followd by the guard" The man said with a laugh, Raiken faked a laugh and replied
"I guesh im jusht shuperstitshush" Raiken hoping the man drunk enough to believe his lie.
Raiken decided that the time spent with his new friend would only rouse more questions to him,
and he grew more nervious with each passing moment of silence, fearful of what his friend might ask next.
"sho..." Raiken cut the man off "I remembers where I live!" the man laughed with Raiken. "Ive rested enough ash well."
The man stated. They both stood, Raiken almost lost his balance as his head swirled from standing too fast, Catching himself on a wall
a she graoned, "You okey friend?" the man asked, "Ill be fine." Raiken replied. "Welp shall we continue?" asken the man, Raiken
wanted to get away from his friend before anymore questions about himself could be asked, "I actually live in this direcshion."
as he pointed back the opposite way they had been traveling, "Oh..." the man laughed "Then I guesh this is where we part waysh friend."
to which Raiken replied "So it is..." they bid farewell to eachother with a nod as Raiken turned to walk down the alley before he could
take a step, "Youve ben askin my name, but whats yours? , Raiken grew inpatient with the mans questions, and only wanted to part ways,
"Raiken is my name friend." as he replied he began walking down the alley, Before he could reach the end he heared a
loud flutter followed by a sharp and vicious pain in his back and chest, as he cluched his chest he cut his hand on
the tip of a dagger that was protruding from his left side, before he could let out a shreek of terror the blade yanked
from his back with a twisting motion causing his voice to go silent, as he fell limply to the ground in the alley, he
landed on his back, his attacker filling his vision, the man in robes, only the robe was gone and a black leather jerkin
replaced it, Throwing knives lined the belt,a blood covered dagger was grasped in his right hand, black linnen scarf
wrapped his neck. "For two months ive been chasing... Two months of planning." ... "Ive finally found you Raiken Beauty Butcher."
Raikens eyes widened as he realized that this man has been the one following him, chasing him, "..." Raikens mouth opened and
close in an attempet to speak only to notice he couldn't breathe. "I missed your heart purposely, you dont deserve a quick
death for the countless rapes and murders, you comitted". Raikens eyes narrowed as he smiled evily, showing that he had no
remorse from his deeds. Slightly enraged, He pressed his dagger against Raikens throat. "Do you really have no remorse for yo-"
Raiken spat blood on his face before he could finish. "Then may your soul dwell in darkness for all eternity in the afterlife."
he pulled the scarf over his nose covering the lower half of his face, then drew his dagger across raidens throat,
blood spurting on his jerkin and scarf, he watched as the blood pooled beneath Raiken and his eyes slowly rolling
into the back of his head. With a sigh and satasfaction that the murder known as Raiken Beauty Butcher was
dead he stood and collected his robe he threw off and continued walking down the alley.

As he exited the alley a elegant voice said. "You took your time with that one... Douken Krimsrith."
Dokeun looked to the voices origion to see the Woman in guards armor leaning on the wall to the entrance on the alley.
"Oh... You again." Dokeun replied. "I did not know you were hired to kill him." the woman stated. "I did this of my own accord..."
Dokuen replied. "A little more messy than usual for you Doku-" He cut her off saying "would you not have done the same?" .
A long silence came between them before he said "You know me, when it comes to the murders of women im a little ruthless"
his eyes brightened as the slowly pulled his blood stained scarf down revealing a arwly smile,
"Charming as always my friend, but that fake smile always creeps me out." she replied with arwly smile of her own.
"will it be too much trouble for clean up?" he asked. "Dont worry about it Dokuen, That bastard can rot there for all I care."
Dokeuns smile faded. "So now my buisness is done I suppose ill be leavi-" The woman cut him off "just like that huh?"
He replied "Just like that." He began walking down the street as he wrapped himself up in his robe and disappeared into the night.
She let out a sigh as she pushed herself off the wall when a flirtatious voice came from behind her "How bout a drink?"

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
hope you enjoyed the short story! /smile
Hello and welcome to COTH!

If you haven't already browsed around already, please do make sure to check out the rules and policies so you're familiar to the server's expectations!
As for making your first character, there are a lot of helpful articles and guides for you to read up on in case you don't fully understand the lore. The wiki also contains helpful tips for making a character and for when you're writing your first profile, such as weight and height.

When you get your account created, make sure to /join Chat and /join Barrens for if you have any questions not answered in the forums. If I'm online feel free to whisper me or send me a PM.

Dragon age player as well? Wonderful! [One of us] You might want to use a little more spacing for your writing, but otherwise it was a good read! As for building something great, there is an upcoming event that you're just going to love in that regard.

Hope you enjoy your stay!
Thank you very much!