Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: It seems as though the end has cometh for me as well.
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It's long been brewing for me, with vaning activity and so forth. I just didn't want to see it, but I find it hard to close my eyes any longer.

Coth is no longer the community and RP experience I learned to love. I sicken of the drama and I sicken of the new players that are pretty much herded into Booty Bay like cattle. Nobody is trying to teach the noobs how to RP and become a part of our community, instead they are all just sent to BB to fester in each other's lacking skill of roleplay and then many of you veterans have the nerve to complain when you do -nothing- to fix the problem. despite my problems I had with this, I closed my eyes to it. So be it, I thought.

Furthermore, the GM staff is slacking. They are slacking so hard it puts Garfield to shame. Several GMs might as well be demoted and new, fresh players should be promoted, people who hasn't grown tired of being a GM. That Bounty and Xigo became GMs was like a wonder that was lone, long overdue. Because when a GM tires of what s/he does, it's time to step down, but I guess all those commands are entertaining, aren't they?

A wise woman once told me "Booty Bay is the Goldshire of Coth." But I've come to realize that Coth isn't that much different from the little town in retail we laugh about, coth is just stupid in a completely different way and I've had enough of it.

The final straw, though, was a recent incident that happened to a friend of mine, who was banned for a very dumb reason. Greg, or as some know him, Enchantra, was apparently banned for stalking. Who'd have thunk, and it strikes me as odd. Greg isn't a stalker, he just wants to make people happy and be a good and social person and when somebody feels that somebody's behavior is uncomfortable, you tell him exactly that, with clear words. You don't get him suspended right off the bat. Yes, I'm looking at you Reigen. And then apparently, he was banned for doing the same to somebody else! A person who either doesn't exist or haven't told him personally that this person is uncomfortable before just hitting the hammer down on him.

Not only did this shit happen without warning, he was not even allowed to defend himself or tell his side of the story even one of the times. I mean, even a cop asks the obvious drug user about his side of the story because things are not always what they seem. So instead of making sure you made the right decision, you decide that this is what happened, obviously. That's just a dictatorship. Nothing more. And this ban and suspension came right after each other with just days in between. I understand that a suspension is a good slap on the fingers at times, but for god's fucking sake, let the fucking lesson settle in. the only way for those two accusations to be true is if they both happened around the same time. If he's been warned about it, should he be banned for something that happened -after- he was warned about it. It's like a cop pulling over a speeding driver but decides to just give him a warning. The driver drives perfectly for a few days after that until lo and behold, his license is suspended because they had footage of him speeding around the same time as the first accusation. None of this makes any sense! and -still- he doesn't even know exactly what he did, because not even in the fucking account closing mail did he get -any- info on -why- this happened. Just a lot of excuses, pretty words and "We're sorry" over and over again. It just stinks template.

Furthermore, another good friend of mine, and Greg, known as sunday12321 decided to take this up at the root, but the root just ended up talking shit about him on vent. At least sunday12321 said what he wanted to say straight out, instead of talking behind his back like a little b***h. Yes, that had to be said.

So yeah. I've had it. My activity on the server has been low lately and I can without a doubt live without it and I will.

I'm sorry, Loxxy. I had a good run, but you've been on this server for longer than I have, and I really don't understand how you put up with it. Not after witnessing it's remarkably better days.

I met some really nice people. Flammos, if you have any way of staying in touch, please, oh please do, because you're probably one of the most awesome people I have -ever- met. That goes for a lot of other people as well, I just felt Flammos needed a special mention

Oh, and Kretol? Thank you. For some time, coth was like a second family to me and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it a lot and needless to say, it's thanks to you that this exists.

So after my 1,5 years here on coth, I bid you adieu. Although I might still show up on other games under the coth banner, like in APB and maybe Minecraft, if Kretol would let me. Because I swear, my fellow -true- gamers on this server is probably the people I have nothing against. They're all too much like myself.

Roxas, over and out.
[Image: tear_drop_psa-vi.jpg]

... Normally I would post the manly tear. But...


I was thinking of a lot of different things to say here. Turns out... I can't even bring myself to make a joke.

At the same time - And I know I'll likely get whispered for saying this later - I salute you, bro. I honestly wouldn't feel comfortable stating my opinion in such a blunt and open way, and keep most of it to myself. Nonetheless, I'll share a bit of what I think. I think that perhaps it's about time to realize that everytime a veteran leaves the server (with the ever-so-polite ragequit scenario), they complain about the same things.

Always the same issues. That actually brings several things to question.

Is the staff wrong?

Are the players living in the past?

Could it even change?

Personally, I think all of the above are possible. But they'd take an effort from the playerbase and the staff to actually make a change. When the people have complaints on the government, to get things changed, they don't sit around, complaining in small numbers, and wait for change to knock on their door.

I'll take the opportunity to completely derail this thread with my post, an open a proposal. Kretol is quite the reasonable/nice guy. Apparently a lot of people have issues with CotH - Since there's always someone saying "I know of others with the same opinion as me!" henceforth, why don't you people with your issues work with me a little bit here.

Some people would just -rather- be anonymous, and aren't friends with the game masters that much. Well! I'm putting myself in the line. Say you have issues with CotH. Well, here's my proposal. Send your issues/thoughts in a PM to me - I'll take every single whisper and send them to Kretol anonymously, and I'll even go as far as say I take responsability myself for any content within the messages. So go nuts. Instead of creating grand-exits that work for naught, let's work together, and for once, actually make a change.

Complaining won't get us anywhere. Not by itself.

That said!

Roxas, at least I still have your MSN. I hope from the bottom of my heart you never regret your decisions. See you.

About Enchantra?

You may have been one of the people to not witness his creepiness. Doesn't mean it didn't happen. Another person was banned for stalking I won't name, and I was part of that process. Thank god it happened. That stuff is scary for the people it happens to.

Telling this type of person their behavior makes people uncomfortable does not work. I tried it with the other person, and honestly...I tried it with Enchantra.

He kept being creepy.

I'll speculate for a bit.

The reason they ban this type of thing so quickly (or seem to) is because it's SO dangerous. It's personal. People have lived through this stuff IRL. I am one of these people.

Please don't make light of it.

Hell, I'll come out and be straight. I think it's well known Reigen and I don't get along.

I would NEVER wish that creepy stalking on my enemies.

Who knows why you didn't see it. Personally, I'm happy for you that you were that lucky.

It happened to her, it happened to others. And it was wrong, and scary.

I'm done.
Ahh yes, I LOVE it when people call us out on crap they probably haven't even seen. Because, you know, they MUST be right. Yep. Let me assure you, we have PLENTY of reports regarding enchantra.

Hope you find better luck elsewhere.
I'll miss you.

To those talking about change, take it from me, the person who stirred up all that, it isn't actually worth it.

That's me done, I'll miss you.
Topic locked. This is really going into personal territory.

The only parting comment I will make is that "Things are not always what they seem" is a sword that cuts both ways.