Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Blowing stuff up while you pay me to do it...
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...Because American taxpayers are the greatest!

I'll be gone this entire summer while I'm at Fort Jackson. I shall return with war-stories and tales of how terrible and/or amazing it was.

My last day I'll possibly be on is going to be 5 June, as I'm leaving that day.

:C Take pictors!

...What. Military guys are fione!
[Image: 128725834130949084.jpg]
[Image: 83806523.jpg]
Oh, thank you for the wonderful gifts! I'll be sure to feed them and take care of them while I'm gone.

Erm, what does a Tusken raider eat?
[Image: akimbonoobtubesbykaturo.jpg]

I find this highly relevant to blowing things up.