Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: To clarify, and apologize.
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I haven't forgotten what I wrote yesterday, and probably none of you who read it either. However, I feel as though the topic was a very, very bad manner of doing it. And for that, I'm apologizing.

No, I'm not asking you to let me come back neither do I want to. I however felt that my goodbye was done in a very crude manner, something I don't usually do, as the people who know me can attest to. After a good nights sleep and calming down from my initial rage, I realized I don't want to be one of those people who just raged and left and I therefore apologize for that whole thing and apologize to any person I might have offended except a few people whom I had every intention to offend and I stand by it.

I'm not going to talk much about Enchantra this thread because most of you have already decided what kind of person he is and I pity you all that have. You'll never find out what a dedicated friend he is. I'm damn happy to have him as a friend and just to note, when I introduced him to my fiancée, he acted in that way you call creepy and maybe he was, but guess what? She kindly told him it was making her uncomfortable and he stopped. Now she too have realized how good of a friend he is and he's even walking her down the aisle on our wedding, so -don't- come and say asking him to stop doesn't work, because you obviously did something wrong. That is all I am going to say on that.

And Binkleheimer? That PM yesterday, I stand by most of what I said. I don't like you, I never have, but I still exaggerated it quite a bit and for that, and that alone, I apologize.

I'll still hang around the forums, mostly off-topic, because that's where the game discussions and so are taking place and it's pretty much all I'm interested in on coth anymore. I won't be in-game anymore and I will not take part in any of the discussions regarding the server, because frankly, this server has become full of so many arguments and clashing opinions, I'm starting to think it has become the training facility for tomorrow's politicians. And I didn't join this server to become Sweden's next prime minister. I came here to RP, something that has sadly died in my eyes.

And as a final request, please, please take care of the noobs! When I was new, I knew next to nothing about RP and WoW lore and people like Loxmardin, Flammos and Cressy said "C'mere and I'll teach you." Now it's more like "Yeah, go to Booty Bay. Lots of RP there." It really doesn't help the problem that many of you are complaining about. Please, at least think about it. And to previously mentioned helpers. . . Thank you. I owe you everything. Because despite this post, I have so many fond memories of kidnappings, demon slaughtering and hydra testicles slamming down on a ship deck, memories I'll always think back to and smile and I want -everybody- who comes to this server to experience the same thing.

And Kretol, I've tried, and tried, and tried so hard to come up with a way to explain how grateful I am for making it possible but I just can't. Hopefully, that alone shows exactly how grateful I am. Your never ending dedication to the server and its inhabitants is admirable at the very least and I take my hat off for you. Yes, I put on a hat to take it off for you. It's a tophat too.

Lastly, I imagine I gained a few enemies yesterday and I understand that. I do. But if you ignore me, I will ignore you right back, and if you feel the need to tear me a new one for whatever reason you might come up with, do so in a PM and not here. I understand why my first thread was locked and it was probably for the best. But this one, I'd prefer to be open, so please don't give a reason to lock it. As for the other thread, I'm going to let it stay, unless the staff decided it's better if it's gone. It happened. It was a not so thought through thread fed by my rage and while I do stand by several of those statements, I said it in a very bad way.

So yeah, I'll see you around the forums from time to time, unless I despite this get banned. Although if you'd like to keep in touch on messenger, then by all means, do so. My MSN is: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]][email protected]</a><!-- e -->. Yes, my name is robin. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?

Y'know. It takes guts to admit you're wrong, come back, and apologize. Kudos.

Now for something completely unrelated.
To the bat-APB, Robin!
[Image: batman.jpg]
Quote:And as a final request, please, please take care of the noobs! When I was new, I knew next to nothing about RP and WoW lore and people like Loxmardin, Flammos and Cressy said "C'mere and I'll teach you." Now it's more like "Yeah, go to Booty Bay. Lots of RP there." It really doesn't help the problem that many of you are complaining about.

Sometimes, it is better to say nothing and step down, sitting on the sidelines, and allowing things to go their natural way.


This is not one of those times.

CoTH will not go quietly into the night, as parasites would gnaw at its heels. That said, the truth of the matter is that not through the guile that the adversary shows, in twisting and turning of words, in interpretation and farce, should we fight back against corruption. On the other hand, we've been taught to be polite. As polite as possible, and thus omit the mentioning of names.

What can we do?... We're caught between violent action - which will bring repercussions - and sitting there and taking it - which causes not only emotional strife in us, but... in the long run, it hurts those around us because of our inaction. Is it not right to rebel when things go bad? Isn't it natural to want things to be better? It seems sometimes, that the only thing we're able to do is explode, and hope that the momentary flame of truth reaches and illuminates those still stuck in darkness.

When such happens, you -know- something is wrong. When many people - in succession - explode violently, in their attempt to illuminate darkness, you know that something is amiss in this system.

Yes, people come and go. That's true. That's a constant. But when the old, the veterans, those that've grown to love and hold dear what together we've all built, can't take it anymore and can do nothing but attempt to leave a mark - a scar or a statue - on the face of the place they've loved in an attempt to express their feelings, shouldn't that raise some warning flags? Some red blips somewhere?...

I'm ashamed to say I don't... have a permanent solution. I can't just take up a proverbial knife and split the world in two, saying someone should stay and someone should leave. I have neither the heart for it, nor the arrogance. But what I can do is compromise. I can take some time off and just... y'know, talk?

Sometimes, talking doesn't cut it. It gets heated, because the other person can't understand your point of view - either they don't take the time to examine the little bit of info' you're trying to get across, or they have a point of view completely opposite to your own and just refuse to believe what you're telling them. Things grow odd... It's a natural human response, after all. To being repeatedly bothered by something and just bottling up all that tension, we, as human beings, have the tendency to snap.

...But for the sakes of whatever divinity you fancy, please... give people a chance? I'm not asking that people suddenly become gullible, no, instead just... admit that they might be right in their desperate pleading?

'Cause that's all the little outbursts are. Desperate attempts at pleading for a cause, an outcry for something that's being lost or turned into something one dislikes.

We haven't... learned how to talk properly, I don't think. Because, if we would've, we'd have simply worded the things that bothered us properly.

'X is doing Y. I don't think that's acceptable.' should probably be 'I think X is doing Y, a fact which bothers me because Z. I'd like a chance at moderated discussion with X, please, to avoid further conflict.'

Sounds better, doesn't it? It even says that you'll work together for a solution. Don't split the world in black and white. Sometimes, one must have an iron fist in a velvet glove, yet neither alone.

I'm one for second chances, sure. But not exactly thirds or fourths... I've ranted sometimes. I've expressed my feelings in a violent manner, and I thought it was right, at the time. That sort of thing shouldn't -have- to happen. Why? Because you can snip the fuse to that bomb -before- it goes off. If you perceive you have a problem with someone, talk to them. If you perceive someone has a problem with you, then do that again. Don't hold a grudge. It's hard, I know, but really, sleep on something before doing it. Sleep makes everything better.

Please, don't let more sacrifices happen, out of the need to express the decadence they see. It... makes me sad... because they're only trying to help. In misguided attempts, sure, but...

I think my long-winded little speech should come to an end. My own apology if I've offended anyone. Thank you kindly for your time in reading this.

/flings a hug at Roxas. See you around, my friend.
While I do not think my post will be as memorable as Flammos's epic Lament to Action

Your post yesterday brought up some interesting points, the problem is you let it get to personal and it was very rude to the point when you were calling people out.

That crudeness violates our #1 rule of respect, and if anything else, I like to think that we all still have that. Now that being said let's focus on some points made in your two posts.

1. The RP here has become dull and we do often dismiss it. The new players are herded into Booty Bay like sheep to the slaughterhouse and it is something that maybe we should take a step back and analyze how to fix this as a group.

2. Not going to get into this Enchantra guy because I don't know enough about the situations. I know he was making people uncomfortable and got banned. Whether he deserved it or not is not up to me but I think that's where most of the rage was coming from.

3. This second family aspect is something I can relate to. I love CotH, I think it is a fantastic community. We're all mature, respectful people who don't let much get to us. Our members have all come to know each other for the most part and I spend more time talking to you guys than most real life people.

This family aspect brings me back to respect, as so much of what makes CotH so great is based on this word. I think that for future consideration, people step away from their computer when they feel things getting a little too personal. If you do feel the urge to speak out, do so in a respectable manor to avoid dramas such as this.

We are an RP server and I understand that with so many different personalities coming into this that sometimes people will get offended. There is no way around it, people will get offended for many different reasons that maybe other's don't understand -but- that does not mean that there is always a right and a wrong. Everybody's feelings must be taken into consideration here.

I think that's all the food for thought I have in me for now.
Hay you say mah name!

Before hand, I didn't read any of the other posts, they looked too long and I don't care to read 'em.*

It takes nuts to apologize, Roxas, something that few people have done on the interbutts. So, I would like to say, 'All good', atleast from me.

Have fun on your other games and if you ever need* anything, don't be afraid to send me a message.

See ya!

1. Because sometimes, having or writing less is more.
2.In other words, feel the want to be trolled. ;3
Okay, first of all, it takes guts to apologize. I know that because I never apologize. Can't take the tension of admitting that I am wrong.

Second... it's sad to see the veterans leave like this. I remember when many of today's veterans were just Peons, alongside myself. I remember when people who used to be heavy-duty RPers left before me. And I remember when many of them taught me how to RP. But that's how life is - people come and go. Does it have to be this way, though?

On the community problems... as I always say on this subject, each community with 5 or more people hits the rock bottom at some point. But Universe is always in balance. After the bad times, people usually get hit with the happiness hammer straight to the face.

On the subject of having the guts to speak out... well, that's many people's problem. Yet, as Grakor's signature says "Cowardice is not a valid excuse for inaction." Unfortunately... I have no excuse. Period.

Yet, this community needs a little effort from all of us. As an old Bulgarian saying goes "One singing bird doesn't make spring." The One-Man-Army idea... it's not an option. We all need to work together, we just need an iron grip to lead us. I am a man, who thinks that if a community is not going in the wrong direction, one man, just one man must lead all, but a man who takes into consideration all opinions.

I am not sure how this post came out, since I am tired, distracted and a bit confused... so, to sum it up. Man up, people, choose your leader and let's set things straight!
While maybe not entirely related to the topic on hand, I'd say something people often overlook is that it might not be so much that CotH has gone though some tremendous changes but that maybe you (reader) have.

. . . Which means, I guess, that I'm forever a teenager.

I have absolutely nothing to do with this, I'd just advice my fellow Swede to not cut all bonds (which I see now that you aren't) since often people who've been here for a long time comes back after a break. Might be that's all you need to, get away from stuff and do something else for awhile. Good luck, at any rate! If you feel like playing some games my steam id is thedarkavenger91

Make sure you state who you are as fast as you see me if you do add me or I might block you, heh.