Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: H. TK. F. T: Proving Grounds
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[Image: mtg_plains_by_crimsonmagpie-d2yzze2.jpg]
[Image: Hiromu_Arakawa__s_avatar_by_Vamich.gif]Proving Grounds [Image: Hiromu_Arakawa__s_avatar_by_Vamich.gif]

To prove yourself worthy of the Earth Mother...

Your mind, body and spirit will be put through many trials...

To test your dedication and worth...

Remain confident and your right of passage will be successful.

[Image: Hiromu_Arakawa__s_avatar_by_Vamich.gif]A group of young Tauren are going to perform a task prior to their right of passage (the right of passage is how they become a full member of the tribe and are seen as adults). They are asked to inspect the Quillboar canyon where increasing activity from them has been seen. What happens to the younglings lay in your hands.

[Image: Hiromu_Arakawa__s_avatar_by_Vamich.gif] THE BIG GIST INFO BLOCK [Image: Hiromu_Arakawa__s_avatar_by_Vamich.gif]

[Image: Hiromu_Arakawa__s_avatar_by_Vamich.gif]Who?: You, silly! Or well, anyone who wants to try something new or be apart of an on going storyline.

[Image: Hiromu_Arakawa__s_avatar_by_Vamich.gif]What you need: A level one Tauren n00b! Any class is fine. If we have more of one type than another, we can always figure it out.

[Image: Hiromu_Arakawa__s_avatar_by_Vamich.gif]WHEN?: September 18th, 1PM/13:00 server time. If you need help converting, just ask!

[Image: Hiromu_Arakawa__s_avatar_by_Vamich.gif]Where?: The Tauren starting area, silly-goose!

[Image: Hiromu_Arakawa__s_avatar_by_Vamich.gif]Why would I wanna do this?: BECAUSE IT IS GONNA BE AWESOME.

Any questions? Ask.

And yes, I am lazy and never know what to write to make these events sound awesome..But believe me, it will be rad, it will be rad...
Well, I -have- been stalling to make my Tauren druid, so I figure...
I'll be joining on him.
. . .

. . .

Can I make a cow in red speedos and glasses just for this event?
Sounds like we're going to be having beef. And lots of it.
The name's bone.

Thanks for derailing my thread, guys. Really rad.
Just to hit this back on topic... I'm gonna throw it out there, that it might be a good idea to check out my guide on Tauren. I've been told it's rather helpful quite a few times. Any who, good luck, I hope I can make it!
Updated with date and time!

Post if you plan on joining it. It should be a good time.
I shall be there! Unless I have work. O.o
Will be there, ma'am.

I've made a druid for this.

...His name...
...Is Brah.
I'll more than likely join this.

... Just need to figure out what sort of character I should make.
...A third edition of Aithwa will be making an appearance.

I look forward to the fun and games.
...You two should make "Broh" and "Broski".

We can be a tauren family.
A Tauren Shaman approaches! Darun is in.
Just a heads up, it is the same time but Saturday. Hawk cannot make Friday because of a party.
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