Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Galizza [Shivarra/Persistant]
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Race of character/NPC: Shivarra

Class of character/NPC : Warlock

Name of character/NPC : Galizza

Exact modelID requested: 21252 at scale .4

Duration that character will be used: Persistant

Purpose for the character/NPC: The High Hierophant for the <Argus Wake> guild.

Location the character/NPC will reside: Crypt in the Badlands, soon to be the ‘Evil Island’.

Level requested: 80

Any special equipment needed: None needed

Player: Krilari

Character Full Name: Galizza

Character In-Game Name:Galizza

Nickname(s): ‘Elizabeth’, ‘Gala’

Association(s): Burning Legion, Argus Wake

Race: Shivarra

Class: Priestess

Age: 9,001

Sex: Female

Hair: Fire

Eyes: Burning blue

Weight: 962 Lbs

Height: 22’

Usual Garments/Armor: Being a shivarra, Galizza dresses herself in the normal raiment's of the Legion’s priestesses. In four of her hands, in each there is a razor-sharp blade.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Personality: A cynical beast of a woman, Galizza holds a hate for anything viewed as too weak to be of any use. Through her fanatical practices, she helps boost morale of those that bask in Sargeras’ glory.

Still, easiest way to put it:

She’s a demon


An army of them...

Any of them

All of them

Demons flocked to Outland through the many portals, orifices in the realm of reality that poured nightmares from realms unknown. With this, came Galizza upon the realm of Draenor from the dark reaches of her mysterious home. Through Magtheridon’s power, Galizaa served her Lord and master with even more zeal and morale than thought possible. Her role as a priestess of the legion was fulfilled tenfold. It was truly a glorious time for the legion,.

But it did not last

The demon hunter... Illidan. He came with all his might and all his minions, cutting off the portals that Magtheridon created. With the portals closed and reinforcements with them, the legion was faced with a great threat. Illidan descended upon the Black Temple to do battle with the Pit Lord.. the two crashed and clashed for hours on end, yet when it was all over with, the Black Temple had exchanged one master for another. Thus, this is where the glorious times ended and any of those that refused to be loyal were bound to the Illidari. Galizza was not one of them. It’s a dog-eat-dog universe, and Galizza thought it best to feign loyalty until opportunity presented itself once again.

And thus it did

A Tothrezim came to the temple, peddling large amounts of things such as fel iron and fel steel, on top of general war supplies. There’s no doubt that Tothrezim are demons down to the core, and faithful to the Legion, but they are more than willing to make a deal if it means they get something out of it. While the supplies were being carted around, Galizza approached the Tothrezim and made a deal, her servitude in turn for her freedom from that wretched temple. He was more than happy to oblige.

With Galizza out of the temple, she carried out her tasks with zeal not seen since Magtheridon ruled over the desolated lands. They traveled far and wise across the demon infested lands, only splitting on rare occasions to deal with some odd client from Azeroth.

This lapse of usual life was once again interrupted, this time by the Tothrezim. He had an underling, a pathetic human that drank a bit too much of fel blood. For some reason he was not contempt with just binding her soul and using it to fuel the flames of his forges. No, he wanted her to go back to Azeroth, to go and remake the Argus Wake . With the human, Galizza was sent along with the Mo’arg engineer, Zultir.

Sergeras’ Will be Done
Shivarra v Shivala. Let's do this.
I've been waiting for a shivarra for so long... PLEASE make her devout, I'd hate to see her be just another demon without religion playing a part in who she is and what she does...
Krilari, you should have your Shivarra ride on Kug's shoulder, Skyfin has the other dibb'd upon.
Project abandoned in hopes of murloc-y goodness.