Conquest of the Horde

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I think I will try to visit this thread periodically with different characters.



The good: When she was small her father would carry her around and let her ride on his shoulders. This made the little runt feel big.

She always had fond memories of building and making mini-forts and rock walls.

There were probably fun times to be had following around uncle Mundo. She was always proud of how big and strong he was.

The first time when she was able to make off with someone else's food and get away with it.

Every time she got to eat breaded boar.

The first time she got to punch someone in the face. This promptly lead to her getting the snot beaten out of her but it's still a fond memory.

The bad:
The disappearance of her mother.

All the times she was bullied by the other kids bigger than her. Strangely enough most of the negative attention came from other girls.

That time she was nearly strangled by Roach.

When the kids went to topple her rock towers.

The one time she actually did get caught stealing. She was let off easy for being a kid but she got a bad spanking for it from her dad. He may not be bright, but he wouldn't stand for that behavior.

Almost always starving

Teenage years

The good: Receiving Kota as a gift from Roach. Kota is her faithful wolf.

Punching a troll in the face because he tapped that.

Learning to use daggers and how to steal.

Getting to explore the jungles of Stranglethorn.

Her first smoke.

The bad: Her first bandit raid, otherwise known as her initiation.

Signing herself to the Steelswick Cartel, in retrospect, was a very bad memory.

Leaving home. She had this realization about how out of place she was in a culture that places heavy emphasis on honor. Carana would have rather lived comfortably, but it still bothers her she felt like she had to read.

Every letter she got from her father. Sometimes she would write back, but it felt pathetic and it made her feel guilty how clueless he was. He'd constantly write about how much he was proud of her and that he loved her, when really she was doing all these bad things. He still sends her letters to this very day, and she keeps every single one.

That being said, leaving her father was a very bad memory.

Adulthood (RP)

The good: Making an easy five gold by selling Kapre.

Befriending Kapre. Strangely enough he's quite entertaining and he's just so dumb and innocent she decided to give him a break rather than hurt him twice.

Getting to punch Mokaku in the face. She felt so proud!

Befriending Mokaku. Getting to hang out at his place. They had lots of fun together. The relationship was not romantic but it made her feel really good to be around him.

I forget their names, but there were three elves that had been defeated by her group, and she got to mug them and steal their hair for the lulz.

Frostmaul Workshop. That place was real fun. A really fun memory there was when she managed to ground the flying robot.

Mugging Avints. He actually provided a good bit of gold for her. Kota get to help too.

Getting a hand-cannon from Dazto Darkspear.

The fact that she was able to organize a tournament off the bat. Made her feel like a bawss.

The bad: Losing to an elf, despite there being another orc with her, and it being a two versus one fight.

When some elf made implications about her and Thragash. Was extremely awkward. She actually tries to avoid such relationships, especially with other orcs, given her outcast status. To add insult to injury the implications were made by the same elf that had beaten her.

Having to force an elf to say good-bye to Dazto. She really feels bad for Dazto, and how such little things can upset him.

Getting kidnapped, though it happened off screen.

After having mugged Avints, Avints managed to get back at her. She is determined to avoid him from now on.

In one of the boss fights at the Frostmaul workshop, she was rather disappointed that she felt useless through the battle.

And I think that's about it for now.
I feel like doing one for Lentor.

-Childhood memories: NONE. (He's a death knight, forgot -everything- that happened before he was risen.)

-Adulthood memories: His name (Good(?)) It's the only thing he remembers.

-IC Memories:

-Meeting Zlatiestra, another knight that currently resides with him.
-Crushing open a forsaken warlock's skull with his bare hands. ('Saving' Kapre in the process.)
-Killing someone -very- brutally after he assaulted his home. (Details will not be given.)
-Establishing a sort of romantic 'relationship' with Zlatiestra.
-Joining the Lost Minded.

-Not being able to kill Kapre after killing the forsaken.
-Spat on and hated by most towns and cities he went by.
-Not knowing how to make a tent and spending a few months out in the rain until someone helped him build it. (Poor Lentor.)

Quote: - Getting his arse kicked by Jabtok before he became a Gladiator. And in front of Zealaya.

Kaz killed Jabtok.
And in front of Zealaya.

Because he's a badass.

...He also became horribly crippled for months because a certain scorpion ate his damn foot, haha.


The good: Memories of her mother. Chekka did not know her for long, but when she did her mother was very protective of her.

Leaving internment.

Getting to see the outside world for the first time. The change from the dull internment camps to the fresh, green outdoors. The subsequent journey on the ocean as well was exciting for the young orc. She really likes sailing.

The bad: She was always worried for her mother, who was mulling over the loss of her mate and two sons.

Knowing she had brothers and a father that she would never meet.

The death of her mother.

A troll taking her in as a surrogate mother, in retrospect, is a bad memory for her.

Teenage years

The good: First mastering her shaman powers.

When she was proselytized by the troll, she came to believe that the Loa favored her. Having Hethiss' favor was something she felt good about.

Learning how to belly dance.

The bad: Always fearing her surrogate mother, who was a hexer.

Believing her “mother” had a claim on her soul.

Adulthood (RP)

The good: She made a few friends following the BSHG. Among them she is very fond of Dazehl.

Dazehl aiding her in a ritual to release her spirit.

Winning a “prize” from Jendrax. He promised to get her a raptor.

Finding Jendrax as her mate.

That one time where a very lucky roll lead to a triple-kill.

Getting to splash this one orc with a tidal wave. I believe it was Ben's orc.

She made a lot of friends. It surprised her when she went away on her journey so many were there to say good-bye and wish her farewell.

Donwanza. Trolololol.

The bad: Being thrown by Jendrax.

Being thrown by that orc she splashed.

She was really embarrassed when Sokaj laughed at her.

That first generation death knight really scared the bajeesus out of her.
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