Conquest of the Horde

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I'm looking for either 1.) Nagrand-born orcs or 2.) Nagrand-settled draenei who'd know three characters of mine, Kapre and Diawata (Draenei) and Mahentosh (Orc). I really don't want anyone to create orcs or draenei just for this purpose: any older character would do. As for why, no really big reason other than to provide vehicles for character development in regards to memories of Draenor before the Old Horde rose. This is also for so mutual help in getting lore straight.

I don't expect any deep friendship; casual acquaintance is fine too :). If you wish to coordinate something deeper, we can certainly PM/whisper each other.

Things your orc/draenei for mine:


-Was a young adult shaman before he became a warlock.
-Courted an orc warrioress who broke her relationship with a draenei so she'd mate with Mahentosh
-Is a kindly fellow who regrets following the path of warlockery (or does he?....)


-Impulsive priestess (became a shaman on Azeroth)
-Shallow, vain, and vapid. She'll always go "I'm better looking" at you.
-Beauty rival with another female, Mahaala, the "town mount" (aka, the town slut)
-Was mated with a paladin named Tapaan but the relationship between them never went past friends


-Was a paladin (well, failadin) who hardly got the grasp of the usage of the Light
-Best friends with Tapaan
-Mated with Mahaala and sired a son Saya
-Was weak and cowardly then but too overly friendly with the orcs
Hmm, well I -do- have a Nagrand-born orc. Problem being he was born just before the orcish invasion of Kalimdor. He might of been all of six years old before they left for Azeroth.

Of course I could do something with Gatsuo, my orc DK. Or Moki.... my other orc DK.
Mister Prancing.. You said he was born just before the Invasion of Kalimdor and then you said he was around six years old afore the orcs left for Azeroth. The invasion of Kalimdor happened in the year 25 I believe, and the orcs first went to Azeroth in the year 1.
Maybe I just read it wrong or something..

As for the topic, I also have a Nagrand born orc whom I've just made a profile for so he should be up and rolling soon. If you want to work something out, feel free to hit me up with a PM.
Ah my appologies, I simply worded it wrong.

Ignore my inconstant 2AM (Now 4:30 AM) blatherings.