Conquest of the Horde

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I'm right there with Xigo and Rigley. We're the forgettables.

Anywho, I'll... Thank people later. But for now, thanks!

Yeah. You. Thanks! Exactly. You got thanked. By me. Congratulations. Or not.
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

... Now that that awesome quote is done with, I'd like to thank everyone I've ever RP'd with.
Wow, people are mentioning me, by name! I'm amazed, I thought noone liked me :D

Anyway, I supposed I should update my list now, so here goes...

-Mathias. One of the guys I first RPed with, and whose characters have stuck with mine IC since. I freakin' love Cristovao and Matthew's relationship, and all the shenanigans that have been had. I also really love Coria, who is quirky, but not excessively so, just enough to give her that character flavor I so love without coming off as forced or annoying.

-Saronsen. Another of the guys I first RPed with, the fact he managed to run with an OOC raidchat gag and turn it into one of my favorite early RP storylines says it all. The IC horseback ride to Plaguelands, the exploration of Andorhal at level 50 (which provided a good deal of OOC dread as well as IC, lol), and the fruition of the estranged father-son dynamic between Saronsen and Matthew IC, I loved it all.

-PurgatoryDuck. The last of the "big three" I RPed with early on, and the first one I actually RPed with (alongside Saronsen), Valon stood out from Matthew's grumpiness and Saronsen's piety, and Cristovao's own intellectualism as the brooding one whom we often made jokes of. I really loved the conflict that stirred from his betrayal of Matthew and Saronsen, and am sad that the server restart pretty much just erased all of that, because I was curious to see where it was going. Alas, I still love Valon and hope to see more of him again.

-Zenethen. I've RPed with three of his characters since I've come here, and I loved all three of them. I enjoyed watching Cristovao and Dalikan go from bitter antithesis of each other to close friends (even if that bit itself is retconned now), I enjoyed especially the two working together to make a literal light-forged blade IC. I -really- love Grenalin, he's such an outstanding dwarf, not only for actually being a paladin, but a very low-key, caring and kind dwarf paladin. Oh, and his stories are awesome as well. Zenethen I've only RPed with once, but it's always fun to find a Forsaken that by all means SHOULD get along with Cristovao, because I enjoy making him itch in his pants around Forsaken :D

-Nexi. Nexi holds a special place in my RP heart for being the first to show OOC support of Cristovao and Diwaata's coupling, as well as encourage us to RP it out in Shattrath. It was because of her I joined the Draenei Pilgrimage, and it has not dissapointed. It was also nice to have a friendly draenei regularly RP with Cristo, as well. Now all he needs is a regularly RPed enemy draenei! LOL

-Bovel. For simply hosting the Draenei Pilgrimage. I haven't done hardly any 1 on 1 RP with Telah, but I love the guy so much. He seems as a truly sincere wise anchorite, and really seems like a shepard to the DP's flock of sheep. The fact I am included in that flock said a lot to me IC and OOC, too. And don't worry, I'll be working on that pilgrimage chronicle again soon!

-Ozewse. I freakin <3 this guy (or girl. I honestly can not tell, and I am not sure I want to know, because it would ruin the magic of it all). Ralerian was the first Blood elf I RPed Aryeon with (alongside a few others whom I also liked), and I've loved the guy ever since. He seems on the surface to just be your typical jerk-ass shadow worshipping badguy, but in reality he's got a great and sound philosophy behind it, and is one of the few characters I've seen to make the Shadow actually seem benevolent and divine, as its supposed to be. Oh, and his little fel-crack-whore is a goddamn scene stealing queen and I goddamn love it.

-Uguu. What can I say, for as much times as you've brushed me the wrong way OOC (not that I hold that against you), I can't deny you deliver a good RP experience. Pollie's encounter with Hrodebert over his freakin' beard was hilarious, and Falaindre's emotes towards Hercynian crack me up too.

-Cressy. Da'taz fucken cracks me up, and the fact she has a "pun" name makes it even better. I love it when people have fun with their characters, and you do that without failure. I also love your detective story, even if I missed out on a lot of it!

-Kepora. It was nice for Hrodebert to make a fellow engineer-buddy, and giving him an IC ride to Everlook on the motorcycle was really fun. I wish I could RP with him more in the future to expand on their friendship, as well!

-Grakor. I'm pretty sure I've brushed you the wrong way before OOC (and maybe even IC) in the past, but that doesn't change the fact you've helped Immy out a ton with her own storylines, and really got involved with them, and helped flesh them out and even change them as it went along. I love Thragash, and I love watching him punch something's lights out one minute, then be idly watching the pond in Orgrimmar the next, and I loved the Ashrunes as well. Oh, and Madugo inadvertently becoming mixed up in Thragash and Rhozak's "coming out" episode remains one of my favorite (and hilarious) Horde RP experiences.

-Djurawuzhere. I love Faldun and miss him! I loved seeing a mortar crew be RPed out, and Faldun (along with his partner whose name I've sadly forgotten) hit it perfectly on the head. The entire Searing Gorge event was beautiful, and Hrod trying to provide covering fire for these guys while they shelled the crap out of the towers was fun, and then we all shared in the bitter loss of the beloved mortar in the end as we made a daring escape where half of us thought the other half were dead. Good times.

-BeepBoop. I f'ing love Beardbeard, both legitimately and for the lulz. The guy is a literally axe-crazy dwarf who speaks in all-caps and despite his psychotic antics, some how comes off as endearing in a way. He's like watching a child play with his toys. A giant, axe swinging child whose toys are horrific violence. What else can I say?

-ImagenAshyun. I didn't forget you, love, I just saved the best for last. You know our RP experience goes waaay before CotH, and you've stuck with me through it all. I love writing storylines with you and bouncing ideas off of you, and how much of my crap you put up with when I screw up. Here's hoping we can make some good waves with our RP couples!

I'm sure there are more of you out there that I love, but I can't remember the names! Or I can't find the player of the character, but I digress.
... I'm too scared and shy to compliment people individually because I know I'll forget who is who and who plays what .-. So....


I'll run through the player list and try my best!...when I'm not in class XD.
And now for a person most of you've never heard of, and a few of you will remember.

Hogral - The Dwarf who got me out of my shell enough to RP here. All it took was him PMing me whilst I was goofing around in Ashenvale, "Do you want to RP?" And thus began the story of a couple of random blokes who got lost in a scary forest and tried to cross through a border checkpoint, evading Orcs, a NElf Druid and a BElf Priest, in order to get out... This was also the first time I realized that Kaghuros scared the ever-loving bajesus out of me.

Moose - An RPer who had brilliant ideas, and though Moose got on my nerves from time to time, I hold great respect. Only wish I'd see Moose from time to time. :I

Kaelvan - You were the first RP I got on Aeth'Enril. It was glorious. Enough said.

As for more recently...

Ozewse - Lovelovelovelovelove! You're absolute fun to RP with. While I've only RPed with you briefly, it was great stuff. The big thing, though, is you're awesome.

Loxxy - We haven't RPed together in a long time. But when we did... Aeth'Enril concussed himself with a table. You get bonus points for having the guts to stick to the GM-work for longer than I did, as well as points for being in my promotion group. <3


RentReality - Oh, how I love Mansfield. So much. The RP was magnificent, and having a character who did medicine in a way that was not only realistic, but believable, was wonderful.

Rigley - Your ideas are absolutely wonderful. I had great fun in Dungeoneer, when I got the chance to participate. I also loved Wilt, Rigley - Basically every character you made. My favorite, though, was Hastings. If only because, during the random drug-trip RP, he had the best lines. Hastings switches minds with a wolf. Hastings: "----in' woof."

Grakor - I haven't RPed with you much, and I regret it. The little RP I did have with Thragash was great, and I wish I could've been there for the rest of the Skin Thieves event, but I wasn't in a good place at the time. Also, thanks for listening to me when I needed to vent. <3

Nexi - We rarely RPed, but I feel the need to say that when we did, it was pretty cool stuff. /thumbsup

Mouse - Less than Three! :O So much awesome!

Dan - You, sir, are unadulterated, pure-cut powerhouse. The RP? It was fun. Remember, though. You need to use Lightdarksundercleave as a surname, sometime.

But you're awesome, so it's okay.

If I forgot to mention you, it's nothing personal. It took willpower to break out enough to think of this much nice to put into a post in the first place.

Sue me, I'm not usually happy.
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