Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Shoe vendor in GMI?
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There are shirts, robes, hats, weapons and all that, but I noticed that we don't really have a shoe vendor. I know the shirt vendor sells a couple with the Brewfest sets, but that's all I've really seen. Just figured I'd toss this up as a suggestion for the future. :U
I agree. Do eet.
I also agree. I would have all my set ready from buying those handy things at the GM mall, but yet.. I am barefoot! Save our toes!
Ditto. A shoe vendor would be excellent.
I agree. I had to personally look up what foot items are available on GMI besides what boots are there. A shoe vendor would be muchly loved.
Don't leave us shoeless! The RP in Northrend will probably give us a perma-CW, but, jokes aside, /support
I also co-sign to this. Cobblers rule!
This has my support. It's a great idea, far better than looking through lists of them on WoWhead or .lo rp to find a pair of shoes/boots/fuzzy bunny slippers.
I also noticed that some of the starter shoes, like the thug shoes that are bluish/purple, can't be added with the .addrpitem command.
I agree with this 100%. (Some belts wouldn't go amiss either, while we're at it)
Agreed! We need a cloak vendor, too, maybe?
(06-28-2011, 09:22 AM)Wuvvums Wrote: [ -> ]I also noticed that some of the starter shoes, like the thug shoes that are bluish/purple, can't be added with the .addrpitem command.

Starter items are sold by Thomas Yance for 10s each.
You can also add those, Wuvvums, by adding 20 in front of the ID.

On another hand, I support this ./sagenod