Conquest of the Horde

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[Inactive for now]

The Buckthorn Raiders

“Tales go on about a legendarry ship: Thee Last Whisperr. Howeverr, it be not just any ship. It be thee head of a whole arrmada. An arrmada who's sole objective was to rretrrieve thee fallen and wounded heroes frrom battle to brring them back te thee home land; but as they be on their voyage, they be encounterin' somethin' farr too dangerrous and evil. A sorrcerrerr. Thee man be found unconscious and be brrought back to thee ship. Upon his awakenin' he released a terrrible currse unto thee ship and it's crrew. A currse that be renderrin' thee men incapabl' o'frree will. Aye, but such a currse be comin' with consequences. Thee sorrcerrerr, upon currsin' thee, b'came bound te'thee ship and it's crrew, aye... Thee men, prisonerrs in theirr own undead bodies be doomed te'sail thee seas fer all eterrnityy, aye... It be said that thee only way te be freein' thee crrew of their sufferin' is te be destroyin' thee evil heart that is thee sorrcerrerr, aye... Nothin' be known of thee whereabouts of this legendarry ship and it's sisterrs... Legend be sayin' that entirre crrews hav'been complet'ly ov'r'run by thee Drread Crrew beforre they be knowin' abo't'it. Thee ship be known te'be thee fastest te'everr sail thee seas, aye. Thee ship, silent in movement, is Thee Last Whisperr...”

This was the tale told to Giles and Baruhk by an old sailor when they were just lads. Ever since, Giles has been slightly less than obsessed with this mythical ship. Though, he was convinced it was more than just myth. Years would go by before Giles and Baruhk started their own crew to begin their search for this legendary shp.


What makes The Buckthorn Raiders different from any other Pirate guild? - Well, first I would like to say that the guild was designed with activity in mind. Eventually we will be having an initiating event, once we get enough members, to sort of jump start the guild. From then on we plan to have plenty more events entailing ship battles and treasure hunting. Along with causing mischief here and there, as pirates tend to do. We will also have plenty of leisurely ship and port Roleplay.

This is your third guild idea Stormgald... Why can't you make up your mind? - I have made up my mind and this is the guild idea I wish to pursue. I may revive Scanalatura di Sangue later on as I am still interested in the idea. The reason I have decided to go with this pirate crew idea is because more people seem to be interested in it, which in turn makes it more fun for me as well. We already have over ten members!

Do you have a set storyline for The Buckthorn Raiders? - I do. However, Baruhk and I are open to suggestions so please, send them our way!


Captain - Captain of the ship...
First Mate - The First Mate is the Captains right hand man.
Quartermaster - The Quartermaster will be elected by the crew as a high ranked member who can give orders and oversee actions.
Boatswain - A Boatswain is a high ranked member who can give orders to lowly crew members and oversee the work of carpenters.
Gunner - A Gunner is a member who is qualified to load and operate the ship's cannons.
Sealeg - A Sealeg is your average crew member.

Other Specialized Ranks:

Carpenter - Carpenters are members qualified to repair the ship of any damage. Woodworkers.
Musician - Musicians are members who's sole purpose is to entertain the crew.
Cook - Cooks are members who have been seen as qualified to cook and handle the food served to the crew.
Slave - Slaves are rather self explanatory. They may or may not be forced into work and are subject to trades and sales.


You may contact me by whispering or mailing any of my characters in game. A list of my characters can be found in a spoiler in my signature. You may also contact me via PM on the forums or by responding to this post. You may also contact Baruhk or any other representative of The Buckthorn Raiders.

Im willing to RP a slave, im ingame right now.

Contact Aleonor ingame/PM me here/respond to this thread.