Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: So, a little thing I noticed as a nubie...
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Greetings CotHians! Nubie reporting in! Anyways, I have a quick little suggestion saying this is the suggestion forum, I'm going to get started!

Now, this isn't a OMG GMS YOU NEED TO LOOK AT THIS AND FIX RIGHT NAO! issue, it's a Hey, if you have some spare time, this would be awesome!

I had read and talked around and found out that the first dungoen tier with all it's stats are available to level ones, that's awesome, although! It costs 8g? It's the first dungeon tier, the only people who really going to use it are the Peons and nubies as myself. If you, unless you beg/meet a giving person, can't get money other than very slowly via questing, why make it cost money period? I've noticed by talking to vendors that you can buy, for 300g, a Bronze Token which equals auto-50 via GM Permission, so you don't need to really level.

Guessing here, but your main focus for the Tier Sets having stats was for people to level in, right? Well, most people, myself included, can't level in them if they don't have the money to get it. So I ask, once again, GM Gods, why the cost on the tier? At least the first level has a reason to be free.

Thank you for your time and a rawr for good luck!
Actually, 8 gold is fairly easy to come by! Most people are generous to give such an amount, and the gold rates on this server are quite upped, by 3 times, I believe. Nonetheless, it'd be nice to see free D1.
Yeah, I know aboutthe rates, and I was told that, supposedly, it's an unspoken GM Rule to hand out gold, but, I unno! Maybe if enough people agree, it might happen.
I'm also fairly new, but I found that I had enough gold to get my whole T-1 set and a decent weapon by day 2.
If you shoot me a /tell in world, I can suggest some other methods of gathering gold quick as a lowbie, and maybe shoot you a donation towards getting geared out.
For weapons, I highly suggest getting a heirloom weapon from the Earthshaker arena (arenas > earthshaker) vendors, because they account bind-- you can transfer them between alts, and they level with you.
When I mentioned 'an unspoken GM rule' it was that I don't believe it would be ethical for me to give you gold. Heh. Other people can gladly give you gold if you ask politely, of course!
I wouldn't see a problem giving new players gold if you had it lying around. Considering as a GM you have no need of the gold you acquire through combat or other endeavors, it's just like myself as a veteran player giving 8g to some guy for his armor. I'd just spend it on enchanting mats and hookers anyway, so a newbie can take it to buy some useful class skills.
I personally enjoyed coming to a server where I didn't have my massive 10k gold, every heirloom I could buy, and a 450 Tailor that crafted bags that I have back on retail. It was fun to start over. Was it a bit of a waste of time? Yes. But it also re-teaches you the value of gold. We are a private server, and no, we don't covet gold like you would on a retail server, but it is still important. If we could all buy anything and everything from the get go, there would be no incentive to play longer, as there would be very little to show the distinction between new and veteran players.