Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: "Racial" Flying Mounts Sold on GMI?
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Recently I've noticed that the level required to acquire a basic flying mount has been dropped to 50, which is really great. However, still more can be done to help RP get to Outland and other flight-friendly locations.

What I propose is for these mounts to have their reputation requirement removed, and for them to be added to a vendor on GMI (for a reasonable price).

Your average Sin'dorei is much more likely to ride a Dragonhawk than a Wind Rider, and Kaldorei much favor Hippogryphs over Gryphons.

Cenarion War Hippogryph
Argent Hippogryph
Silver Covenant Hippogryph

Blue Dragonhawk
Red Dragonhawk
Sunreaver Dragonhawk

In addition, and admittedly a little less likely to be agreed upon, I would argue that the Nether Ray mounts having their reputation requirement removed, and being added to the vendor would also make sense, as they are more suited to carrying Draenei due to size and weight issues.
What I may do is remove the rep requirement on the items themselves, but add them to the NElf and BElf mount vendors. That way, the elves will have more of a racial flying mount readily available to them, but still allow other races to get them with a bit of work. We shall see!

(Posted from teh phonez)