Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: A trio of ex-Blizzard Server RP's looking to join!
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Hey guys, I was looking for an RP WoW private server ever since my withdrawl from Blizz-WoW, and stumbled across you guys. I role-played basically my last three years on WoW, making Moon Guard my home, and was pretty active there (if any of you played there and know the RP-PvP events, I was pretty involved in those, on both sides).

I quit recently though, mostly because I was uninterested in doing the gear-haul for Cata, and the payments. That was about 4-5 months ago, and I've been making do with playing mostly SC2, LoL, TF2, WC3 and DnD in the mean time. Like I said above, I've been missing the WoW lore, and decided to google some private servers, and thus I found this.

My brother, his lady, and I are interested in the server, and we have a few questions if a cool guy could help us out

1.) What are the demographics of the server? From what I see it's pretty even Horde/Alliance, but what's the total population of the server? What are peak hours?

2.) From what I'm told, the hotspots are Stormwind, Ogrimmar, Silvermoon and Booty Bay. Am I missing any?

3.) How our OOC things on the server? Is there any PvP or PvE? This is mostly for class picking reasons -- If we want to ever dungeon together, three Paladins might be a bad comp.

4.) Are there any special irregularities in regards to lore, and the physical world? Any added zones? What's the deal with GM Island?

5.) What tropes are over-done on the server? Too many happy-go-lucky/oddly shy Elves? Too many old, war-vet Humans? Or is all Horde Elf and all Alliance Human?

6.) Finally, of the three trios, which one do you think would work best on the server?

-An old war vet, training the son of a squad-mate who saved his life (plus a third we haven't placed yet)
-A trio of well-played Blood Elves, obsessed with Sin'dorei nationalism and personal power
-A stoner/hippy/typical-lazy Troll, an old-school Orc Shaman, and a young and loving Tauren (typical event: Troll says something inappropriate, Orc smacks him on the head with his cane, Tauren gives Troll a cookie and pat on the head, wags a finger at Orc).

I also have a Draenei Vindicator (Draenei are my favorite race, by far), but I haven't been able to work him into what my brother wants to play.

Let me know what you think, and thanks in advance!
-Vierdiel Sunshatter/Daviren Falton/Kuresho of Kaarinos
I can't elaborate much as I'm at work currently, but:
1. Demographics tend to lean somewhat towards Alliance IMO, but most players have characters of both factions. Peak hours, being a US-based server, tend to be during the day and early evening hours according to server time. The population has picked up a bit at all hours due to the summer, though. Peak numbers tend to range in the 50s-60s.

2. Those are indeed the main hotspots, but I'm sure others will comment on other popular locales.

3. There isn't too much PvEing or PvPing. Sometimes folks will go on a dungeon joyrun for RP stuff, though. PvP shenanigans occasionally happen on GMI.

4. Currently, we don't have many Lore changes. We have a few customized areas like Azshara Crater, but nothing really that impacts lore.

(Posted from teh phonez)
I'll take 5 & 6.

5) In my eyes, there are too many happy go lucky of basically any race. Someone roleplaying things that go along with war, like mental illnesses, are not oft seen and would be great to see.

6) Well, there, undoubtedly, are a lot of Blood Elves like you mentioned (Then again, there are just a lot of Blood Elves. I feel like the second one would be interesting to see RP'd out, so I'd go with that.
Thanks for the swift replies!
-A trio of well-played Blood Elves, obsessed with Sin'dorei nationalism and personal power


Do need.
I would suggest the orc, troll and tauren! Too many BElves already!

(Posted from teh phonez)
Kretol. We're taking over.

You cannot stop us.

We are many.

You already have elfish ears in your avatar. Soon, those eyes. Shall be green.
I think the other two would prefer the Old Horde team.
Most of us would, deep down. It's just that there isn't a whole lot of 'traditional' elves, that are played as they should be. Even my elf seems like a high elf with green eyes at times, but that's just when he's not on his way to siphon fel, or just coming back from it. That's when he's at his worst.

Before I go off on a narcissistic rant however, I say go with whatever you find the most appropriate for your play style. There isn't really anything that's been too overdone besides living death knights and characters that are way too friendly, so do what you need to do and spread some quality RP. People will be grateful for it, no matter what shape and size your avatar is.