Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: 'Something is afoul...' Mini event planning
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A part of that story can be read here.

This is something spontaneous, but I hope to host mini-events that I don't think requires GM approval/sponsorship. However, in order for this story to be told, there needs to be folks to be participants as well as an audience to the story. Players can either side with Diawata and Kapre as they head to Ashenvale or they can be with Bastos and Urameil to help arrange a kidnapping (yes, even though the kidnapping event occurred not long ago. Bastos is a bastard.)

This is a mini-event, so I don't intend too much planning, but help in getting this off the ground would be great. I hope this storyline would help me know the ropes of event hosting here at this server before I go for something bigger and more ambitious.
If you'd like support, Bezington'd be happy to help. If Kapre asks.
For far, possible participants besides myself are:


-Cristovao (?)


-Madugo (?)

I don't intend for many people to get involved, especially since I will be dual-boxing the entire event and possibly RPing invisible people (doubt I can take triple-box). But I will be making announcements at LFG about an hour ahead of time. I'm thinking the time to get the event started would be Saturday at 10:30 PM, Server time. I apologize for those who don't live at Pacific time as I hear there are those who wake up early just to get involved. I can make arrangements for those who'd like to join but can't come.
That's half past 7 at my time. I think I can hop in, but expect me being a bit late. An hour or so. Unless I go ice-cold and go to sleep at 8PM (My time).
So how would 11:30 sound? My RP schedules are at its steadiest from 10:00 PM - 2:00 AM Server time, usually because that's typically the time I am the least expected to be interrupted unless I am asked to cook late dinner by that time (yes, we eat dinner VERY late. It's a miracle to eat sooner than 8 PM).