Conquest of the Horde

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The following document can be seen in the library of the Cathedral and Northshire Abbey. It was also handed out to all those that would answer the call of several armored men wearing bright plates with red robes and a red tabard, preaching about the White Lady.

The White Lady: A theorem about the origins of the Light.

A word from the author.

The Light is a mysterious and powerful source of power. In this theorem I will try to lift the veil of mystery and reveal the being behind the mystery. The White Lady has granted me the wisdom for this text, may She guide you onto the path of enlightenment as She did to me.

-Brother Bernard Aliason, Keeper of Faith of the Order of the Lightsworn.

The Light, a great font of power that lends it's aid to those of good will and strong faith. It is this font of power that allows paladins and priests to heal wounds quickly and without pain. It grants paladins the power to defeat the wicked and to protect the innocent. It's users are feared by those that are evil and glorified by those that are not. But where does all this power come from?

Arcane magic, the destructive force that magi use as we know has it's origins in the ley lines. Fel magic, was brought to Azeroth by the demons. Shamanistic magic lends it's power from the mysterious elemental spirits. Surely a similar source of power must exist for the Light, so what is it that can bring forth such tremendous power?

The answer to this question lies in the nature of the Light. The Light as we know can not be used by those that are wicked and only lends it's power to those that are good. Paladins that do evil become fallen paladins and lose the ability to call upon the Light. Not every peasant can call upon the Light even though his plans may be good. The fact that the Light is selective about it's users must indicate some form of consciousness behind the font of power. This form of consciousness has lead us and others to believe that there is a sapient being of great power behind the Light. This raises even more questions as I am sure you realize. Does this being have a name? What is it's goal? What is it's purpose? What does it look like?

The answers to these follow-up questions have remained hidden for those of lesser faith. They named the power behind the Light simply the Light. This double meaning behind the words “the Light” has lead to confusion and inconsistencies in people's beliefs. Some have even used the Light to describe the teachings of the Church of Holy Light. All this usage of the words “the Light” can be hard to follow for an enlightened person such as me sometimes, imagine what the image of the Light of a commoner must be like. In the system of belief of our order we have given each meaning it's own name to prevent the confusion and to easily allow others to understand our system of belief. These names are the following:

The Light [power] – The Light ('s divine might/power)
The Light [philosophy] – Teachings of the Church (of Holy Light)
The Light [deity] – The White Lady

You are probably wondering about the name we chose for the Light as a deity. Allow me to clarify.
It was not us, of the order of the Lightsworn, that chose this name for Her. It was She herself that showed us what Her name should be.

As we have established by now the Light has a sapient being behind it that lends others It's strength. It has been the dream of many men to establish contact with this being, with a few even claiming they have succeeded. Yet none of these men have given any evidence to their claims, they did not succeed in answering any of the questions that still remain. Why would that be?

As we know the Light only lends It's power to those of strong faith. The stronger one's faith becomes, the greater the power they can call upon. This can only mean that the Light [deity] rewards those of strong faith. These rewards may come in many forms. The wisdom to understand the Light better, the courage to win battles, the strength to bring about more divine retribution. The possibilities are endless. We believe one such reward to be actual contact with the Light [deity] though this reward is reserved for the most powerful of faiths.

This reward was granted to the greatest leaders of the order, and they have passed their gained knowledge onto us. The White Lady has appeared to both Grand Crusader Aleoseth, the founder of the Order and the current Grand Crusader, Amerand Silverwind. These men were able to describe their visions so vividly that I am certain they actually had visions. Though the White Lady only spoke to Grand Crusader Aleoseth, in recent days She has shown Herself to the current Grand Crusader.

The form he describes is one of a young human woman, completely covered in white up the point where even her face is hidden from him. Her soft is sweet and serene and it's description matches that of the voice that Grand Crusader Aleoseth heard. He says it felt like she emitted an aura of innocence and goodness, like it was her very being.

I think such a form is befitting of the Light [deity]. As I have said before, the Light lends it's power only to those that are good to fight those that are evil. It is as if the Light wants to protect the innocent from those that would do them harm. Like a mother wants to protect her children from those that would do them harm. That She happened to choose the form of a human, to me signifies our races deep connection to the Light. This is how Her name came to be.

I strongly belief that the origins of the Light lie within the deity we of the Lightsworn know as the White Lady and I sincerely hope that the evidence I have provided for my claims is enough to convince you aswell.

May the White Lady guide you.

-Brother Bernard Aliason

(( Feel free to post reactions to the theorem. I would love to see some ;) ))

((Contains foul language))

Reddrick takes a quick skim over the document. "This... is indeed, very good work. I do wonder if I'll be able to commune with her, some day. At least I can wonder." He exhales a heavy sigh, leaving the document on a table. A dwarf sneaks in through the door, taking off his hood, showing his scarred face, an eye covered by a patch. "Th' Ligh' 's a woman? Well Ah'll feck an elfer th' day this proves true!" He continues reading, stopping at the description of her appearance. "So far, she looks nice... bu' th' question remains: does she 'ave nice knockers? ... Ah'll find out, someday." He quickly rests the paper into its original position, sneaking out before he gets noticed.
Salsh'alei takes one of the man's papers, looking it over. Automatically, she looks at the words "The White Lady". She contains her laugh, based off of the pure irony, and hastily reads through the document, before handing it back to the man and patting him on the shoulder, "So, you've finally discovered Elune. Congratulations." She smiled endearingly at him, before walking off.