Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Stealth Detection (OOC)
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As some folks have noticed by now, players can always see other stealthed players. I did this mostly to try and hack-fix the issue where others cannot see your emotes/says/yells if they cannot see you (The Trinity devs did that to try and prevent hack programs from detecting invisible/stealthed units, I believe).

I think there are some advantages and disadvantages to this - one, characters can't use stealth as total invisibility IC. They'll actually have to avoid attracting attention by hiding around objects and the like. Contrarily, we'll have to potentially deal with folks meta-gaming and suddenly getting awesome perception checks. Hopefully the latter won't happen, but we'll see.

Another benefit is, again, people will actually be able to see says, emotes, and yells of characters that are stealthed. Furthermore, if this works to the degree I want, I'll finally be able to put that stealth animation trinket on Mok'tar (The spell it uses is a real stealth aura, but the very lowest form of it).

Currently, it's a bit bugged though - the detection persists during duels and for PvP. I just made a change in the code so that if you're hostile to someone, they shouldn't be able to auto-detect you, but I'll test the change tonight, ideally.
Actually, players can see stealthed people's emotes/says/yells. I should know. I kept being hugged by a stealthed rogue a lot a few weeks ago on GMI.

It doesn't affect me much, though. I was just using it at times for immersion purposes: When using a Gnomish Cloaking Device on a Rogue, and on a Druid, getting in stealthed cat form so I would emote a Storm Crow, when the Druid was shapeshifted thusly on Azeroth, where Flight is impossible due to game mechanics.