Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The return of Barret Tucker
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Warning: Harsh langauge and Violence.

"Whore!" The Forsaken screamed the word for the sixth time as he paced around the murky room. "Every second of it! That whore'll pay for this!" The woman in the corner cried as she kept her eyes shut, her mouth gagged by a strip of cloth wrapped tightly around her head. He continued to scream and vent into the air, his words meaningful only to himself before he suddenly set his hateful glare onto the woman. She curled up against the wall as he marched over to her and grabbed her up by the throat. "I know you know! Tell me or I'll carve out your heart, with my bare hands!" Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to breath through his grip, his angered shouting never getting through to her before he slammed her against the ground. She barely had time to even flinch before he suddenly sat on her chest and began sawing into her throat with a knife, blood spraying in all directions as he quickly parted her head from her shoulders. Grabbing the head up by the hair, he swung it around like a flail before smashing it against the wall. He continued to swing it untill the skull cracked and split apart, the insides flying away as he tosses the remains aside. "Whore! I demand retribution! I demand justice!" His screaming continued for another few minutes before the door swung open, he turned around to direct a finger at the person as they walked in. "You'd better have done as I said!" The cloaked woman slowly pulled her hood back, letting it drop to her shoulders as she dusted off the dirt from her gloves. "Stop your fucking yelling, shit! Damn, is that annoying... Yeah, I got the work done..." He suddenly burst into a manic laughter as he clapped his hands together. "Excellent! Clean up this mess, while I depart. I have business to attend to." She rolled her eyes as she grabbed for some supplies, the Forsaken rushing out the door with his helmet slapped on.

"Oh yes... She will pay..." These words were repeated over and over again as he walked through the city. A sword at his side, Barret marched himself through Undercity with a dedicated drive clearly shown on what remained of his face. His objective, to locate a few herbs to use, was quickly completed as he left the city with a bag filled to the brim. His return to his hideout, on the far outskirts of the countryside, was a long one. Taking him some four hours to get back, his servant had plenty of time to clean the mess he'd made beforehand. The door shook and clanged as he forcefully kicked it open, storming down into the celler as he tossed the bag into a chair. "Good, you're finished. Now, go fetch my journal. I shall be needing it." With a roll of her eyes, the Sin'dorei strolled her way into a back room and retrieved a small journal from the shelf. Quickly, she returned to give the item over to its owner and got back to her usual cleaning. Barret had snatched the journal from her, shooing her off with a hand, and split it open and began to write onto the pages. "b***h! Selfish whore!" The Forsaken enjoyed the freedom to curse about as he wrote in the journal, always shouting something before he closed it up and tossed it into his bag. With all haste, he jammed the bag into his robes and slipped them over his head and down to his feet. Storming out of the celler and out into the yard, he drew out his blade and directed it to the skies. With every ounce of hate he could muster, he bellowed out a loud shout into the forests around him.

"Sathia Dawnmist, you whore! I'm going to gut you for what you did!"