Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The Adventures of Captain Morg Toesnapper and his disposable First Mates.
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You (Noob) - "What is 'The Adventures of Captain Morg Toesnapper'?"

Me - "Hmm? Oh! I didn't see you there!"

Me - "Hello, I am the player of Captain Morg Toesnapper and I am here to make your characters to live through some of the most wackiest and enjoyable random events you will ever see on the South seas. One may think, 'Hold on Orcs can't be Pirates, they are too noob and shaman like!' Well, that's where you're wrong. This Orc in fact is one of the most feared Pirates in all of the South Sea. Well, er.. Maybe not. But you get the picture."

You (Noob) - "So what happens in this events?"

Me - "Honestly, I have no Idea. But I can tell you one thing, they are interactive events that can happen at any time and at any place. For the thirst of Treasure and adventure, Morg will take you on a ride of a life time to some of the unexplored areas of Azeroth. Battling Demons, Naga, Pirates, and even Insane magic Gnomes; Truth be told, I still wonder if we have an original plan for our events or we just make it up as we go along."

You (Noob) - "When do these events take place?"

Me - "Weren't you listening?"

Me - "They can take place at any time!"

You (Noob) - "Well how can I know if I can join?"

Me - "The cruel thing about these events is.. YOU DON'T!"

You (Noob) - "So.. Where can I sign up."

Me - "Usually Captain Morg will yell out to the top of his lungs in Booty Bay or Ratchet in hopes to find a temporary crew. Usually one of my other lackeys will give LFG a yell and get bombarded by hopefuls with their pestering whispers for 'Invites plz'."

You (Noob) - "Can my character die?"

Me - "Well If you want, probably have to talk to me about it before the event if you want your character to go out with a 'Bang'. But the thing is these events are supposed to be harmless fun and not supposed to be scarring but rather a learning experience as to not to trust me and my IC roles."

You (Noob) - "Okay! So when is the next one going to start?"

Me -
"... I dunno?"

Me - "But the thing is, they will be happening often. And I hope you all will be there to witness the awesome powers of Drust's noobish DM'ing."


Ones that have already happened: LOL

Dat 1 were we went to a islnd & we foght sum naga and den we got no monees.
- "Yeah that one is done."

And da 1 were we went 2 a undrweter cave & a den we went smal an ran around a modl of stermwand?
- "That one to."

Credits to Drust, Myself, and most of all BountyHunter the qt.
Great event, had a blast of a time! - Septif.
Glad you liked it, we'll be hosting another one very soon. :)
I liked it. Sadly, had to log halfway...But I really liked it.

Thanks for the fun.