Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: IC currency... can it be reborn?
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Well, I think the title speaks for itself. Basically, my suggestion is to bring back the IC currency. It was pretty cool and lots of people liked it. And I don't think it's any problem to the server, it's just 3 more items in the data base, not a big deal, right? Well, opinions, folks? :D
Well, I think why they don't want to reimplement it is because no one used it. Like, what's the point?
Many people used it, actually. So did many guilds. It just needed a bit more time, so people can get used to it.

EDIT: And maybe some perks that cna be bought with IC currency... no idea what, though, and now that I write it, it doesn't sound as good as when I thought about it. :D
I like this idea, and I support it. IC currency would be wonderful. That way, when you bet on those arena fights that randomly go on, you don't have to give away your OOC gold for it and use it for something else. Instead, have the in-character currency. Then, maybe In-character objects, such as drinks from vendors, can cost IC currency. Hmmm?
Well just a thought. =p
Well, technically Lendri, you don't have to give them anything OOCly. OOC wealth =/= IC
(07-18-2011, 07:14 AM)Lendri Wrote: [ -> ]Then, maybe In-character objects, such as drinks from vendors, can cost IC currency. Hmmm?
Actually, this will require a Hell lot of work. Replacing all vendors and all? Even the thought of it hurts! LOL

Yet, there is always the option to dispose of the money you ICly used to buy something. I did so before. I go to a random drinks vendor, tell him to gimme a honey mead, RP the whole order out and in the end - I just threw 1 silver coin out of my inventory.
Yes I suppose your right, that would be abit to much coding.. But.. Makes things more realistic. All good things come in time! Right?
I like the idea of an IC currency, but I have the feeling that one of the reasons it failed to take off last time was due to the matter of timing. Simply put you can't really just cram something as big as a currency system in in the middle of the server's run- after a restart would be a good time, IMO, and I've actually put that idea forward. It's good to have it put in from the get go, so you don't have to worry about retroactively determining a character's wealth.
As a note on this, it only works if you make anything of value cost IC currency.
and have a standard way of awarding it.