Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The Journal of Pures Lightier
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<The fresh leather skin of the tome has been taken care of quite well while the spine has been cracked several times. The pages on the inside however are written in a dark ink, in large Thalassian.>

I was given this journal by the head master here at the Spire when I first arrived. I was young. I don't know how old, but young enough that I don't even remember my family any more. The head master told me, upon giving me the journal that it shall be used for me to document my journey with the Light....

<The inking in the next entry is written in very fine Thalassian.>

I had misplaced this journal for many years. It seems that my hopes in the previous entry were a falsehood. The masters have trained me, this much is fact, however, they have also left me alone many days in the Spire.

My only 'adventures' outside are to fetch new tomes for me to read and then share their contents with my masters. I have no desire to study only as a scribe. I wish to practice my magics. I want to be a healer.

I presented this query with my head master and he told me that I am not prepared. I fear he is incorrect in his concern, though I know I am in no position to argue with him.

I have met a few individuals on my journeys to fetch tomes. These friends suggest th.... <the ink becomes smeared>