Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Cannot log in
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I recently was logged in and alt tabbed to read something from the web. Then, when I came back to the client I had the ''Disconnected from server'' Message box. After trying to log in again, it gets stuck at Connected. Nothing happens. Help? :(

EDIT: Now it just stays at Connect-ing- and after a while goes to: ''Unable to connect. Please try again. If problem persists blah blah blah...''

EDITEDIT: Solved, able to connect! :)

EDITEDITEEDIIT: Aand problem persists again!
Have some patience, Kretol is working on it. There was some problem with the revision update he did.
Oh, I can wait, but I hope it does not make me wait --TOO-- long 8)
It'll be a bit. I need to revert my changes and try something else.
That's right. People need their RP fix. ^.~ Good luck Kretol! <3
Alright, server's back up! Hopefully no more crashes...
Blargh, noticed another area I forgot to change. Trying again in a moment...
Well, time to compile in debug mode to help me find why it's crashing I suppose...
I might have finally fixed it..? Possibly? We'll see.
Atleast for me it kicks me out as soon as I try to make a character and again stuck in connected.
One more try...