Conquest of the Horde

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Storyteller’s Circle

Date: August 14th
When: 1:00pm (game time)
Where: Camp north of Ratchett

Gather one and all for Stories, drink and dancing. On the eve of the thirteenth of August, gypsies, vagabonds travelers, the kindhearted and decrepit, all are welcome to join together on a special evening of peace and recollection to share their stories and company under the moonlight and within the glow of relaxing firelight telling. From old storytellers to new, all are welcome to join in the telling or just sit back and enjoy the evening.

Please join us one and all, old and young, to partake of shared food and share a story of your own. One of the best stories told that evening shall even be able to walk away with a bag of 100 gold pieces.

-No more than 15 minutes in telling.
-No erotic stories.
-Songs and plays are accepted.
-No speaking during another person' telling.

Additional Rules:
-Must be easily read.
-Warcraft Lore acceptable stories only.

Note: Please have the story prepared before arrival if planning to share.
If possible I might come with my newborn orc shaman, Mokaha. I'mnot sure I have a story for there though, but I might be able to make something out of my ''ancestors''. 8)
Salsh'alei will come!
Grand idea for my Melville, too bad I'm not home that date.

Edit: Due to RL obligations, updated the date for the 14th.
This sounds like a good opportunity for either Asul'Na or Mahentosh to drop by :)
Do we -have to- tell our stories? Cause, you know, some of us just wanna get better and not drown themselves in shame. xD
Absolutly anyone is welcome to join or just sit and listen. You dont have to bring a story to come. :)
Then I shall come with.. err.. let´s see. I think Shadoria or Murin. Estrella, less chances, but still there.
Will attend! That's some new, fresh idea, which I haven't seen done, really. :)

And it will be part of my one-month challenge. :D
True, true, especially that I also took that challenge. But I´ll only start on 8th August, though.
*shakes fist* DERP SPAIN!