Conquest of the Horde

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The Ashen Carnival

The island of Asholme symbolizes all that is decadent and evil. People there worship strength, pleasure and their own beauty. What better way, then, to convey this disregard for dogma and law then to host a day-long carnival?

Ah....the Venetian Carnival. In ancient Italy it was a chance to cast aside the strict rules and social stigmas of religious life and, for a single evening, indulge in decadence and depravity.

To enjoy the glory days of sin!

Beginning around 11 am server time on Monday, August 1st I'd like to host a series of both combat/non-combat events throughout the evil island of Asholme. Arena fights, comedy presentations, mental challenges, game shows...All culminating in a costume ball in the evening.

Perhaps a game of dodgeball with fruit?

Maybe a beauty competition to name the King/Queen of the Carnival?

A talent show as well, a chance for characters to demonstrate skills and abilities?

Gambling, of course, is always a fine pastime!

Below is a vague outline of the schedule. Events will be staggered, with event and non-event back to back to allow people to participate in whatever sort of thing to satisfy their fancy.

Event Time Slots
  • 11:00 am – 12:00 p.m:Opening Ceremony
    Where the Queen speaks to the congregation and begins the event.
  • 1:00 p.m – 3:00 p.m: Global Fighter Fist Tournament – Rosencrat
    Hosted by Argus Wake in the arena, the fighting tournament is both a chance to win prizes…And a recruitment drive by the criminal organization.
  • 2:00 p.m - 4:00 p.m: Partner Auction - BK201
    A fine presentation of lovely ladies and stalwart gentlemen for your perusal. Contestants will present themselves and a short bio before the audience will pay money for the chance to spend a day with them.
  • 3:00 p.m – 5:00 p.m: Dodgeball – Grakor
    A game of friendly fun, the main thoroughfare will be blocked off and citizens will be divided into teams to pelt one another with vegetables…Or whatever may be at hand.
  • 4:00 p.m – 5:00 p.m: Costume Contest
    Contestants will be judged on their costumes. Costumes will be judged on origionality and appearance.
  • 5:00 p.m – 6:00 p.m: Costumed Ball
    The culmination of the carnival is a dance on the docks beneath the moonlight.

The day will be filled with all sorts of gayety and adventures, whether you participate in events or not. Others are encouraged to come.

Also, if anyone wishes to fill the 2-4 time slot with an event, PM me with your ideas.

The Management
BK201 plans on holding a Partner Auction between 2 and 4. Come to bid on a day of fun or step up to the block to see if you are as desirable as people imagine!