Conquest of the Horde

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A simple discussion thread, not only to ask for suggestions, but also to see how you all handle similar issues you may have had in the past. Granted this is an RP server, you'd think the only way RP would stop being fun is when it's uneventful, there are too many Sues or too much godmodding, power/metagaming, when there is OOC drama, and the like. And there is this.

I have a confession to make with one of my characters: Diawata, whom I know a handful of people would be able to identify her as Kapre's sister. She was actually my second WoW character in my whole WoWlife, after who would be Asul'Na here, and the first toon whom I managed to reach the level cap and face PvP combat with. You'd think she'd be easy to translate into RP... but the problem is, as far as RP and lore and writing goes, she was created for romance RP with CappnRob. Our own RPs were fine, and we even managed to write our own little story. It was fun. I thought she'd translate here well too. But then came the little problem upon introducing myself here back in May of this year: Dia is meant to be RPed with Cristovao because they just about never leave each other's side. So DERP, I can't just yank her out of character and expect her to be the same here. So instead, I introduce the server to who is now my current and most adaptable main: her derpy lulzboat brother, Kapre.

I don't regret the decision I made, because Kapre seems to have built his own reputation around the server, and it's primarily a positive one. When CappnRob finally did come to the server, I thought "yay! I can RP Dia more!". And I did. But then I came across the issue I am presenting to you: when RP becomes a chore. RPing with Cristovao is fun, and it always has been... but what about when he and other people are away? Then what? Diawata is the type of character who needs certain people to "bounce off" in order for RP to happen. She's a b***h, she's bitter, aloof, she has anger issues, hates Horde, is incredibly vain, shallow, and vapid to the point of comedy, and is quick to pick a fight. You'd think that's recipe for interesting RP because there are -tons- of characters like her, especially other females. But maybe that's the problem.

So far, RP with her hardly happens; she mostly either just stands there, banters in conversations but provides little input, or follows along providing help but never making any efforts in initiating action (at least not without being shot down). Picking a fight hardly ever happens because she'd either be shot down as well ("you know the guards will throw you in jail, right?"), or she's facing something even she knows better than to pick a fight with (like an orc 3x her weight). The longest I can ever RP with Dia is when her brother becomes a topic of discussion. That's not a good thing

There is my problem: Diawata is a bore and a chore to RP. Taking her out is like pulling teeth, even if I'm on my own with intentions to have fun. Dia does have fun traits, and her good traits are there... but they are not like Kapre's where they are adaptable in every situation. A gentle giant who cowers in the sight of danger is somehow more fun and interesting to RP for me than a rough and rowdy combat-proficient hardass. WHY?

I'm sure I'm not the only one who faced this dilemma. I am not willing to toss out or discard Diawata on the basis of character boredom. I'd like to know how you all deal with "boring" characters and how you develop them. I am suggested to find Dia a group of regular RPers who can help give her room to grow, but so far I have yet to find it.

I'd also like to hear your stories in instances where RPs have become a chore. I feel bad that this has befallen on my first main character, and I'd like to know how you remedy your own dilemmas in unRPable characters.
...Strangely enough, I can apply this to Rigley.

When I first made Rigley I had him putzing about everywhere. He was an explorer, and he explored. He didn't need much of a reason to appear anywhere, he just showed up and attempted to socialize (sometimes). This worked because he had no real tethers; as a character one of his big attributes is that he's extremely clingy, and his lack of any strong relationships actually was a plus in that regard. He had friends, but he wasn't tethered to them.

Eventually though when Marie came on the server he and Anelli got paired together, and Rigley has never really been the same. He has no real drive to leave his spouse; in fact, leaving her alone for too long would cause him some legitimate panic attacks, if he couldn't hitch a ride back home by night or somesuch. He's become pretty anchored to Ironforge, and I just can't justify why he would want to go anywhere without Anelli.

So basically taking him anywhere is, like your saying, a chore. Feels pretty forced, heh. I suppose this is one reason why I've gravitated away from dependent characters since that; I know I had a good few back in text RPs, and Jovana used to be one as well.
Grakor is my namesake, but I've pretty much lost most of my motivation to play him. In my case, I simply didn't have much desire to try to force him into RP situations, so I moved on to Thragash and Gunnar, who have given me enough RP.

Gunnar actually gives me a thought. Gunnar faces a problem somewhat similar, in that he's a character bound to one place (Stormwind.) My solution? Characters evolve, so I've evolved Gunnar to be something more than a Stormwind Guard. He has dreams of going to other places, he's training in a prestige that gives him an excuse to travel, and he has desires that can't be fulfilled in his homeland.

Diawata is a character. She does what you tell her to. You could always have her evolve and develop into something that is easier to use in casual RP.
I can relate as well, take my character Dexadrin for example. I like RPing as the guy, because (in my vision) he's hilarious, cocky, but smart enough to know how to react to certain events properly. I have LOADS of friends on his friend's list, then in the middle of an RP, I was accused of metagaming, and asked to delete him by a character with absolutely no authority. Me being me, I said "F**k no", and was completely ignored by the people I WAS formerly friends with. Now everyone wants me to make a new main character when he was my main Hordie. I just laugh at them now. It may sound like a rant, and it is, and may be out of topic here, but that is how I think I can relate.

So yeah, people definitely have some serious sacks calling me out like that and telling me what to do. (Haha, f**k you critics.)
I've experienced something similar with my declared main character, Alexis.
It's simply that I can't RP her anymore. I feel like she's rather forced when I play her, and also very out of place. It just doesn't feel the same to RP her as it once was, seeing as she was my most played... And now I can safely say she's at the bottom of the list.

I've been simply considering retiring her OOCly, and having her do something that will take a long time ICly. I'll probably start writing IC posts about it, which will help me develop her a little more, and I hope that by the end of it i'll enjoy playing her again...

Maybe you could do the same thing with Dia! I don't see why not, personally.
Pollie applies, sadly, to this. Her research carried her all over the map, her curious nature had her investigating people, poking and proding, without care for their thoughts. She'd made a number of friends, alot of enemies, and was generally fun to play.


RPin' Pollie has become almost akin to a nightmare. She has next to no friends, these days, and is far too paranoid to actively seek any out. Most of her RP is just sitting in a corner, spying on people, untill she leaves. It's been a while since I've done anything serious with her, and it is a little depressing. Last thing I did with her, was sitting in Ironforge, just having a light drink with another gnome. About as exciting as it gets.

Rydanovich was another that fell into this line, as he was beyond violent to certain people and became more so when he fell out of contact with Djim. Most of what he did, was just sit in an area, motionless, and stare into the air. Any sign of wrong doing would set him off, and noone would talk to him because of how garbled his words were. So, I resolved to RP him through mental break downs, and killed him off for good.
The thread has said this much: We all face problems like this.

Anyone who has RPed for a long time knows that they have had one or two characters who were beautifully done and meaningfully played. Despite that, each of these characters was made to fit into the situations that were around as they began and as their story was written. For each of us, just like you, there came a time when a character we were attached to either had to change to be fun again, or had to simply disappear.

For me, the character of Kaghuros Broadaxe has been both a great joy and a weight. He's my namesake, but was not my first character, because I couldn't get into him when I started playing here. Eventually though, his story changed, and he has evolved four times or more since I first found the server almost three years ago. Is he the same character now that he was then? Not at all, but I still reference old jokes and have old comrades, and I still can find the state of mind to fit the parts of his character that matter to me into any new story he makes. But even though a handful of stories lived on through restarts and personal lore changes, characters I've loved from the past have also disappeared.

If you can't find joy in your character, shelve them, run them off into the wild, change them, or simply end their story. The only reason to roleplay is to enjoy yourself.
This is why I stopped random RP. After some point, it feels like you're twisting your character out of recognizable shape just to be present for it. It's also a weird way to gauge character development - if your character won't lurk in taverns just 'cause or go to X location for ill-defined reasons, then congratulations. You've got a character who does things because it makes sense to do them.

My suggestion is to leave Dia out for a while. Take a break from her, and continue with your creative spark elsewhere. Sooner or later, you'll come across an idea for her which you just can't pass up. And by that point, playing her will be fun again.

... Mains get boring, don't they?

Andy, my pride and joy, has succumbed to this. It feels as if he's not the dwarf he was. I don't know why, but he feels out of place everywhere. Not only is his former boss gone, but Andy's also viewing him an arse! Keak, the only Paladin whom (or is it who? Bah.) he ever respected, is gone, the Runebraids and his "uncle" are no more, and he's joined the lost Minded in hope of getting something out of them. To make matters worse, if he's ever suspected of funny business, off goes his head.

That, and, I've lost interest in RP these days. I have no idea why.
(07-29-2011, 04:16 PM)Etmosril Wrote: [ -> ]This is why I stopped random RP. After some point, it feels like you're twisting your character out of recognizable shape just to be present for it. It's also a weird way to gauge character development - if your character won't lurk in taverns just 'cause or go to X location for ill-defined reasons, then congratulations. You've got a character who does things because it makes sense to do them.

I'm going to offer an opposing viewpoint to this one. My problem with a statement like this is that it seems to imply "if you're going just anywhere for tavern and travel RP, you're doing it wrong." I tend to take a standpoint similar to Kretol's signature: the question is never "would my character go there?" but rather "why is my character going there?"

One can come up with reasons to involve a character into RP. This is understandably more difficult for some characters than others, but many good characters can be interjected into random areas and still be perfectly usable, and these are often the best characters to have as mains...or, at least as back-ups. In fact, I tend to find that the worst characters are those that are narrowly confined to one area, as they rarely see use...and, when they are, they usually only get interaction with a very small group of people.
Man...This thread came along at a perfect time.

I have begun to grow really tired of playing Marianna. Both because she gets no RP (Most people dislike RPing with a villain, which is understandable. The few who do are as evil as her and both herself and I become rather bored with similar minds meeting) and I, personally, dislike the kind of person I become when playing her for very long. She's become mostly just a tool for my OOC desire to form guilds and create RP. There is little else to her nowadays. Well...Besides AW RP, which sustains me to this day for being just so bloody fun.

I honestly want to branch out and start role-playing other characters. Moriok, mostly, because honestly it isn't even -funny- how much fun I have with that girl. I salivate just thinking about RPing with her and, I believe, people have seen how much fun I have with her and knows it reflects favorably on how I RP.
What Grakor said is the reason I keep Reigen so open as a character. She does as she pleases and doesn't care what others think. One day she could be in the Netherstorm, the next in Silvermoon. One day with paladins, the next drinking wine and chatting it up with a Necromancer. Depends on where the RP is at that she could get involved in.

What was it that Scout said? 'I travel at the speed of plot'? I take that to heart with my character. I do get bored with her every now and then, and when I do? I give her some sort of crises that could change her as a character. I got a bit bored with how she would go anywhere regardless of the dangers, so I allow her to get kidnapped twice in a row. Result? She's more paranoid and branching out to other characters in order to feel safe. This gives me a chance to get others involved with the RP, and meet new people.

Even that hasn't helped, she acts rather immature for how she is and I feel that she needs to do a lot of growing up. How do I fix that? The prestige system is helping me change her as a character and give her the development that she needs as a character.

Sticking a character to another person is really never good in my opinion. I was going to do that once, but then thought against it, as it would be dull in the times when said person is not online. Hence why I forced Reigen to go from clingy, to independent. This way when Krilari is back home, Reigen can still go out and explore on the excuse of "I need some 'me' time.".

Perhaps put her though something that would make her realize that her S.O won't be around all the time to help her? Something as simple as her getting lost in the woods and coming out alive on her own, or something as big as getting capture to where she has to rely on herself.

Every other time I've gotten bored with Reigen? Off goes a limb. I'm so terrible to my characters.
Hooooo wee, this is a long one.

So far, I really enjoy everyone's comments and feedback. I'll provide some responses the best I can to everyone:

To Rigley:

Perhaps that's the downside to romance RPs when taken to more public settings where you RP with strangers or other friends as opposed to closed RPs with your character's significant other, especially if they're restricted to one place. The characters I have who mated/married CappnRob's characters don't have the location restriction, but by far they all seem to share the same "won't leave the other's side" problem in taking them out to RP. The only one who doesn't by far is Jami, as she has a valid reason for her constant separation from her husband Hrodebert: the blood elves are now Horde and no longer welcome with the Alliance (Jami, an elf, married Hrodebert, a dwarf, after the Second War). This alliance break in itself has provided plenty of RP opportunity, but Jami is a character whom I don't intend to RP often except when I'm bored with my usual suspects, like Kapre and Kentado.

The thing with Kapre, despite being mated, is that the player who plays his mate, Vylian, is just about hardly ever around anymore, but Kapre is dealing with his soul-crushing lonliness by delving deeper into his matchmaking business. As much as it breaks my heart to say so, I'm starting to consider breaking up the couple so Kapre can move on.

To Grakor:

I've actually been curious about your namesake enough to think of how to set up a situation where any of my characters can meet with Grakor in Aszhara Crater. However, I love Thragash and Gunnar very much, so I'm not too worried about it, especially Gunnar whom I get to witness much of his character growth via the Kidnapping event and the matchmaking talk. I also look forward to when Kapre returns and Thragash joins the matchmaking team.

My main problem with Diawata is how to evolve and change her to be more suitable with casual RP. But the others' stories are giving me ideas on what direction I can take. It's all a matter of actually getting there.

To MetallicCheese:

Huh. That's a rather unfortunate situation to befall on Dexadrin. You do relate to my dilemma in which we are asked to make someone else our main character. I think, or at least I hope you have, learned your lesson of metagaming if it actually happened, out the shunning that resulted is a really disproportionate retribution to such an accusation. I would never do that to someone if they made a mistake like that. I also don't want to switch mains just because people like a character more than my own designated main.

But for now, Dia is my "secondary" main, as I have currently two accounts and I often dualbox RP. But total retiring Kapre as my main? Only when I'm truly sick of him, and right now, I'm not. I hope you find a new regular RP circle of friends for Dexadrin, because such a reaction to an accusation and the demand of a new main based on that is really uncalled for.

To Adam255:

I thought I RPed with Alexis before, but when Kapre made a recall in a previous meeting with her, apparantly I OOCly mistakened that person to be someone else (that person also had an "Alex" name). I'm truly sorry you feel such a way to Alexis, but I can totally understand the need to retire an unneeded character. I remember when I had to do the same with some characters I used to draw and RP all the time, though what I typically do is place them in the "backburner" and, if I ever have to create a new character, see if that retired character can fill in the spot to prevent me from going through a lot of effort in creating someone new.

Writing IC posts about Dia could possibly help, though. Much of the adventure in Diawata's life would be from my own experiences in levelling her on a PVP server, wherein she would be ganked on a weekly basis due to being poorly geared (and where, strangely, this server's Horde outnumbers its Alliance from 3:1). Diawata does have room to grow, but applying it to RP is rather difficult because RP is not supposed to be entirely combat-based. But we'll see. I'll take up on your suggestion and perhaps start writing IC posts of Diawata's experiences prior to coming to what would be COTH time. Then maybe I can find a way to RP her more positively.

To Uguu:

Really??? I never had that impression on Pollie, mostly because I almost always only see her in GMI, and when she's being RPed, I would be RPing at the same time elsewhere. I always wanted Kapre and Pollie to meet because I wanted to see why Pollie is so popular. Ah, well. There is at least that Torr storyline where Pollie would be a Victim, but I'm starting to reconsider my methods in telling this story. I still hope to meet Pollie ICly, though. But if not, there is at least Sathia and Granger, and I really like them too :).

To Kaghuros:

I sympathize with you in having to change characters in order to have them fit in RP situations; some of my most favorite characters in my whole life, outside of WoWRP, went through tremendous amount of change just for them to be palatable. But at least we would have memories of those old intentions, and sometimes we can get back to them if the situation allows. I don't recall if I've ever RPed with you, either as Kaghuros or as another alt.

Thankfully, my current main is the type of character whose characterization is based off meeting new people and being out of his comfort zone. But I dread the day I would grow tire of him and would have to retire him.

To Etmosril:

You're absolutely right on your bit with random RP. I am willing to change Diawata to make her more suitable for casual RP, but my main problem with her is that if I do so, she stops being Diawata. Dia can't be Dia if she's not vain and bitter. I have special care for her character consistency because without her vain and bitter characterization, she's otherwise Draenei Female #365. Almost all the draenei population in this server are that of females, which is why Kapre is a special kind of fun for me because he seems to be one of, besides the likes of Xigo and Relon, for instance, the only regularly seen Draenei males. Diawata has to stand out for me in order for her to be enjoyable, but unfortunately, those outstanding traits are also hindering me from stretching out into RP like I'd hope to.

I'll probably go by your suggestion in leaving Dia out, which won't be hard to do because I've found fun in my other alts besides my main. I'll probably find a situation where introducing her would be a fresh new start again. I just hope it comes soon if I have to replace Kapre with her.

To Djurawuzhere:

I don't have much to say because I don't recall ever meeting Andy as Kapre is also part of the Lost Minded (then again, he's only met a handful of regulars). It's a shame as well that you lost interest in RP, though I understand. Prior to coming to COTH, I also hit an RP dry spell. But I hope that interest will come back soon. :)

To Grakor again (wait, what? People are replying faster than I can type!):

That viewpoint ("why is my character going there?") is actually the very reason why Kapre is much more successful in finding successful RP than Diawata. It's rather ironic, actually. Of the twins, Diawata is the adventure seeking valorous type while Kapre is the quieter, meeker homebody. It's strange, really. But then I recall an OOC statement on the derpgoat that Relon made not long ago on why Kapre has developed his own popularity: Not many players would allow their character to be bullied. Perhaps this is why Dia has become a bit of a bore to me: she's just another hero.

Maybe seeking a prestige class for her could spark some character development for her. But deciding what that would be would be a challenge in itself.

Aaaand this post is becoming too long. I'll add more replies later.
Edit: Disregard! I'm glad we've been helpful.

I never said there was something wrong with going somewhere if you have a reason.

(07-29-2011, 04:16 PM)Etmosril Wrote: [ -> ]if your character won't lurk in taverns just 'cause or go to X location for ill-defined reasons, then congratulations. You've got a character who does things because it makes sense to do them.

The problem comes when you don't have a reason. For a character who's accustomed to having an agenda, or is just distant from the usual RP hubs, it can be hard to think up a reason to visit those places. Not impossible, but the reasoning can be contorted.

And the problem's compounded when you have less interest in playing the character. Less interest equates to less time spent finding RP or dreaming up new ways to involve yourself in it. So it makes more sense to just focus on enjoyable characters for the time being. If you give yourself a break, you come up with new ideas.

When a character has no grounding, they cease to be a person. What sort of person would you be IRL if you didn't care about anything?
Humorously (or, pathetically, depending on how you look at it), this is why I have three accounts filled with characters. I'm practically guaranteed to have a character for a situation. And if I don't enjoy the character, blam, I can just delete him/her.

Perhaps my array of characters indicates a lack of commitment to one or the other. I don't think that's the case. I just think there's a time and a place to play each character. Generally this allows me to say 'Oh, there's people in BB? Okay, I'll hop on X'. However, there's another thing that I like about having so many characters.

They allow me to add a bit of spice to a RP, regardless of what it might be.

Sure, my characters can be silly at times. But when I send a character to a RP, he or she can usually add -something- that will spice it up. Whether it be starting a big ol' racism fight, bringing wisdom and advice to others, or starting an adventure, or even just an interesting personality, my characters (in my opinion) can bring something to the table.

There are the characters that are reactionary. Those who the world sort of revolves around. They do not start events or situations, they just react to them and be heroic or villainous. Then there are the characters who cause events. That make things happen. When they step into a room, you know shight's about to go down.

Whether it be Yui and her ditziness,
Sindri and her racism,
Xigo and his hatred,
Arianna and her whimsy,
Versich and his duty,
or any of my other characters, they bring something. They add to the RP.

Kapre adds his clumsiness, derpiness, and cowardice to an RP, things which I tend not to see very often. He makes it more interesting.

Perhaps you simply need to figure out what Diawata adds to the RP, and if you feel she doesn't add anything, change that a bit. Make her change RP when she steps into the room in some way.
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