Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Official AM180 Return Thread and Comrade Celebration
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I got a new computer today, one that hopefully this time won't melt. Expect me back within the next few days (won't be tomorrow cause I have super secret things to do).

All the characters I used with the exceptions of permadead ones will be returning. Vol'ajar will probably arrive on a spaceship "piloted" by draenei. Blanco will probably emerge from the wilds on Betty, wearing black dragon scale armor from head to toe. Abderos will return to stab things. And Solaris will return to get pet.

Statements made about characters played by AM180 have not been tested or proven by the Kretol. Posting in this thread means that you agree to being awesome.
Oh. Em. Gee. We still use your manor.
Javolajar! <333

Welcome back! Hug
Wow I can't believe it's still there lol!

O and hai Allira
Welcome back, Sir Nub! <3 Your manor has been kept in good hands with Astus and Aulten. Well... As good of hands as is possible when referring to those two.
Yey. Nub's back.