Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Spectral Vision Theory
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Hey guys. I know Spectral Vision is a subject that has been discussed quite a lot amongst RPers, and everyone has their own idea as to what it looks like. From the description on WoWWiki there isn't much to go on other than it is very dark and that entities are the only thing that seem to be lit up. Namely Fel and Arcane infested beings. However, I am lead to believe that it is not just these beings that would show up on a Demon Hunter's radar. Demon Hunters seem to be able to move around obstacles just fine, so it would be safe to assume they can see a dim outline of what lies before them. Same goes with people. People who aren't addicted to dark magics. I would think it would be very possible for most other beings to have a sort of cold colored and dim aura as well. If not, Demon Hunters would be bumping into people and obstacles all the time.

Now, keep in mind I am not trying to contest the fact that it would be harder for a Demon Hunter to fight anything other than a Demonic Entity. I'm just saying they would be able to see it well enough to effectively kill it. They would not be rendered useless against any other being simply because their vision isn't detecting them very well. That seems a bit pretentious and silly. A Demon Hunter wouldn't (in the right mind) blind himself unless it was worth while. If all they could see were Demons, then like I stated before, they would be tripping over things and wouldn't be able to use the environment to their advantage in battle effectively (which is something they are known to do well.) Which, in turn, would make them sucky at hunting Demons...

I have done a lot of research on Demon Hunters so I'm not just pulling this out of my *loud pull-whistle.* Anyway, to the reason for this post!

Since it is too hard to explain, I will just show you. These are my depictions of Spectral Vision:
[Image: DemonHunterVisionFLAMING2.jpg]
This is a screenshot of two Orcs (left) and an Infernal (right.) This is just a rough idea. I did this very quickly through a couple image editing programs, I'm just trying to get my point across. :3 This may possibly be what it would look like to a newly blinded Demon Hunter. He is unused to it and the magics are still burning their way through his eyes.

And this as well. I'm actually quite fond of this one:
[Image: DemonHunterVisionMODERATE2.jpg]
This is the same screen shot, just edited a bit less drastically. This may be what a matured version of a Demon Hunter's sight would look like.

And this is just one without any burning effects. This is just how I would see Spectral Vision looking like without the blazing lights:
[Image: DemonHunterVisionPLAIN.jpg]

Last and certainly the least, the original screen shot:
[Image: WoWScrnShot_080411_140549.jpg]

Tell me what you think! Let me know, down below!
I like number 2, I do think it makes the most sense, and looks the prettiest.
I remember Fala'thorei posting one a bit back. I suppose I can try to find it.

Actually, just looked for it. The link Knock posted in another thread is void, so I suppose it's a nogo. I'll try more tomorrow.
@ Delta: Well thank'ya. I agree, but then again infernals are made of felstone... So maybe the stones would have an aura as well.
Here, found this. I went back near a year.

[Image: Spectral.jpg], page two.
They have blindsense and blindsight, according to the RPG. They have vision in 360 degrees around them.
Yes! See, that's what I was thinking! This vision is like a constant sight that cannot be blacked out by simply closing your eyes. Then again, keep in mind if that was all you could see it would be extremely easy to become disoriented. (In regards to being able to see 360 degrees around your body.)
...Sleeping also ought to be a pain. If you're -constantly- aware of your surroundings, relaxing ought to be near impossible.
I very much like that depiction of Fala's. I'm very surprised someone actually took the time to make one as I did. Cool!
Shows how long I've been gone... I've never even heard of that person before, and they're a GM now.

But back on topic! I think a mix of the two styles is probably better. I like how Knock's picture had it as more of an "aura" of Fel magic on people and their possessions, but rather than normal folks being grayscale and bland, the idea of a different aura for non-Fel magic users and then a dull glow for normal living things that you proposed would be how the Demon Hunter sees everything else.

I don't have any pirated drawing tools on me at the moment, and after doing a sketch with LEET MIDNIGHT SKILLZ I realize I won't be able to accurately draw it at this time, but it's not too hard to visualize.

Also consider that since it's perception based, Demon Hunters might visualize things differently from person to person.