Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Cataclysm: My Opinions
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I have to say, all the new areas were awesome. Southern Barrens? Amazing! Driving boats in Thousand Needles? Awesome. Seeing actual conflict between the NPCs. Poifect!

Once Cata is cracked and stable enough for us to switch over...I will be happy. ;3
And to take zones like the Barrens, Desolace, and Westfall and make them FUN to be in? Man.

I laughed for ten minutes at the CSI: Miami quests in Westfall.
And all the Indiana Jones crap in Uldaman? Seriously...I want Cata to come just so I can get a group of archaeologists together and do all that.
It -DID- get ridiculous after a while in Uldum, was honestly the first time I sat and did a zone in it's entirety in one night.
The new Cataclysm zones will really give so much potential for RP. They're just amazing.

Pity my stupid computer is too crappy to load all the awesome graphics!
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