Conquest of the Horde

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Evil Tip of the Day

Author's Note: Being evil is difficult. People hate you in-character and, if you do the wrong thing, hate you out of character as well. The only type of role-play you're likely to get involves a heroes weapon in your face and the only friend you will get is often as vile and annoying as you.

It ain't easy being evil.

I'll update this thread with some tips and tricks. Nothing fancy. Nothing special. But, if you listen to a few of them, you may find your time spent as a villain to be less work and more play.

Author's Note - Addendum: The 'day' in 'Evil Tip of the Day' is a misnomer. But 'Evil Tip of Whenever' doesn't really roll off the tongue that well.

Villains are active. Heroes are reactive. If you are bored and wanting to engage in some evil, it is sometimes a good idea to make the first move instead of waiting for another. Role-play will flow naturally from there.

Do what you love and love what you do. Decide what you really enjoy doing and then role-play yourself doing that. Your pleasure makes your posts more vibrant and can prove almost as infectious as the bubonic plague.

Being clever and secret can be rewarding, yes, but sometimes more 'cartoon-y' villainy can be just as rewarding. Play what style you enjoy, not what style people pressure you to play.