Conquest of the Horde

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The Dead Crusade

"Now, all can see this is the hour of the Forsaken."
-Grand Apothecary Putress

In its most basic form, this guild is meant to be a group of death supremacists trying to make a final stand against all that lives. Their goal, to bring a new age where all of Azeroth is ruled by the dead and perhaps even driving everything that lives to extinction.

Of course, this means that the majority of the guild is to be composed of Forsaken and Death Knights. It does allow for those who also practice death magic to find safe haven (meaning Graven Ones or Necromancers who perhaps are more living than dead). Any other 'breather' who joins the guild, be it because they are a servant or because they are some sort of death worshiper, will be treated like dirt despite their service.

It also means that if you side with Alliance, Horde, or Ebon Blade we are logically your enemies (of course that's personally up to you) because we hope to one day gain enough power to challenge such organizations. Many members will keep their alliance secret so they can still reside in Undercity (and I hope to start 'underground' Undercity RP). We aren't against Sylvanas or Undercity, we simply feel someone must rise to start the purge.


Ranks for the most part are simple and sort of general categories including a lot of different types of players. Specialized ranks will be added if interest catches to specific ideas or clings in certain areas. Its honestly up to the player who desires to make their own 'group' to find the power (other players) to support them.

Servant - This is the status given to all who enter the guild as a breather (with the exception of those who practice death magic). Doesn't mean that you are stuck here forever but its really hard to gain any status among a group that wants you dead.

Citizen - All others enter into the guild as a citizen. Really, its like being a citizen in any Racial city. You've no power in the guild. You may be here just to support the movement, perhaps seeking bastion, or wanting to eventually advance. Many who remain citizens try to help cultivate the idea of 'Death Culture' (i.e. artists, writers, religious followers, and different artisans).

Military - The Kingdom Military members are those allowed to actually fight, go on missions, etc. To join the military there is an entrance test (to show your ability in combat). Of course, you may be rejected.

High Circe - Both a military career or following your own path as a citizen can lead to a player joining the High Circle. Members of this rank vary in power (there are levels and secrets within the circle) and it really represents someone who is does have some sort of influence within the Kingdom. (Those who want power aspire to the High Circle).

King - The supreme ruler.


While there are many plots and events that I have planned with this guild, there is a central plot that exists between certain characters. Players inside and outside of the guild are invited to try and discovery this plot that exist within the High Circle. Whether you choose to join it or put a stop to it is up to you.

I don't want to reveal too much about the plot here but gaining influence (or perhaps threatening someone with influence) is key to learning about it. Those who do will have the chance to do much in terms of leadership.

Current Leaders

King: King Marius Scaeva I

High Circle:
Mertice 'Piggy' Gutwrench the Putrid


The events created by any members will be placed here.
Death supremacists? I'm fascinated.
Two month old Necro, bro. Watch the dates.