Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Problem with my WoW folders
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Alright, so I've gotten back on CotH after figuring out how I messed up my folders. Well after that I found that the folders I have work, but many things are different with the phasing and chat channels. I won't get into detail but I already know the problem with the folders. Because of that instead of re installing my entire WoW folder for this server, I would appreciate it if someone were to pass me their copy of the Interface and data folders. Or tell me if there is an easier way to get those folders than that way.
Are your 'General' and 'Trade' channels non-existent? Did you ever use this wow installation for Prologue? If so, that is your problem. Same thing happened to me. Purge your AddOns folder of any custom AddOns. Or if you see one that is out of the ordinary. Remove it from the folder, clear your cache and start up WoW to see if it has worked.

If that doesn't work I'll pack down a version of my folders and send them to you. Just PM me.

P.s. You can always just run a repair as well. Though if you have a Cata installation on the same machine, it will likely only detect that one. At least, that's what happened to me.
It wasn't a file in my WoW Interface, it was in Data. Thanks for the info though, I did scan Interface as well. It's all good now. And lol yes, I did have the folders from Prologue. :3