Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Introduction and some questions! :)
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Hello, I'm Mad.

I was a huge RPer in early Cataclysm. I finally started to realize how much of a drag Cata had become. Also with WoW RP servers they're not entirely RP driven thus I am plagued by OOC idiots and rude trolls.

I was wondering
Do you guys have RP-PvP?
Which faction has the most RP
What races are most common for Alliance / Horde.
Do you PvE and PvP?
(Wrath was my favorite time to do both (: )

About how many members total do you have?
How many members are on at the most?
We don't -quite- have RP/PVP. Not in the sense that retail has it. Our PVP, in RP, is done by emotes and/or by rolling.

The faction with the most RP changes depending on what people are in the mood for and what events are going on. :P

Same goes for races, I'd imagine. But if you go into the Account Manager, you can take a look at this nifty chart that shows how many of each race and class exist on the server. Only problem is that this includes characters that aren't even active.

We do quite a bit of PVE/PVP when we're not much in the mood for RP.

I couldn't answer how many members total we have, and the number of users online depends on the time of day and year. Summer and Winter break see the most activity, with numbers roughly in the 60's. And with the majority of our users being in the USA, the more active times are evenings in the GMT-5 to GMT-8 timezones.
The most common races are Blood Elves and Humans, with Night Elves and Orcs behind.
(08-23-2011, 06:42 PM)MadMudMan Wrote: [ -> ]Do you PvE and PvP?
(Wrath was my favorite time to do both (: )

I'll take these two, then!

PvE Most raids/dungeons are, in short. Broken. I know in my 50's area, Lancelet and I used to run Scarlet Cathedral every now and then for ~10g before Gruntship. And I know eeeeevery now and then people will clear some trash up to Marrowgar(maybe, only boss that works, anyways) in ICC.

PvPThis one is kinda iffy, because, if we really really wanted to, and if there were enough people on at once, we could run a BG. It'd be interesting without the Racial Language Barrier, but unless you got 10 Horde and 10 Alliance together to run a WSG, or 40 Horde and 40 Alliance to run an AV, you won't see any PvP on here. We're not big enough of a server to do things like this often.