Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: uwnt2bsnowflk?: A How to on Classes and Professions
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Edit: 9/25/2011. Updated Posts with Sub-sections. Slowly but surely doing it!

Hello everyone,

People say that base classes do not have enough give to make your characters special and unique with the ability to grow as characters. I want to but a stop to this by giving up some easy examples of each class and profession's ability to have awesome characters without looking like you dropped out of an anime.


[Warrior, Hunter, Rogue]



Soldiers are the men and women of the front lines, the fodder and the brute strength that push back or hold back the enemy forces. They have seen their fair share of war and have scars to prove it.

Day Laborer

Day Laborers are the men and women of the work force; grounds maintenance, farm hands, tavern helpers, etc… they all work their days/nights and they work them hard. They are the unknown faces that help keep cities together.


This is a no brainer. These guys fight in the arenas, whether it is with axes or swords or even fists, these people are fighters to the core. But, it should be noted...That being good at melee does not equal being good against magic users.

Body Guard

Nobles, high profile characters and those who have bounties on their head are just a few of the people that seek Body Guards. There sole purpose is to protect the ones who hire them, whatever that may cost.


The generic-person might be someone who does not have anything to do with combat-classes. Maybe it is someone who has a profession like alchemy or leatherworking. This can also be grouped with any of the other classes as well.



Trappers are the ones who go out and well..trap. Durp, they have a great sense of technique about where traps should lay for the more beneficial damage or capture. Not all traps are created equally, and these trained hunters know how to use and create different ones for different purposes.

Archer/ Gunslinger

Long distance physical damage is used in all cultures around Azeroth and whether they prefer a gun or a bow is all based on cultural and personal preferences. As a note, archers and gunslingers prefer their long ranged weapons to hand to hand combat any day. The long distance is what they are good at…This isn’t to say they couldn’t function with melee, but it might not have a successful outcome if they did otherwise.

Bounty Hunter/Tracker

People are always pissing someone off or do something stupid to get them lost. This is where the Bounty Hunter or Tracker comes in. They have a keen eye for footprints and signs left by the person they are looking for and will do what they must to find the target.


Detectives solve crimes. Durp. I should proper elaborate on this. They are able to put two pieces of information together that would otherwise mean little to the untrained persons. While figuring out who do it is part of the job, the other half is capturing them. A mixture of Bounty Hunter/Tracker and Trapper is typically found in these characters.


Everyone knows atleast one of these people. They spend more time with their animals than with other people, or they just seem to have a gift with them. Training the creatures may be a difficult process, but they seem to have figured out how to do it in a beneficial way.



Do you like to steal things? Well, that is what they do. They have a smooth and quick move of the hand and can be off with your sack of gold in seconds. Many of these characters have the ability and knowledge of how to break into houses and shops with simple tools.


They are charming people, knowing exactly what to say to make people do what they wish. The conman tend to have dark intentions and have the ability to get what they want. While they might not steal openly, conmen are known for swindling the elderly out of their money.


Poison specialists are a mixture of the rogue base class and the ‘alchemy’ profession. This group knows the exact mixture to place on a blade to ensure a death of a person. . . That death –may- not be quick and painless though.

Back-Alley Smuggler

Some goods are not always welcome within city limits; the smugglers have to figure out ways to get these ‘goods’ to their customers. They know exactly where to hide and what to say to who when transporting these goods and when selling them, they must be just as careful.


Every faction has them. The men and women who go undercover in order to find out top secret information about different organizations. Some people might not even know they have a spy within their ranks, and that is how they want it to be.

[Paladin, Priest]



Monks; armed fighters who use the light to fortify their bodies in order to keep them strong. These men (and women) are very disciplined and will devote their lives to furthering their knowledge in what ever faith or philosophy.



The people that are on the front lines helping and healing the injured. While they may (or may not) be able to use a sword, their strong points come in the form of healing through magic, bandages, or potions to help ease and fix the pain.



These men and women's objects are to purge the witches and warlocks of Azeroth and bring them down into a firey grave (hopefully one that isn't easily resurrected..). They will go to great lengths to find and kill the people they deem witches.


Preacher/Spiritual Leader





[Mage, Warlock]



Now you see me..Now you don't! Arcane can be used for many a things..But Illusions are probably some of the less used professions/classes. These people use the arcane to manipulate what the eye sees, maybe people cannot see them, maybe they see more..Or maybe they see something that is unexpected!

Portal Master

These magi specialize in teleportation, and make money off of it. They can help send you to locations across the world for a few reagents...And some gold. While it may be easy travel, motion-sickness and other side effects have been heard of.


Scholars! We all know what this is, but I will explain. Scholars are the people who study magic, culture, religion, whatever else in the search of knowledge and truth! They are constantly learning and are often seen with tutors or teachers.

Magical Caterer

You need food for a party? Come right down to the magical caterer kitchen! They can spawn food from no where and can deliver it too!

Street Magician





Redeemed Warlock


[Druid, Shaman]



Purifiers are people who attempt to, dur, purify lands, air, water, etc from contaminants such as pollution (Engineering), fel-taint, or invasive species (Anyone seen Silithus?).

Forest Ranger

These druids are people who spend their times protecting the forests by living in and blending with them. They will go to great lengths to ensure they are saved!






Your loved one died and you need to have a final few words with them before they pass. A medium is the person to seek. They speak and reach the spirits from the other side or those spirits who have been unable to pass.




Spiritual Leader

[Death Knight]

Death Knight



[Herbalism, Alchemy, Inscription, First Aid]


‘Herb’ Dealer

Herbs have plenty of uses...You can use them for cooking, for alchemy, for creating inks..Or even getting high. These dealers specialize in growing, preserving and selling these goods to the proper people.


Growing and enjoying plants, whether it is herbs, fruits, vegetables or flowers, is a main part of the gardeners purpose. While they might not create things with their plants, they do enjoy keeping them tidy and clean.


Florists use flowers and other plants to create arrangements for decorations, gifts or personal wears. They specialize in presentation and can make beautiful bouquets!


Potion Masters

Transmutation Specialist




Tattoo Artist

First Aid




[Skinning, Leather Working]

[Mining, Blacksmithing, Engineering, Jewelcrafting]

[Tailoring, Enchanting]

[Cooking, Fishing]

Updated! Sort of.

Will do more when I am more coherent.
Cressy.... + Guide... o.o It's good, either way.
A bit of snowflakeness isn't too bad all the time.
That is the point, nubcake. This is just showing how to take the base classes and turn them into unique life styles without being over powered or "mary sue". Ya get?
Hunters are Forest Rangers, nub. :P
Not much of a ranger if you can't use a bow.
Plus, the races that can be droods can already be huntards.
We don't mean the typical forest ranger, nublet! Once I go down and start explaining, you'll understand.
I'm keeping an eye on this. :3
( O_O) Oh!

( =_=) I see whut you did thar...
A very nice piece of guidance right here I see. This one was definitely necessary to open people's eyes to the variety they can grant to their character sheets. Thank you.
Updated a few more of these..Maybe I will do more later.
Firstly, I like what you are doing here! Keep up the list, as it can help create a lot of great RP from very common circumstance!

Just a note, I'm sure that, though it would be uncommon, that DK's could be used in many of the ways Warriors are. If I had a particularly apathetic char, a DK would make a nice, almost untiring form of manual labor, and DKs searching for a way to regain their former lifestyle may take an odd job just to feel some semblance of normal. Again, its not as likely, and not without the chance of the DK just flipping out and going on a murder spree, but it has a chance ^^
Updated once more! I am a bit tipsy still, so the ones might be awful...probably will look at this tomorrow morning and go, wtf?