Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Dual-Wielding WoW Clients
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Howdy doo, all. Beer

I was wondering if anyone out there would be interested in seeing a how-to guide for installing multiple WoW clients. I joined CotH pretty recently and sorted out how two run two separate clients on different patches in the process of transitioning from retail. I noticed that there don't really seem to be any guides floating around the web for running multiple clients; most of what I've seen either seems to think it can't be done or assumes you already know how to do it and are just trouble-shooting.

I figure I'm not the only person out there who likes the idea of having options (and it's a pretty simple trick to pull), so I thought I might write up a guide and drop it into the forums for whosoever should find it useful. That being said, I don't want to make unnecessary clutter either.

So, would anyone be interested in such a guide?
Uhm, I, myself, don't know how, my da downloaded CotH for me, but if you made it nubie-friendly, my BFF trying to get CotH and her 4.2 WoW on her computer would love you forever.
I am still half asleep, so your question is how to run both at the same time or..?

Forgive my wwoohooneess. But! Once I am more awake I could probably help, I have three different wows installed, one for retail, one for coth and another for another private server.
i would love to see such a guide, but it would be of no use to me as my computer has trouble running one wow client as is so...
(08-31-2011, 07:56 AM)Cressy Wrote: [ -> ]I am still half asleep, so your question is how to run both at the same time or..?

Forgive my wwoohooneess. But! Once I am more awake I could probably help, I have three different wows installed, one for retail, one for coth and another for another private server.

Haha, no no. I have two WoWs installed myself. My question is whether other folks on the server would like to have a guide on how to do that available to them. 'Cause I'm inclined to write one up.
Oh! Baha. Write one up if you like. Always good for people down the road.
I suppose my next question must be where would I put such a guide? "Articles & Guides" seem the obvious choice, but I get the impression that posting in those requires you be higher up the ladder than myself. XD I figured the tech support forum would be the next best thing, but maybe not?
Anyone can write a guide. Put it in that forum!

Thank you for taking the time to do this!
Do you mean the Articles/Guides forum? When I try to start a new thread in there, I get a page telling me I don't have permission to post there. 3: That was why I'd figured one needed to be a particular rank to post there.
You have to post in the general forums and if a mod enjoys it, they will move it. :3
I'd particularly like to know how to dual client on a Macintosh.
Cressy: That's more or less what I was thinking must happen. Thanks. :3

Anski: I did it on PC, so I'm not 100% sure about Mac. In theory, it should be the same method with some different names for things. I'm planning on stealing a friend's comp (since most of my friends have Macs) and clicking around to see what's where. IF one of them will let me, I'll actually try to do it as well. Either which way, I'm planning on trying to get some Mac guidance in there.
Sounds good! Go for it. ^^
The Macintosh application file hierarchy is vastly different than the Windows base. Current, non PowerPC types install as Applications like one would install Angry Birds on your iPhone. While there is a WoW folder, when it's installed, it installs as an application and gives you a warning that you're installing something you already have.
Hmmm... I'm gonna have to play with it and see if I can figure it out. One of my friends has agreed to let me install a second WoW on his Mac, so I'll have the opportunity. I'll defs get one up for how to do it with Windows, and if I can sort out how to do it via Mac, then I'll write that up too. Probs I'll write up the PC one sometime soon, and then edit in a Mac one later, if I can make it work.