Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Every Day I'm Trollin'
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[Image: signsquirrel.png]
(Pic unrelated, I just love Sareen)

Hello everyone. I've given 0 pre-emptive thought to this so, bear with me as I forge this post off of the top of my head.

As many could recall last night was a rather massive fistcuffs tourney in the midst of the troll ruins (Which were the Un-instanced Zul'Gurub). all in all I gave the entire zone and look over.

I swear if someone looked at me in real life, they could see the wheels and cogs in my head turning.

My thought is this CotH;

Should we use an uninstanced troll zone (Zul'Farak is my main thought at the moment) as a sort of battleground, would you all like to join in?

The idea is that after the prvious redicence were booted out by a group of nameless adventurers, there were two major factions of trolls that arose. A tribe of invading jungle trolls, who wanted to take over the lands in order to asure there is not another rise to the troll empire which threatened the world so long ago. The other faction would of course be playing homefield advantage, being that they want to take the ruins back for their own glorious cause in order to establish their dominance once more.

The series of events would be a series of of small (SMALL) Trusted PvP between two willing parties, mainly large PvE events where the E being the NPcs of the opposing faction, as well as normal RP where each side stays within their own side of the battlefield in order to talk tactics or just hang around.

By the end if it all, who's to say what happens! It would be up to you guys mainly!

Thoughts? Opinions? Torch-weilding mobs? Pitchfork-weilding mobs? Pitchforks-on-fire-weilding mob?

Quote:The series of events would be a series of of small (SMALL) Trusted PvP between two willing parties...

You have my attention, sir.
You already know you have my support. And my flaming pitchfork, because you stole it from me.
This sounds pretty interesting, actually. You has mine support, good sir.
Interesting, but I'm not too interested in PvE or PvP. I'll have to say ok, and put my mob on hold. (I can has them on hold? 0.o)
[Image: raise_thread.jpg]