Conquest of the Horde

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Kazu's gone missing and this is about what all went down. By the way. I'm not bringing Kazu back until the server restart

PS: If you want to know more about Ana, who was mentioned in the beginning of the story. Go here

Kazuru came to Shattrath in search of a man named Ian. Whoever Ian was, he was the person kind enough to stop Anasaria’s bleeding after Kazu accidentally broke her skull with a kick to the head. She mailed him so she could thank him in person but more importantly, she needed to see if he could help fix the damage that was still present in Ana’s state. Kazuru was wearing a dress that was white on the top half but pink at the bottom. She waited in the lower city on the stone bridge outside of the infirmary.

At around 6:00 AM and well dressed forsaken walked onto the bridge. He was carrying lantern and a very large hammer; it looked much too heavy for such a frail undead to carry. The forsaken stopped and looked at the pale Draenei “Are you the one who mailed me?” the forsaken asked. Kazu blinked and looked at the forsaken curiously “Are you Ian?” The forsaken nodded “I am Ian.” Kazuru clearly looked confused “Well I wasn’t expecting you to be a forsaken… How did you ever heal my friend with shadow magic?" The forsaken lifted his right hand showing that it was burnt up and very much damaged “Who said I ever used shadow?” He chuckled to himself but Kazuru simply looked shocked “Oh wow… That must have been painful… It seems rude for me to ask this after doing such a thing but… would it be possible for you to try to heal her again? My friend- well… if she still considers me one…- Ana is still in bad shape and I was hoping you would be able to help again….” Ian nodded “It might cost me an arm and a leg but I’ll see what I can do.” He chuckled to himself before catching a glimpse of the metallic left hand under Kazu’s sleeve. “…Excuse me ma’am… I don’t think I caught your name yet….” Kazu looked at her hand and back to Ian “Oh. I’m sorry. My name’s Kazuru.” The name seemed to hit Ian like a dagger, but he simply laughed “Ah! So you’re Kazuru. I’ve been looking for you for a while now.” Kazu seemed surprised that at his comment “Me? Why were you looking for me?” Ian shook his head “Eeeh… You’d scream if I told you… Listen. You’ll understand everything in a moment, but in the mean time can you do me a favor and go to sleep?” Ian’s eyes flickered at the command and the word ‘sleep’ echoed through Kazuru’s head. Before Kazu even had a chance to respond, she found herself falling from the feeling of light headedness. The only thing Kazu could think about was sleep, then suddenly everything went black.

Ian caught the small little Draenei with an ‘Oof!’. Ian grumbled a bit “Crud… Your heavier then you look…” It was true too. Despite being a very small Draenei Kazu’s mechanical limbs were anything but light weight. Ian looked around at a few people who were staring at the situation. Ian looked back to Kazuru and tried to act like her ghoul to ease suspicion “Master?! Why you sleepy sleep?!”

Ian was able to keep the act going and dragged Kazuru to the infirmary. Luckily no one was there. Ian laid her on a bed and sighed before the sunrise caught his eye. He stared at it as if it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Ian was a bit of an odd ball for things like this. Along side of his religion of the church of shadows he also harbored the strange belief that we were all a part of a story book. It was a belief brought on by insanity from being the test subject for some mages illusion magic. It was moments like these that he considered to be ‘climatic’.

Ian sighed to himself “It’s so beautiful….” He looked back to Kazuru “Ok… I suppose it’s time…” He opened a scroll and grabbed Kazu’s hand. He chanted some words from the scroll before a Draenei walked into the infirmary and looked straight at the forsaken. “Hey! What are you doing in here?!” Ian finished reading the scroll and looked at the Draenei. He merely chuckled and said “That’s all folks!” After he said his line to make the ‘story’ that much more interesting him and Kazuru were teleported out of the infirmary.
Greg and Ian talking about Kazuru and Greg's future plans for her.


It was dark and filthy. Spiders had left their cobwebs all over what seemed to be a lab of sorts. Bolts, screws, unused rusted wrenches, papers, and blood acted as the room’s carpet. It was a mess. Kazuru was on a table, unconscious, and bound at the wrists and legs. Greg, a gnomish Death Knight, entered the room. Greg was awfully small, even for a gnome. He was pale skinned, had pale hair, along with side burns and a goatee. His most noticeable quality was a metal back pack he was wearing that had four tentacle-like mechanical appendages. Controlling the appendages was a small little calculator the Greg never took his hands off of. He continuously punched in numbers and codes, each code being one of millions of actions for his mechanical limbs to perform. Two of the mechanical tendrils met with the ground and opened up in three directions to give the pack more stability as it raised Greg off the ground and he walks over his piles of junk. Greg seemed to be in his own little world, thinking to himself, calculating, punching numbers in his head, the very numbers that made him who he is today: a monster. Greg seemed so preoccupied that he didn’t even notice Kazuru strapped to the table as he passed. Ian was sitting on the far side of the room as he watched Greg walk in completely oblivious to his catch.

“Hello to you too...” Ian said. Greg mumbles “Huh? Oh... Yeah. Sure. And a happy wintersvale to you too…”. Ian sighes to himself “Sir… It’s Septmber…”. Greg didn’t seem to be listening; he was simply having a small glass of water. Ian looked rather annoyed “Look. I can tell that you changed you mind about this girl so I’ll-“. Greg cuts him off, “Girl? What girl?” He turned around to see Kazuru on the table. Greg’s face seemed to twitch to would one might call a smile. The mechanical appendages carry him over to the table and he looms over the sleeping Kazuru.

Ian looked the Draenei up and down and then looked over to Greg “What do you need her for exactly?” Greg looked up to Ian still holding his scary smile “She’s the best experiment I’ve ever made.” Ian clearly looked confused “Explain?”. Greg’s mechanical appendages pick him up off the table and walk him around the room “A girl who is completely handicapped. Lost her arm and both her legs in a…” Greg chuckles lightly “…accident…. What do I do? I give her those limbs back!- But why stop there? Three limbs are completely operational, but what about four limbs? Maybe a heart, a kidney, a lung, A BRAIN! What if I was able to make a mechanical being by simply using the original flesh and bone as blue print?” Ian looked down at the girl “Why this girl though? You’ve been search for her for so long, why didn’t you just find someone else?”. Greg responded “Because she’s already got the three limbs. I’m not going to do the same experiment on someone else. It’d be a waste of time. Only a fool repeats the same procedure and expects a different result. I had other experiments to test anyways and had no time for starting over on old ideas.” Ian nods slowly “I see… so that’s your plan. You plan to rip this girl apart, piece by piece and put her back together again.” Greg turned around to face Ian in shock “What in the world makes you think I’d do that?!” Ian yells at Greg clearly annoyed and confused “YOU JUST SAID-“ Greg responds quickly almost cutting Ian off “Oh I know what I said. I was merely talking in theory was all… Though after ranting about it, it does seem like a good idea… Thanks for pointing it out to me!” Ian covers his face with his palm and walks out of the room “Whatever…”

Greg stays in the lab and forages through all his stuff, picking up paper after paper, blue print after blue print. He found the design he used to make Kazu’s artificial limbs “Ah ha!” Gregs mechanical tendrils pick up up off the ground and he walks over to Kazuru. He grins placing the blue prints down on the table before Kazu’s shoulder bag catches his eye. Greg raises an eye brow and looks through her bag. He pulls out Kazuru’s diary. Greg skimmed through it learning everything about Kazu’s personal life, but Greg was more surprised that she even had a personal life…. Aren’t Death Knights supposed to be… empty?
Greg's new plan. I think their might have been a curse word in their... I forgot... Regaurdless, I'm putting it in a spoiler.


Ian walked into to lab drinking some lemonade. The second the door opens a claw grabs Ian by the shirt and pulls him into the room, “WOAH!” He merely gets pulled and then lifted off the ground dangling in front of Greg. “There you are!” Greg said holding Ian off the ground with one of his mechanical tentacles, in the grasp of the other claw was a book. Ian honestly didn’t care about that book, he seemed annoyed as usual “Can you put me down?” Greg places Ian down without question. Ian pats down his clothes “Thanks…”

Ian sighs “So. What’s got you so worked up?” Greg holds the book out in front of Ian “This!”. Ian gestures to the book “And what is –this-???” Greg smack him over the head with the book “It’s a diary of course!” Ian covers his head “Ooooow…. So what?” Greg raises his hands to his sides, a rare occasion because Greg hands are normally glued to his backpack controls “What do you mean ‘so what’?! Don’t you get it?! This isn’t normal!” Ian continues to rub his head “So what? A lot of girls write in diar-“ Greg interrupts quickly “But not Death Knights! We’re empty, cold, blank.” Ian walks up to him “It’s just a hobby… It’s like your experimenting thing. You do it without reason. Just out of pure ha-” Greg swings the book at him again but Ian ducks this time “Stop that!” Greg yells back “I will when you stop being stupid! The content of this diary isn’t just filled with daily events! It’s filled with emotions, feelings, well placed writing structure, rhythm! This doesn’t make the least bit of sense! You could get more self expression out of a chalk board-…” Greg stops suddenly staring off into the distance. Ian looked like he was about to say something but Greg swing his arms off to the side and knocks Ian to the ground “THAT’S IT!” Ian groans in pain. He was about to get up but then gets pushed to the ground as one of Greg’s claws steps on him when it starts pacing Greg around the room. Greg starts his rant as he paces around “Why didn’t I think of it before?! A chalk board! That’s exactly what Kazuru is! A chalk board! Sure a chalk board can be empty –BUT- it can be filled with ideas! Kazuru has always kept a diary. –Always-. And what happens when this Death Knight gains her consciousness? She reads her old diaries! She gets filled with the ideas and emotions that one puts into a diary! Said in ways that the owner can understand. Ways that can make them cry. Ways that can make them laugh! Ways that can make them mad!”

Greg picks Ian up off the ground and places him on his feet “Why make her a robot when I can just program her when she’s organic?” Ian sighs “Well there’s one small proble-“ Greg cuts him off again “And how will I do that you would ask? Easily! She’s a chalk board and waiting for new ideas! I’ll flush her memory down the drain and tell her about a history and personality that I made up!” Ian grumbles “But there’s one-“ Greg cuts him off yet again “Oh this is brilliant! I’ll start right away! I’ll need a hammer. Some paper. A pen-“ Ian yells at Greg “Oi! I’m trying to say something!!!” Greg looks at Ian with a raised eye brow “… So say it… Jeez…” Ian grumbles “How do you plan on doing all this when she’s asleep?” Greg looks over to Kazuru, who is still in a deep sleep. “Uh…” Greg looks back to Ian "What did you do exactly? She’s been like that for a few days…” Ian shrugs “I don’t know. I used shadow magic and commanded her to sleep-“ Ian gets hit with the claw holding the book again and falls to the floor. “YOU DUMBASS! DEATH KNIGHTS DON’T SLEEP! The most she’s probably doing is meditating, it’s probobly her idea of ‘sleep’.” Ian rubs his head “Ow… So what do you want me to do?” Greg picks him off the ground and places him next to the table that the Draenei was lying “I want you to give her the command to wake up. Duh! She’s not asleep, so you can probably still give her orders…”

Ian leaned over next to Kazuru’s ear and whispered “Wake up…” The voice echoed through Kazuru’s mind and Kazuru instantly wakes up as if she was in a nightmare. She looked down at her arms and legs that were restrained to the table. She tried to free herself but the only arm that seemed to move was her right arm, her only arm that wasn’t mechanical. Greg smiles looking at her struggle “There’s no sense in trying to break free. I removed the blood from the prosthetics that allowed movement.” Kazu’s eyes open wide as she hears Gregs voice. She doesn’t even look “Gr-….Greg…” Greg smiles and strides over to the table looking down at Kazu “Greggarous Fiddloper! In the flesh!” Kazu couldn’t speak. She was petrified with fear. Greg looked down at her scared face and smirked “My my my. Now look at what those emotions did to you. They’re making you not operate correctly. But that’s ok! Ol’ Greg is here to fix all those bugs and glitches!... IAN!” Ian walks over with a sigh. “Ian. I want you to get rid of her memories.” Kazuru shakes her head “No!” Ian walked over to Kazuru and put his hand on her head to keep her still “Be more specific… name off what you want me to erase.” Greg’s claw hold’s Kazu’s diary open in front of his face and smirks “Well let’s start at page one… ‘Dear Diary, my friend Kalisha bought me a new diary after I had to give Kavok my old one… I hope Kavok doesn’t hate me for what he learns.’ Kalisha and Kavok, erase them.” Ian uses the dark command of his mind control ability and Kazu feels the warm memories of Kalisha and her troubled friend Kavok slip away. Greg flips the page ’Dear Diary, I met my old friend Neraali when I was working at the bar. I’m so happy because it seems like she’s getting use to me being a Death Knight’. Neraali and her job” Those thoughts slip away into the darkness. ‘Dear Diary, I am finally reunited with my dad.’ Her father, erase him.” Kazu whimpers and sobs, but soon enough she forgets why she was sad in the first place. Greg continues with the listing of things to erase. Kalisha, Kavok, Nerali, her job, her father, Alcon, Tabby, Ruhna, Talesta, all forgotten. Greg licks his fingers and smiles as he turns the next page ‘Dear diary… I miss Septimus.’-“ Kazu screams at the top of her lungs. “NOOOO! PLEASE! ANYONE BUT HIM! DON’T TAKE HIM FROM ME!” Greg flips the page and looks up to Kazu. He grins “Septimus. Erase him!” Kazuru cries trying to keep Septimus’s image in her head. Her handsome prince, the one person who made her feel like she was actually alive, the one that she’d trade the world for slips away from her minds grasp. She couldn’t take anymore of the torture and she passes out.

Ian pats her face and tries to wake her up again. “Er… Ello?... Wake up…” Greg blinks and looks at his watch “3:31 PM. Subject has finally passed out from an hour and fifteen minutes of having her memory erased.” Greg walks off to record the results on paper.

Kazuru without her memories. Before you start reading I would like to note that I've changed the point of veiw to third person limited (for this chapter) so people can get the feel of Kazu's memory loss. I just wanna make sure there's no misunderstanding while reading. April = Kazuru.


In a cluttered lab was a Draenei Death Knight, unconscious on a table. She was pale with green hair and was wearing a white dress that was pink on the bottom half, though the dress was stained with blood. The world was full of chirping insect that sang in the mornings dew as the Draenei regained her consciousness. She sat up in the table and rubbed her head with her left hand. A metallic feeling was of smooth metal was felt touching her forehead. She looked up to see what it was only to realize it was her hand but she could feel nothing inside the gauntlet…. She had a confused look on her face and tried to take the gauntlet off but it was stuck. She moved her legs off the side of the table… odd… there was no feeling in the legs either which were also covered in armor just like her left hand. The only limb that did not have armor was her right hand which could still feel the coolness of the air in the room… No… Not coolness… coldness. The room was freezing. She looked around the room and it was only then that she started to ask questions… Where was she...? What happened...? And most importantly… Who was she...?

A small and pale gnomish Death Knight opened the door and entered the room. His entrance was followed by an even more intense feeling of cold. The gnome looked up to the Draenei “Ah. Good morning. How long have you been awake?” The Draenei took a long pause before a voice from behind her answered “She just woke up.” The Draenei turns around instantly to face the voice to see a Forsaken leaning against the wall. How did she not see him? The Draenei turns back to the gnome “Where am I and who are you?” Her voice lacked both fear and aggravation. It was just empty and straight forward with her runic echo. A mechanical backpack sprouted long coil like appendages that lifted the gnome off the ground and walked him over to the girl. “I’m guessing you don’t remember much. My name is Greggarous Fiddloper, but I suppose you can call me Greg... And just know that you’re safe. Where is not important.” The Draenei blinks "Safe from what exactly?" The gnome laughed "Wow. You honestly don't remember -anything- do you...?Some zealotous blood elves where trying to exorcise you. They did leave some damages but it could have been much worse...." The Draenei looked at her arm "And my arm? Why can't I feel anything?" The gnome frowned and sighed "Your memory wasn't the only thing that was damaged... Your left arm from half way up the elbow... Your left leg from the knee down... Your entire right leg... they're all mechanical... It was all I could do. I'm sorry..." The Draenei sighed and put her hand back to her side though she clearly didn't seem at all worried and afraid after knowing this fact... Thus showing the emptiness of a Death Knight. "I can move... I geuss that counts for something." The gnome chuckled but the Draenei remained expressionless "Ming telling me who I am Gnome?" The Gnome opens his mouth to say something but gets interrupted by the undead "Your name is April." April looks back to the undead who spoke up for once "You've been rather quiet this whole time.... I'm guessing I knew you?" The gnome quickly interrupts to answer the question "Barely... He's just been helping me with some resent jobs. Ian's his name." April looks back to Greg"Well did I know you?" Greg nods "Yes. You were my lab assistant." April nods slowly "Do I have any friends or family?" Greg shakes his head "I'm afraid it's a rather lonely path as a Death Knight... You never really seemed all that motivated to make 'friends' and frankly most people shunned you away anyways... As for your family, your mom is dead and your father-" Ian interrupts "-is also dead..." The gnome seemed to be rather aggravated about something and he agreed but almost sounded reluctant to say it "Yes... Your father is also dead...."

Greg clears his thought "April you should lay down and rest... I'm need to have a talk with Ian in private." April lies down and looks at the ceiling with her hands behind her head. Ian follows Greg outside and Greg closes the door as they walk out. April merely looked at the ceiling and sighed patiently waiting. Empty, patient, and obedient to anyone who can give them purpose to replace the emotions they've lost. Thus is the way of the Death Knight.

Warning. The next chapter is bloody and graphic. Viewer descrasion is advised.

EDIT: Sorry about that. I realize I never added the color. Also I was in such a rush I made a few dumb mistakes while writing. There fixed now. Enjoy.


Greg and Ian head outside leaveing April (formerly known as Kazuru) inside to rest. It was rather grey out. It looked like it was about to rain soon. Greg and Ian continued to walk down the path, until they reached a bridge. Greg then turned around to face Ian.

Ian had his hands in his pockets as he looked at the gnome "So what's up? Why'd you take me outside?" Greg frowns and suddenly one of the mechanical claws darted at Ian and grabbed him by the collar, lifting him off the ground over the edge of the bridge. Ian grabbed at the claw trying to hang on incase the claw drops him "Hey! What are you doing?!" Greg growls under his breath showing his teeth "You... You... USELESS COMPOSITION OF ROTTING FLESH! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?!" Ian grins to himself but it couldn't be seen by Greg cause the claw was in the way of his face "No. What exactly did I do?" Greg yells at Ian "You used an eponym for Kazuru's name!!!" Ian knew darn well what he did wrong but he'd never heard the word 'eponym' before so he paused for a second in confusion "Uh... Define eponym...." Greg sighs clearly annoyed by people’s lack of knowledge "An eponym is a name derived from a word, or vice versa... Kazuru's name couldn't have been April because the Draenei have never known the word 'April' until they landed on Azeroth and learned common." Ian paused for a moment "...Honest mistake. I'm sure it's no big deal." Greg quickly responded in an aggressive tone "No big deal?! If she realizes this she'll realize I've been lying to her! She'll raises suspicion and my experiment will fall apart...! And that's not all... If she realizes her father isn't actually dead then not only will she raise suspicion. She'll realize that I have both motive and a goal to lie to her..." Ian looked down at the 50 to 60 foot drop "It's not like I meant to!" Greg swings Ian from side to side over the pit "Oh? Is that so? Well then why were you so desperate to cut me off? If you were so quite the whole time then what was it about those two facts that made you speak up?" Ian looks back to Greg and sighs with a smile "Heh... Looks like you got me...." Greg quickly throws Ian up into the air and then caught him again by his foot. Ian screams and panics as he's thrown into the air. He calms down a bit when he was caught. Greg grits his teeth "What is your motive damn it?! If you didn't want things to go like this why even kidnap her in the first place?!" Ian looks to the ground and then to Greg "I thought it'd be interesting and climatic to bring a villain like you into the story... But in the end the story always ends the same... The good guy always wins." Greg's jaw drops and his eye twitches "You... THAT'S COMPLETELY POINTLESS! WHAT DOES THAT SOLVE?! You’re telling me you did all that because you thought it'd be 'interesting'???" Ian blinks. It made perfect sense to him in his mind. "My love of plot it just about as irrational as your love for experiments. Perhaps I am crazy, but on the other hand so are you." Greg pulls Ian in close so he can look him in the face "I am not crazy... I am a scientist..." Greg drops him on the bridge.

Ian slowly gets back to his feet "Oh thank goodness. I thought you were goin-" Ian’s speech is cut short as the same claw grabs Ian's face. From the center of the claw, water is sprayed in Ian's face which quickly freezes. Greg press the finally number on his hand held calculator. The claw crushes Ian's head and it shatters, leaving pieces of the forsaken's frozen head scattered on the bridge. Greg sighs leaving the body on the bridge as he walks back to his lab. Enraged, cold, and merciless. Thus is the way of the Death Knight.

Kazu's first time out in the world and meets her old friend Kalisha. By the way. The Third Person Limited point of view was interesting the first time but I don't think I'll be doing it anymore (or at least not to the degree I did last time).


The Death Knight formerly known as Kazuru lied on the table for a whole twenty seconds after Greg and Ian left. She honestly didn’t feel like resting, but then again she honestly didn’t feel anything. She looked around the room looking for something…. Anything… She wasn’t sure what she was looking for but she needed to find it. Eventually a book caught her eye and Kazuru bent down to pull it out from under the piles of clutter on the floor. She flipped it open and she began to read.

Emotions… Eh… It’s odd honestly… I barely understood emotions when I was alive, and reading my notes from when I –was- alive doesn’t help me to understand it too well…. Still… I have reason to believe that Death Knight have ‘emotions’. This is an odd concept to write down and the very structure of my last sentence seems very irrational, but frankly I don’t know what word to use besides ‘emotions’.... I mean, yes, technically by definition we don’t have emotions, but if that statement is 100% true then what drives us? Emotions are what drive all beings on this universe, without emotions then we would never have goals nor motive. If in fact Death Knights were incapable of feeling –anything- then we would be very lethargic, but we’re not. We kill people we ‘want’ (want is also a weird word to use) to kill, and a few Death Knights (including myself) even have hobbies. What is it that drives us? Is it emotion or is it something else? Perhaps it’s the chemical addiction to emotions (see description on page 467). Maybe it’s not the actual feeling but the narcotic need to do fill the requirements to ones addictive goals. All I can really say is that describing this is complex EVEN FOR ME! It’s like trying to describe colors to a color blind person. I’ll just end my notes with this comment right here. Being a Death Knight makes me feel empty like a machine… And this idea is pleasing to me.

Kazuru blinked and placed down the notes. She continued to look around the room. Greg told her to stay and rest but there was a drive telling her to do the exact opposite. What the drive was was still unknown to her, but she needed to fulfill the drives command, regardless of her little understanding of what it was or where it came from.

Kazuru grabbed a bag on the table that she guessed was hers and also grabbed a few papers from off the floor and put them in her bag. She changed into black shorts and a hooded black shirt. She put on a metal face plate and threw her hood up. She walked out the door without any problem (Greg never locked it because he honestly never thought this would happen). She just continued to walk in a random direction until she finally came to the walls of Shatrath. She entered and continued to walk around the city examining its architecture and its people. Eventually her walk came to an end (after four times of circling the city) and she sat down on a bridge in front of an infirmary. She decided instead of walking around looking for an unknown goal she’d instead just think for a bit and try to determine what that goal was.

Her thinking was cut short as a human walked on the bridge and looked at Kazu. She had black hair and white robes, along with a white mask, and a staff. She stared at Kazuru for a bit (mainly focusing on Kazuru’s mechanical arm) and said “Excuse me.” Kazuru didn’t turn to face the girl who spoke to her; she was just lost staring into a single point in space, but she did have enough consciousness to remotely respond “Hmm?” The girl walked up closer to Kazuru with a smile on her face “I’ve been searching everywhere for you ma’am! I was starting to get worried when you never sent that letter.” Kazuru turned around to face the girl “Letter?” The human girl blinked “Uh… Yes. You told me you’d send a letter if you were gone for more than a day…” Kazuru raised an eye brow “…Do I know you?” The girl removes her mask and smiles to Kazuru but the Draenei merely blinks still unsure of whom she was talking to. Kalisha frowned “Uh… It’s… It’s me ma’am… Kalisha…” Kazuru turned back to face out into the distance “I don’t know that name. I think you got the wrong person.” Kazuru didn’t doubt that this girl knew her; she was well aware of her loss of memory, but she was trying to focus on her thoughts so she lied in hopes of getting the girl to go away. Kalisha turned a little red clearly seeming rather upset “I…. You… Um… Ma’am are you alright?” Kazuru sighed “I had some memory loss so I’m sorry if in fact I knew you and I forgot… What was your friend’s name?” Kalisha stuttered “K-Kazuru.” Kazuru found her spot in space to focus on and her view seemed to be fixed again “You got the wrong person. My name is April.” Once again she didn’t doubt this girl’s statement, but she wanted to be left alone in her thoughts. Kalisha shook her head “No… I can’t be mistaken… I mean… your arm… Ma’am this isn’t funny.” Kazu lost focus again and faced Kalisha. She stood up and took off her hood and mask “Look… I’m sure I probably look a lot like your friend, but I’m not her… In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a Death knight. We don’t make friends.” Kalisha blinks a few times trying her best to hold back tears.”Ma’am you’re my friend…” None of this girl’s statements seemed false except for this one. For some reason Kazu couldn't imagine or understand the thought of her having friends. It didn’t make sense to her so Kalisha’s statement was dismissed “Listen… Kalisha was it…? I’m a Death Knight… That means I don’t make friends… I don’t need friends… I don’t want friends… and they don’t want me….” Kalisha shed a few tears and raised her voice “Ma’am I don’t want you as a friend… I need you as one! You’re my only friend besides Tabby.” Kazuru shook her head “I don’t understand friends Kalisha… They don’t make sense to me… and I’m too empty to give a damn.” Kalisha held her hand up to her face and she started to weep. Kazu just sat down and looked out into the distance again. The crying didn’t seem to affect her at all except in the sense that it was a tad loud and irritating. Kalisha walked away.

The Death Knight started to think to herself about her drive and her existence. Was she living or was she a machine? A machine has a drive and a goal but it doesn’t require emotions or reason behind what it does. What it does need though is someone to control it, and the person at the control was her. This thought lead on to a long paradox that she eventually dismissed because she realized it wasn’t getting her anywhere. Kalisha soon entered her mind and the timing of the thought was perfect, because Kalisha soon returned.

Kalisha took a deep breath “Your name is Kazuru. You’re about 6000 years old. You lived on Draenor and the Exodar before it crashed and you ran away and met a gnome named Greg who did that to your arm and legs. You broke your arm and you came here looking for someone.” Kazuru sighed “I don’t know anything about my age, my life on the Exodar or Draenor. My arm is clearly not broken. The only part you seemed to have gotten right was the part about Greg.” Kalisha sat next to and asked her what happened but Kazu seemed to ignore or push aside Kalisha's questions to think.
Kalisha hugged Kazu tightly crying. Kazu asked her multiple times to quiet down because she was trying to focus. Eventually Kazuru stood up and walked away.

Kalisha followed her and grabbed Kazu’s hand “Ma’am wait!” Kazuru sighed “You can’t follow me… I’m not sure if your dangerous or not and I’m heading outside.” Kalisha yelled “Why would I want to hurt you?! You’re my friend!” Kazu thought to herself for a moment “If I tell you I’ll meet you here tomorrow will you stop following me?” Kalisha looked Kazu in the eyes “Promise me.” Kazu shrugs “Sure. Fine. I promise.” Kalisha let go of her hand and Kazu walked away “If I don’t see you here, don’t expect me to wait for you. If you don’t show up I’m leaving…” Kazuru honestly didn’t understand what the point to a promise was so her promises could easily be broken. On the other hand though she didn’t have a reason to –not- show up either.
I've been a little lazy lately while writeing about Kazu's story so I desided to sum up some of the important RPs in a diary entry that Kazu made.

Dear Diary,

… Jeez… It must’ve been a while since I’ve written those words… It must have been at least a few weeks… Well I find it ridiculous to write this down to -remind- myself that I have forgotten everything…. I woke up in the presence of a gnome by the name of Greg. He told me my name was April but after a lot of proof from a girl named Kalisha I learned my name is apparently Kazuru. I met Kalisha on a bridge somewhere in Shattrath and I think I can honestly call her a… ‘friend’…. I realize the concept for a Death Knight to have a friend is odd but… I don’t know… there’s something about her that I like more than killing.

Oh that reminds me. My first kill upon waking up happened recently. It was… very satisfying…. Whenever I kill I have a flood of emotions… I don’t know what those emotions are but the point is that I can feel them. Whether it’s sadness, happiness, lust, or rage, it makes me feel less empty.

Now here’s where the bad news comes in… The girl I mentioned earlier, Kalisha, she doesn’t like it when I kill. Sometime she’ll even cry when I show my obsession for it and… the sight of her tears hit me like a dagger. Whenever she cries all I want is for her to stop. I’m not sure if its annoyance… or sadness… or magic but I –don’t- like it…. I hate the sight of her crying more then I hate starvation from killing. Still, I think she’s starting to understand that I –need- to kill. I’ll just try to keep it to a minimum and not talk about it so much in front of her.

I’ve been trying to occupy my time lately to keep my mind off killing. I think this diary is helping more than anything else I’ve tried. Things like my boyfriend… Yes… I know… Apparently I have one…. Septimus was his name. He’s a Blood Elf Death Knight. It seemed rather unbelievable at first for two spawns of death to be dating, but after I saw his personality (concerned, loving, and wanting to hug me every five seconds) I was starting to not doubt the stories about me being a kind and caring person. I questioned if we were even still together because it almost seems like the old me was dead. He told me that we were still together; which I didn’t mind honestly… It’s true, I don’t feel a thing for Septimus, but at the same time there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with carrying the title ‘girlfriend’. It won’t kill me so I might as well just play along, and besides, I might get my emotions back eventually… it happened once. It can happen again. We’re living in a house in Booty Bay. When we first got there it turns out something was missing. Septimus said I had thousands of diaries in the room and they were all missing. Didn’t seem like he was making it up, because the door locks were broken (and he had like… 50 doors locks… on a steel door…). We didn’t talk too much… he asked if having sex would help keep my mind of killing. I was curious but turned him down. At the moment I couldn’t stop thinking about killing so I left that day to kill a squirrel (I never told Kalisha that. I hope she doesn’t find out).

Not only did I have a boyfriend… apparently I also had a girlfriend at some point… the idea of this boggles my mind. For the longest time I was thinking love was a desire to reproduce, but it seems like it’s a lot more then that… -A LOT MORE-… Cause apparently I’m not the only odd ball. Kalisha is also dating a girl named Tabby. She was here a little while ago. I started writing when she left. Kalisha was concerned that Tabby didn’t love her like she loved her other partners… I know nothing about love but it wasn’t too hard for me to figure out that if she loved them so much then she would still be with them…

Hmm… What else is there to write about?

Ah. Right. I was talking to another Death Knight recently. Cold and emotionless like me. After talking for a little bit about emotions (easier to relate to a Death Knight than to a living person) I showed him the paper I stole from Greg about Death Knight emotions, motives, and drives. He seems rather interested in it and even said he understood it (and honestly it did make a lot of sense). I agreed to stay in contact with him and I’m most likely going to try to find Greg’s lab again to see if I can steal more documents... If any of them can help me understand things about emotions, or myself, then I need them.
Seems I'm going to be absent for quite some time, but doesn't mean I can make a few IC posts on Kazu's story here and there.

Kazuru walked into her house after unlocking the 50+ locks Septimus put on the steel enforced door. It was a little annoying to do at first but she’d gotten used to it. When she opened the door she was greeted by the mechanical cat, Kat.

Kazu looked down at it “…Hello…” Kat looked up and gave a robotic sounding ‘meow’. Kazu rolled her eyes and looked around the room. Septimus hadn’t been home in a while. Kazu wanted to tell him she was leaving but she hadn’t seen him since she first realized he even existed. She sighed and walked over to the bed. After dropping her bag on the floor she sat down on the bed and heard the sound of crumbling paper. She quickly stood up and looked at the letter and heart shaped purple rock she sat on. “… I need to pay more attention to my surroundings…” She looked around realizing she was talking to herself. Odd, she’d never done that before. Kazu looked at the heart shaped rock which was engraved with a picture of Kazu kissing Septimus. She blinked curiously. What was so special about this ‘kissing’ thing? She opened the letter and read it.

Dear Kazuru,
I must venture off and have left Kat in charge of the room while you are away. She has been re-programmed to withstand much more damage and will watch you unless you leave the Bay. As long as you stay within the limits Kat will walk alongside you.

Kazu’s reading seemed to be interrupted as a few red spots on the paper took her attention away from the words of the letter. She continued reading.

Apologies about this blood. I appear to have cut my neck somehow. Anyways, I will hopefully return soon, but if not, please take care of the little guys who love you almost as much as I do. And please stay safe.

I don't know what I'd do if I found something happened to you.

Farewell Kazuru, my love, and I shall return soon!


Kazu blinked at the letter, not sure as to what she should feel. Why couldn’t she feel anything? Suddenly something caught her eye. Right where Septimus’s signature was she noticed the letters were slightly blurred as if water got on the letter. Tears maybe? Suddenly a burst of frustration hit Kazu and she punched the wall. Why couldn’t she cry? Why couldn’t she love? Why couldn’t she feel anything else except for rage? Greg took the one thing that made her life-like, she wanted it back. She was about to storm out of the house but stopped. She turned back to face the room to notice Kat looking up at her. “I should probably write to tell him where I’m going huh?” She shook her head “Why in the world am I asking you? Have I gone mad? You can’t talk… You’re not even living…” Kat blinked and tilted his head. Kazu sighed “Well I guess I’m the same… mechanical and unliving…” Kazu wrote a letter for Septimus.

Dear Septimus,

I got your note but unfortunately I will not be able to stay. My lack of emotions towards people is frustrating me, so I decided I’m going to find Greg and –take- my emotions back. Do try to make sure your neck is looked at. Death Knights can’t die from bleeding but still. I’ll continue writing to you tokeep you informed on what’s happening.


Kazu folded the letter and put it in an envelope, but before she closed the envelope she paused. She took out the letter again and scribbled out the word ‘From’ and replaced it with ‘Love’. She put the letter back in the envelope and sealed it shut. She left it on the table. She grabbed her stuff, opened the door and left.

She saw a Blood Elf in blue robes with a book in his hand. He looked like a mage. Kazu walked up to him “Excuse me, are you a mage?” The man looked to the Death Knight a little startled by the echo. “Uh… Oh. Yes I am. Why?” Kazu held out a few coins “I need to get to Shattrath. Do you think you can cast a portal there?” The man bit his lip “I’m still kind of starting out but I might be able to do it…” He opened his book looking for the portal spell. Kazu waited patiently for the man to open the portal when suddenlt she heard a robotic ‘meow’. She turned around to see Kat “Oh… I forgot you’re designed to follow me in the bay… well I’m leaving now so you can just go home…” Kat didn’t leave, he just tilted his head and let out another robotic ‘meow’. The Blood Elf opened the portal “Alright. I got it.” Kazu looked to him and then back to Kat “Go on… shoo…” Kat tilted his head the other way. The Blood Elf sighed “Miss. I’m new at this. I can’t hold the portal open forever.” Kazu looked at him and back to Kat “…Fine… You can come too…” Kazu walked through the portal and Kat followed soon after.