Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Funeral for wolves.
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Razial could only sit there in the den and comfort the she wolf, as it bawled on the floor. Despite what many people believed, animals had emotion, often more than most sentient creatures in Azeroth. They showed it more freely than sentient's as well, although their methods of doing so were not well understood by most cultured people. "Which is one of the reasons druids are so necessary I suppose." He thought to himself as he rubbed the wolf again. He was comforting the wolf because seven of children of her pack had come to his aid, and died as a result. That anyone could freely be allowed to cause so much pain was appalling to him. "Even if it is the end of me, I will punish the one responsible for this..." He said softly.
After the pack mother's cries had subsided, Razial led her outside to of the den to where her slain children lay. She approached each one and sniffed them, partly to ensure they were hers and partly to express her sadness at their fate. Then she went back to the entry of the den, and began to howl the lamentations that accompany every funeral of a pack member. Razial howled in echo of her song, as did all the other wolves who heard the song. "In all the culture of the different races who fight each other for control of this world, all the society and all the might. In all of the races who name themselves as higher than the beasts they often slaughter, when it comes down to it they have lost to nature. All that culture and sophistication, all that power and might, all it accounts to is just how depraved they are, just how low they are willing to sink to get what they want. And in the end, it matters little. For in the end, We all return to that which allowed our birth. In the end, we all become a part of this world...."Were his last thoughts before the end of that night.